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Roleplay - Ministry Attack Live Event

A great battle awaits! Join the Dark Followers and Phoenixes as they march into the Ministry of Magicians on Saturday 20th June, 12pm PST in an attempt to get rid of its corruption and Shakti once and for all.




New Magician
Minecraft IGN: CrazyBoysCraft
Dark Follower Griffin
A great battle awaits! Join the Dark Followers and Phoenixes as they march into the Ministry of Magicians on Saturday 20th June, 12pm PST in an attempt to get rid of its corruption and Shakti once and for all.

Woo super excited! What time is it? Bc it says saturday the 20th, but saturday is the 19th, so is it the 20th or saturday?


Minecraft IGN: xxXperteXxx
Auralock Serpent Linked
Unfortunately it says Saturday the 20th June, but we have July already. So the event was about a month ago and you missed it unfortunately. I think someone recorded it and uploaded it on YouTube, so maybe you can watch it there
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