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Revamp the elytra course for the quest "Curse Breaker"


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Arkarium
Honeybadger Auralock Phoenix Linked
I find this flight course to be extremely hardcore because of the excessive amount of obstacles, thin flight path and very sharp turns.. not to mention that it is quite long. The dive at the start makes you fly at speeds that feel overwhelmingly fast, and the lack of direction doesn't help either!

I think to improve this course:
- There should be clear and defined directions. I had to walk to the end of the course to figure out where I was supposed to go to complete it
- Wider flight path. The whole thing is just sharp turn after sharp turn!
- Implement check points throughout the course, that way it is not as punishing to fail and may encourage players to keep trying. Also it would make the course friendlier to people who either suck with elytras or people who don't get much fps and would make it nearly impossible to complete otherwise. (If anything on this post is to be considered, I hope it's this one!)

Thank you for reading. Out of all the quests I've done so far, this is easily the most challenging one and made me wonder why I shouldn't just use my broom to save myself the trouble!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP Linked
We have intentionally made some quests more difficult than others, with this quest being the most difficult for those not experience with elytra courses. Looking into our data, roughly 83% of players who have started this quest end up completing it, and, as this quest has a very high reward relative to other quests in the same level range, we are not concerned with the difficulty of the course at this time.


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
this quest has a very high reward relative to other quests in the same level range, we are not concerned with the difficulty of the course at this time
For me personally I seriously struggled with the elytra part but after like an hour I did eventually do and I did feel very accomplished or whatever. I do agree with Flip that because this quest gives more gold then the rest of them the spike in difficulty feels fair and I don't feel like they need to nerf it.

What I don't like is that I am pretty sure that it locks 4 or 5 other quests that were (at least to me) significantly easier behind its completion. What I would personally suggest is making it so you can do the later Year 7 quests without having to do this one because then it does not feel like it is a required quest that you HAVE to do in order to progress and is just a fun extra challenge. I understand that then the story linking all the year 7 quests would not make much sense but I am pretty sure some extra dialogue in some of the other quests would be able to fix it.
PS: I am pretty sure that Curse Breaker locks 4 or 5 other quests but I am not certain, I may be wrong about that.
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: sabuciiis
Potterworld quests are quite diverse some of them are fairly easy, but others are complete bonkers. I understand this is meant to be so, but there should be a fine line when the quest becomes a time waster and stalls the progression of the story and leaves some less fortunate players out, doesn't matter if they're not that smart skilled or have a bad connection. As this quest is part of a huge quest-chain the statistics of 83% of players compleating it doesn't matter at all. Players have no choice to waste multiple hours just to get some gold and experience. They must do it if they wish to progress. I would have no problem if this quest was just some random quest and it didn't matter in the grand scheme, but it does. It is followed by 4 mayor quests with their storylines and rewards. Denying someone the right to exploring the world and limiting their adventures because of a higher reward is unreasonable. I suggest you listen to the player base and implement the higher requested upgrades to this hell of a challenge and for the sake of it becoming easier lower the reward. The Revelius update has already become the most casual-friendly player nightmare. And if a single part of a quest can take up more than 2+ hours, then I'm sorry it has to go.


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hey there!

Thank you so much for bringing your idea up to us. I can understand the frustration with this quest and will be bringing your suggestion up with the rest of the Poltergeist team. I will also be adding the suggestions within the comments as well. I will reply once I have gotten their opinions on this matter and let you know the decision that we have made. Hope you have an amazing day!


Minecraft IGN: dorothycheung
I can't agree more with luckiestblock, please remove the lock on other quests.

What I don't like is that I am pretty sure that it locks 4 or 5 other quests that were (at least to me) significantly easier behind its completion. What I would personally suggest is making it so you can do the later Year 7 quests without having to do this one because then it does not feel like it is a required quest that you HAVE to do in order to progress and is just a fun extra challenge. I understand that then the story linking all the year 7 quests would not make much sense but I am pretty sure some extra dialogue in some of the other quests would be able .


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hello again!

Sorry about the wait! Thank you so much for your suggestion. We have discussed it over and unfortunately we will be declining it. This course is meant to be challenging as it is a high-leveled quest and provides players with a larger reward. While we understand your frustrations, it would not make sense to add checkpoints throughout the elytra course.

This being said, we will instead be removing the lock on quests that follow this one. This will allow players to continue through the quests without being required to complete this one. Since this is a complicated and challenging course, we want to ensure players don't feel forced to complete this and are still able to progress through their quests. We hope you understand why we have made this alternative change of allowing players to skip the Curse Breaker quest and return to it later if they choose to. Again, thank you very much for your ideas and we hope to hear more in the future! Hope you have a fantastic day. :)


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Rebezza
Serpent Linked
I'm level 80 and want to finish all the quests but just can't get to any of the quests that require this one as a prerequisite because of the elytra portion. My computer can't handle the speed and lags and so I guess I'll just never be able to progress in the story. Wish there was an alternative


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I'm level 80 and want to finish all the quests but just can't get to any of the quests that require this one as a prerequisite because of the elytra portion. My computer can't handle the speed and lags and so I guess I'll just never be able to progress in the story. Wish there was an alternative
"we will instead be removing the lock on quests that follow this one. This will allow players to continue through the quests without being required to complete this one."


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
yeah... two months ago. haven't heard an update since
Hia! I just wanted to clear something up quick. I understand that it can be frustrating waiting for changes that are set to on hold, but our various departments have a lot to work through and do without the inclusion of the feedback and suggestions they need to implement from these forums, so they prioritise the most important things. Additionally, there are a lot of on hold suggestions, meaning there are a lot of suggestions for them to implement. We often see suggestions being completed, and they cannot do them all at once. Don't worry - the part of this suggestion that we will be doing has not been forgotten about in any way! The departments will get to implementing the suggestions they get from these forums as soon as they are able to.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
I find this flight course to be extremely hardcore because of the excessive amount of obstacles, thin flight path and very sharp turns.. not to mention that it is quite long. The dive at the start makes you fly at speeds that feel overwhelmingly fast, and the lack of direction doesn't help either!

I think to improve this course:
- There should be clear and defined directions. I had to walk to the end of the course to figure out where I was supposed to go to complete it
- Wider flight path. The whole thing is just sharp turn after sharp turn!
- Implement check points throughout the course, that way it is not as punishing to fail and may encourage players to keep trying. Also it would make the course friendlier to people who either suck with elytras or people who don't get much fps and would make it nearly impossible to complete otherwise. (If anything on this post is to be considered, I hope it's this one!)

Thank you for reading. Out of all the quests I've done so far, this is easily the most challenging one and made me wonder why I shouldn't just use my broom to save myself the trouble!
I aint finishing this quest, i quit lmao ew ew ewwwwwwwwwww


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
Potterworld quests are quite diverse some of them are fairly easy, but others are complete bonkers. I understand this is meant to be so, but there should be a fine line when the quest becomes a time waster and stalls the progression of the story and leaves some less fortunate players out, doesn't matter if they're not that smart skilled or have a bad connection. As this quest is part of a huge quest-chain the statistics of 83% of players compleating it doesn't matter at all. Players have no choice to waste multiple hours just to get some gold and experience. They must do it if they wish to progress. I would have no problem if this quest was just some random quest and it didn't matter in the grand scheme, but it does. It is followed by 4 mayor quests with their storylines and rewards. Denying someone the right to exploring the world and limiting their adventures because of a higher reward is unreasonable. I suggest you listen to the player base and implement the higher requested upgrades to this hell of a challenge and for the sake of it becoming easier lower the reward. The Revelius update has already become the most casual-friendly player nightmare. And if a single part of a quest can take up more than 2+ hours, then I'm sorry it has to go.
I legit love you lol


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hey again everyone!

We have heard everyone's thoughts on this specific quest and due to the frequency of complaints and a new set of core values for our quests, we have decided to change the decision of this suggestion. We did not feel that this quest (specifically course) follows the new core values that we have at the moment. We want to ensure that quests are fun and enjoyable for all types of players rather than needlessly difficult.

Because of this, we no longer plan on removing the requirement of this quest to unlock other quests, as we do not want to lose the story aspect that it provides for the other quests. Instead we will be doing exactly what this thread suggested. The changes we want to make to this course are to improve the directional aspect of it by making it generally easier to follow, making it slightly easier, and possibly adding a couple of checkpoints. We will be doing these changes by clarifying the path and signs, increasing the hoop sizes, and decreasing the obstacle sizes.

We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration that this course has caused everyone. We are greatly working towards improving the quest experience and we hope you like the changes we have decided to do for this. Thank you so much for everyone's feedback and suggestions for these quests and we hope you continue to share more of your ideas with us. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!