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Remove the player friend limit

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf Linked
This one is pretty simple, but I've never truly understood the purpose of the limit put in place on the friends list (at the moment it's 50) - Of course players come and go, but should they come back I don't want to remove them from my friends list, and I honestly don't think people should have to scan through their friends list to choose who to remove simply to make more room. Unless there is a designated reason as to why theres a set limit I don't really see a reason as to why we shouldn't have a limited amount of people on our friends list.


Minecraft IGN: may2070
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I 100% agree. I have six pages of inactive friends and part of me just doesn't want to remove them in hopes that they come back and visit. Also I'm pretty sure there used to be a glitch that allowed players to go past the limit, and I'm not sure if it has been fixed or not. Regardless, that means there are players who have surpassed the limit, so why not just remove it altogether


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP Linked
There's a friend limit due to technical reasons. The friends system is very old and quite inefficient, so removing the friends list limit could result in server performance issues. We do have plans for this to be fixed at some point in the future, but it's not high on our priority list at this time.


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven Linked
'ello! As Flip has already answered this thread in the above post, I'm just going to move it to it's proper place as 'On Hold - Accepted'! Thank you for your suggestion though and we look forward to hearing your suggestions in the future!

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Hello @aaron ♡!

This suggestion is now complete and implemented. We're happy to announce that with the new friends update, we have completely removed the friends limit. Again, thank you for making this suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day:serpent: