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Star Battle: Domination Tournament Results


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: FLiiiPENDO
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix VIP

This year's Star Battle Tournament has now concluded and we have our results!

1st: :serpent: MagmaMeMilky: 1988 points
2nd: :serpent: Sticktrees: 1783 points
3rd: :griffin: Bastaii: 1611 points
4th: :serpent: herbologies: 1171 points
5th: :serpent: TallBlondeDude: 489 points
6th: :honeybadger: iQuackLikeADuck: 484 points
7th: :serpent: JackkFrost: 464 points
8th: :raven: MyselfAndI_: 409 points
9th: :serpent: antiinq: 289 points
10th: :raven: ChimpyNut: 198 points

If you were in the top 10, please create a ticket in-game to receive your Toy N-Scope Sniper Rifle! Thank you to all who participated in this year's Star Battle Tournament!