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Remove sequence requirements in quests


Minecraft IGN: dorothycheung
Some quests lock the 4-5 quests after that and it is frustrating.
1. finding closure in griffins hollows quests, year 5.
2. curse breaker in dark forest quests, year 7.

I felt I missed so many good stories and content coz of parkour, elytra.
I luckily did the year 5 sequences like 20 levels later with good gear, but I don't think I would be able to do the elytra.
I suggest removing the lock in sequence, so players can REALLY choose what quest to do and experience.


Minecraft IGN: Joshios
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I believe the reason why they have these "sequence requirements" is because there is information in the quest required that will help you in that quest. That makes sense to me. For example, if you don't do Relic of the Past part 1, you shouldn't be able to do the part 4 quest. That's just one example, but I'm sure there a lot more.


Minecraft IGN: dorothycheung
I understand the concern on storyline.
However not every player is skilled enough to do a single part in a 5 quests sequence. I feel like it is a waste that we cannot experience the stories of the remaining quest at all.

I actually reflected to reduce parkour in quests long ago, with mixed responses but that was declined.
The effect of sequence requirement and plenty of parkour COMBINED, makes players who are bad at parkour/elytra cannot really experience quests and it is frustrating.
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Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
People have said that they dislike the shorter quests because they feel disconnected and small. The connected quests with the story linking it is a way to effectively make a "longer" quest with a greater story and rewards/breaks in between. Because of this I would very much like the sequences to stay. However I do understand the curse breaker quest problem. Many people have labeled it as a extra challenge/side quest but considering it locks 4 or 5 EASIER quests it really is not and it took me several hours to eventually do.

So what I would suggest is keeping the quest lines but removing Curse Breaker from the 7th year line making it an optional side quest. This would mean reworking the story slightly by adding slightly different dialogue in the other quests but I don't think it would be that big of a deal.


Minecraft IGN: Miss_Strudel
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Vampire Werewolf Lead Game Designer SPEW Lead
I agree pretty much entirely with @luckiestblock You’re right that Curse Breaker is the most difficult deep forest quest and that it locks several easier quests. Flip looked at the stats before and saw that around 83% of those that started this quest have already completed it. What I don’t know is how many of that 17% are still in progress and how many have given up. I’d be open to tweaking the story to make the other quests playable. It still needs to be reviewed by poltergeists etc, but I don’t want several easier quests locked behind one that players really struggle to complete and will keep this in mind as we release new quests.

I don’t think this is really the case for Finding Closure. It’s a very straight-forward quest that has essentially zero skill-based gameplay in it. There’s a riddle that players can receive the answer to and then following particle effects to click on an npc. It doesn’t lock any easier content.

I like having repeat characters and a storyline that spans multiple quests. It’s more memorable by the end, gives a sense of progression, and tells a more complete story. However, I do agree that this should be scaled so that as the player progresses, the quests get harder instead of having a really difficult quest gatekeep easier quests.
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Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
Hello there!

We really appreciate your suggestion for the server as we are constantly looking for ways to improve the gameplay. I can understand the frustration that this can bring and will bring up your idea with the rest of the Poltergeists to get their opinions and feedback on it. Once a decision has been made, I'll respond to let you know what it is!

For the specific curse breaker quest, there has been a suggestion made about this here with comments regarding removing the lock on other quests that was brought up with it. I definitely suggest keeping an eye on the decision for that while we also discuss your idea. Hope you have a wonderful day! :)


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
Hey again!

Thank you so much for bringing your suggestion up with us as we really appreciate every idea for the server. I have brought up your suggestion and unfortunately we will be declining it. We really do understand the frustrations with certain quests, but we will not be removing the lock on quests. Many of these quests link together through a storyline and removing the pre-requisite for another quest might leave players confused. In order for us to remove the sequence requirement we would have to rework a majority of the quests which is not the ideal solution.

We hope you understand why we have made this decision. Feel free to create more threads for any other ideas you have in the future as we'd love to hear them. Hope you have a wonderful day!