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Star Battle Player Testing

Greetings, witches and wizards!

The Engineer and Magiventologists teams have some fantastic news for you all!
For the first time ever, we are giving players the opportunity to gain early access to and contribute their thoughts and balancing notes on our game, Star Battle. At the moment, we are only taking 10 volunteers and the possibility for more after.

What is Star Battle?
Star Battle is a game in which two teams, Rebels and Imperials, fight using guns, sabers and other weapons and items. We have had four game modes in the past which include Escort Payload (2021), Domination (2020), Team Deathmatch (2017) and the original, FFA (2016). Each game mode has their own different spins and objectives on the general goal of the game.

How do I sign up?
Simply comment on this post with your IGN (In-Game Name) and Discord ID (For example: Zmiy, Lachlan#5093). The first ten people will be messaged by Zmiya (Lachlan#5093) with more information from there. If we would like to take more volunteers, we will message the next group of people in this thread.

What is required of me?
  • Although it is not a requirement, it is preferred all volunteers have played previous years of Star Battle.
  • If you are offered to beta test, you must be active. You are expected to be joining games and providing feedback. If we find you are not doing so, we will offer your spot to someone else.
When will this be happening?
Beta Testers will gain access to the games on April 16th. They will have until the event releases to provide feedback, which then the games will be available to everyone on the server.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Zmiya (Lachlan#5093) on Discord.

Thank you everybody and we hope to see you sign up!



New Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: jacquas
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder Arena Grandmaster SPEW Drooble's Order Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
oJqck, oJqck#3468


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: MistyTM
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Linked
Exciting :O
I’ve never played star battles so I’ll leave this to more experienced players, but can’t wait to play it in the event!