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Store Item Suggestions


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Ratpaw
Honeybadger Linked
Hello there! I have two suggestions for the store:

1) Palisman Staff (The Owl House).
We already have a lot of staffs and wands from other popular forms of media. We could include this one too, and it will fit well into the server style. There are many animals to choose from. If I could only choose one however, the owl staff would be the most fitting. Included is a reference image of the owl staff:


2) Rat Wand
I fully expect this one to be rejected, but since I'm here... I think it'd be really neat to include a rat wand! Basically, I grip the rat and magic comes out its tail. This suggestion is necessary because of the amount of rat usernames we have crawling around the server. Fulfill a niche, y'know? I'd buy it. Here is concept art I made of what the wand would look like:


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor DD Producer Linked Faerie
Hello @Ratpaw ,

Unfortunately, after carefully discussing them, we will not move forward with the proposed suggestions. That being said, we will keep the idea for an Owl Staff in mind!

Regardless, thank you for your suggestion, and have a great day!