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Support for Ukraine


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
So, this is something that's been on my mind a while, and it hits a little close to home.

We all likely know about the current tragic events in Ukraine, some of us may even be effected by it, like myself. I have friends in Ukraine, whom I went days without hearing anything from. I feared the worst, thankfully they have made it to safety - but so many are still struggling, and it hurts me to see.

My suggestion is that, in some way, we can rally support and possible donations towards charities within Ukraine that can help with the current crisis - whether it be help for people to flee the country, or support for those who stay.

This can be done with possible ideas such as a charity drive, possible store items that a percentage of the paid money goes to charity (see later suggestions for items) or even just sharing links and support around the site/server.

Possible items for the store could include:

The Sunflower Crown (yes, it already exists, but given Sunflowers are the national flower of Ukraine, it is the perfect item that could be used for charity and support)

Sunflower Staff/Wand (similar to the floral wand/flower staff but Sunflower themed)

Nightingale Pet (Nightingales are the national animal of Ukraine)

I know this suggestion sounds a lot, but again, its been on my mind and hits close to home. My friends have been through a lot to get to safety, I hope that many others can do the same.

For now, I will share links for donating to the cause:


GlobalGiving (EU, AUS, US, CAN)


MSF/Doctors Without Borders (global, iirc)


Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead
Hello @Sirje_Wildmoon!

Thank you for bringing up the current events and making a suggestion here. We as the leadership team had many discussions about showing our support for Ukraine and if/how to go about this, but we have decided against hosting something as a server.

As a server, we prefer to sit outside of religion, politics, etc. While the situation in Ukraine is more than politics, it's human rights too, it is a situation in which we encourage individuals to make their own decisions surrounding support and donations, but will not be hosting one ourselves.

If individuals do wish to show support, we encourage them to research potential crisis appeals from their own country.

Thank you again for making this suggestion, and we hope to see more of your important suggestions in the future.