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Suggestion to add a parkour course to the lobby/hub of PotterworldMC.


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Dear PotterworldMC,

I am writing to you today to share a suggestion that I believe would greatly enhance the experience of your players in the lobby/hub of your Minecraft server. I believe that adding a parkour course to the lobby would provide a fun and engaging activity for players to do while they wait for worlds to open, or if they simply want to take a break from exploring the magical world you have created.

As you may know, parkour is a popular activity in Minecraft that involves jumping, sprinting, and maneuvering through obstacles to reach the end goal. It's a challenging and exciting way for players to test their skills and improve their abilities, and it's something that many players enjoy doing in their spare time.

By adding a parkour course to your lobby/hub, you would provide a new and exciting activity for your players to engage in. This would not only improve the overall experience for your players, but it could also help to attract new players to your server who are looking for a fun and engaging activity to do while they wait for worlds to open.

Of course, designing a parkour course for your lobby/hub would require some time and effort on your part. You would need to design the course, test it to make sure it is challenging but not impossible, and then integrate it into your lobby/hub. However, I believe that the benefits of adding a parkour course to your server would far outweigh the costs.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that adding a parkour course to your lobby/hub would be a great addition to your Minecraft server. It would provide a fun and engaging activity for your players, and help to attract new players to your server. I hope that you will consider my suggestion and that you will take the necessary steps to implement a parkour course in your lobby/hub.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


TL;DR: Adding a parkour course to the lobby/hub of PotterworldMC would provide a fun activity for players while waiting for worlds to open, and could attract new players to the server.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hello, @LiviDk !

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined, as we do not feel this is a necessary addition. Players generally spend very little time in the hub, as worlds are always open or are quick to open. Therefore, we feel that this would barely be used and we would rather focus on creating new parkours for the world instead.

Regardless, thank you for bringing up this idea and I hope you have a wonderful day!