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SS Wars Lobby


Minecraft IGN: Poppydette
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix
Hola, I have started playing the new and awesome soulshard wars in the game and I really enjoy it. I have never gotten hugely into bedwars so this game style is still pretty new to me. While I really enjoy it I have a small issue with the player size allowed. It currently has a minimum of four players with a maximum of eight. While this is enjoyable if you get those exact amounts, it is not as enjoyable when any amount in between four and eight. When that happens, teams are formed to accommodate for the uneven amount of players for the four bases. I have seen a few times when there are three bases with one player and one base with a team of two and that team would win. They can afford to send someone to get gold for the upgrades while another builds protection or goes to center. Also when all the soulshards are broken the other teams (if still alive) would be inclined to team with another one without the same benefits.

I'm not sure the best solution for this, but I think maybe two separate lobbies would be beneficial. Like /games -> Soulshard Wars -> (two separate options here) "4-player" "8-player".
Another option would to just add the same thing as the gauntlet, where it will not start unless there are 8 players.
Personally I prefer the first option.

Thank you for reading <3
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
I can't see the first feature being practical, seems like it would either disperse the playerbase a lot or probably more likely just result in people only playing one of the two games (likely the 4).
The second option is also invalid as it would greatly reduce the amount of games being played.
In reality, the only real way I can see this problem being resolved is by adding a lot more bases or perhaps having different maps to fit varying amounts of players.
I might be overlooking something obvious though, it is 2am.


Minecraft IGN: Poppydette
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix
I can't see the first feature being practical, seems like it would either disperse the playerbase a lot or probably more likely just result in people only playing one of the two games (likely the 4).
The second option is also invalid as it would greatly reduce the amount of games being played.
In reality, the only real way I can see this problem being resolved is by adding a lot more bases or perhaps having different maps to fit varying amounts of players.
I might be overlooking something obvious though, it is 2am.
Thank you for your suggestion. That sounds like a great idea as well! Although, I do like the option of being able to have a team.
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Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Heya @Poppydette and everyone else!

Thank you so much for creating this suggestion! I really like your idea and will be bringing it up to my fellow Poltergeists. We will discuss it further and once we reach a decision, I will come back and let you know, so I suggest keeping an eye on this thread.

Thank you once again for creating this suggestion and I hope you have a lovely day!:honeybadger:


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hey there @Poppydette !

This suggestion has unfortunately been declined! While we do see the pros of this suggestion, we decided we will not be implementing it. Currently this game is not played very often, and if we were to introduce two different queues to join, we never see them both filling up.

Regardless, thank you for creating this suggestion and we hope to see more from you in the future! Have a wonderful day!:honeybadger: