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Remove/Change Wiz PE

Should we remove Wiz PE or fix the map difficulty?

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  • Poll closed .


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven
Different difficulties would probably just encourage people to go for the easier one - you don't get as good a reward, but considering you probably wouldn't get any reward for doing the harder one, most people probably would end up doing the easier.


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Different difficulties would probably just encourage people to go for the easier one - you don't get as good a reward, but considering you probably wouldn't get any reward for doing the harder one, most people probably would end up doing the easier.

Which would be the point, people that are bad at parkour can still enjoy the class. If I had one change to make, I would make the easy offer no HP and a middling amount of AC, in so that if you can do the Hard one it is always better.


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
WizPE classes are one of (if not just) my fav classes. I have gotten better at parkour bc of them which I like :)

I prefer them to Assignment classes, as you actually do something except reading and writing - I used to prefer these but now i want an activity and I'm extremely happy when there is :D Like 100's of ppl have said IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT GO <--- I don't tend a lot of assignment classes bc I don't enjoy them as much (if i do join i normally end up leaving unless we do something than just assignment), but I like WizPE.

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Ik the user deleted his account but I would like to add on to this:
I know most of you here, if you don't i'm Keira. Now, I am SO BAD at parkour, like @Cate said, I have only made it to like level 5 XD All the Class Helpers and Profs are so nice, I love talking in chat and joking around with friends, tbh I find it funny when I fall, especially if like invs goes off and I get pushed off, and even though I am not good at parkour, Wiz PE is one of my FAVORITE classes, all the class helpers and profs will help me, classmates and friends too, Idc about ac, idc about being the best, to me, if I have fun, and try my best, that is all that counts!



Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Motionic
Dark Follower Griffin Vampire
Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for discussing this idea. It's amazing to hear all of your opinions! I will bring it up with the other poltergeists and we will discuss it further. Feel free to continue discussion at the same time as every comment is taken into account. I will reply to the thread with our decision once it has been made. Until then, have a wonderful day everyone!


Minecraft IGN: Yoru1E
Understanding that there is a divide between us frustrated ones and people like Matzun who complete the course over 3x before leaving early perhaps we could try having WIZPE run simultaneously with another class such as Transfiguration for the people who aren’t minecraft jocks, provided that there is availability for the teachers?


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Zmiy
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW
Understanding that there is a divide between us frustrated ones and people like Matzun who complete the course over 3x before leaving early perhaps we could try having WIZPE run simultaneously with another class such as Transfiguration for the people who aren’t minecraft jocks, provided that there is availability for the teachers?
This is much easier said than done because a lot of the time when I teach my Wizard's PE classes at 4am and 2am PST, there are no other professors around. Regardless, this same argument could be made for theory classes - I'm personally not the greatest writer and so I don't attend many theory classes, so why shouldn't there be a breeze class on at the same time as theory classes?

But any way how, all you are expected to do in Wizard's PE is to give it your best go. Every class I stress the importance of just getting as far as you can to earn as many ACs as you can, and perhaps you'll surprise yourself and beat your own record! All you have to do is be there and parkour for only 45 minutes to earn a minimum (but more like average of 12 - 13) ACs.


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
Hey there!

I can see this was definitely a controversial discussion and we have brought it up with the rest of the Poltergeist team to discuss. We (and the leadership team) have taken into account all of the opinions and comments and we have decided to decline this suggestion. We understand the frustrations that some players have with parkour, but Wizards PE is not something we are looking to remove. Every class (including WizPE) is optional and players are not forced nor required to attend these.

Since Wizards PE was re-introduced, it has gained a large following and there would be many players who would be disappointed if it were to be removed. If there are players that do not enjoy this class then they simply do not have to attend it as there are many others to go to. Thank you for your suggestion and we hope you understand why we have come to this decision. Hope you have a wonderful day!