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Spells QoL


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Embertouch
Phoenix Raven Vampire Linked
I have 2 suggestions when it comes to spells/spellbars

It would be nice to have a couple of preset options in the spell inventory so you can have different presets on your bars depending on the usecase. For example when you are out on adventures you might have a defferent setup on your bars than when you're dueling. So instead of rearranging your spells you could swap to a defferent preset.

Spell categories:
Sorting spells into categories in the spell inventory could make it easier for people to find the spells that they want instead of browsing different pages with all kinds of spells mixed together. (curses, defensives, charms etc)

Some people might like the idea while others might not so perhaps adding the option in /me so people that want to use this feature could, while those that like it as is can continue to do so.
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Notable Magician
I really like the Spell categories. I tried sorting the spells myself but after changing your hotbar a few times it gets all mixed up and is kind of annoying. I think that would be quite handy as it also makes it easier to find certain spell. Good idea!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hiya @Embertouch!

Thanks so much for your suggestion! I'm here to let you know that these suggestions have been brought up before. Spell hotbar saves has been accepted (you can find the original thread here). Spell organization on the other hand has unfortunately been declined (you can find the reasoning here).

Thank you once again for putting the time into this suggestion! We look forward to seeing more from you in the future. Have a fantastic day!