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Store Items Feedback Form


Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead

Hello witches and wizards,

We're happy to say that we're implementing a new way to have your favourite cosmetic added to our store! We encourage players to suggest cosmetics in our Store feedback form, as well as have the chance to provide any other feedback they wish to about our store.

This feedback form will be open for 2 weeks, and each person who responds will receive 10 AC for doing so.

Once the feedback period has concluded, five items suggested will then be polled to the general public on Discord, and all players of the server can vote on what they would most like to see on the store! Whichever item receives the most votes will be sent to Artworkers to implement on the store.

Please note that having your submission selected does not mean it will be made exactly as suggested, in the case of modelling and texturing restrictions on the server.

Click here to be taken to the form where you can submit any feedback you have for the store, and suggest your items! You can respond as many times as you wish to, but will only receive your AC reward once. The due date for this form is July 25th at 12 PM PST. You will receive 10 AC for filling out this form. You may choose to remain anonymous but will not receive any AC.

We're excited to see all of the submissions!