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stuck at hogsworth without a wand


New Magician
ive used the reset token and im level 3 so i cant travel back to diagon alley to get a wand + other things you'd normally get from there. i only have a warp key in my inventory. im stuck at hogsworth and dont think i can really do anything without a wand. please help on what i should do :)

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf
ive used the reset token and im level 3 so i cant travel back to diagon alley to get a wand + other things you'd normally get from there. i only have a warp key in my inventory. im stuck at hogsworth and dont think i can really do anything without a wand. please help on what i should do :)
Hey there! So you've used the reset token and you're still at Hogsworth? Try making a ticket with /t create, because normally when you use a reset token it automatically sends you to the introduction world when you log back into the server! Hope this helps!