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spell toolbar saving and loading


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
I wouldn't be surprised if this has been suggested before, and I'm sorry if it has, but here goes anyway.

As I said, this may have been mentioned before, but I know for definite that there have been people wishing for a third spell toolbar, but this has been declined in the past iirc.

This idea is a little different, we would still only have the 2 toolbars available, but now we would be able to save a spell toolbar with a command, and reload them, similar to how you can save your toolbars in creative mode in vanilla minecraft.

For example: /save spellbar <name> , and /load spellbar <name> , There would, however, be a limit on how many you would be able to save (up to 6, maybe?)

I feel like to some this would be beneficial and make things just that little bit easier, for example you could save your offensive/defensive bars for when fighting mobs or dueling, and save your utility spells you use for traversing/exploring the world in another.

If anyone else is like me, their spell inventory gets cluttered and disorganized, and I have gotten frustrated and died to mobs whilst searching my inventory for a specific spell that wasn't in either of my toolbars. Maybe I'm just an idiot though, but I feel like it would be helpful to have the option to just load a toolbar much more quickly then searching for the spell when being attacked, or even just when you need to rearrange your spells (for example, you've been fighting mobs with offensive spells in your toolbar, now you want to explore on a chest run, you need to rearrange all your spells and it can be rather frustrating even for such a small menial task)

Maybe this may seem too easy, so another suggestion is that in order to save a spell loadout like such, you will need to visit a wand shop (for example, "Ollivanders" or the wand repair shop) and you would have to purchase extra savable loadouts with a decent but hopefully not extreme amount of gold (500 for the first loadout, perhaps), with each extra loadout going up slightly in price up to the maximum of however many loadouts it is decided a player will be able to have. This way players will still have to work a little in order to achieve this perk.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect
Hello @Sirje_Wildmoon !
You were correct in saying this has been suggested before. (You are actually credited in the original thread :)) In fact, here is the previous suggestion. As you can see, it has been accepted at put On Hold so hopefully it is something we will implement in the foreseeable future.
Thank you for bringing up your suggestion to us. We really appreciate any and all suggestion that are brought to us.
Have a wonderful day!