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The Adventure of the Deerstalker Hat


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: MattDoesArt
Auralock Griffin
"One's ideas must be as broad as Nature if they are to interpret Nature."
-Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet

Hello, everyone!
I'm here, again, with another hat suggestion, but this time I'm not alone!
Scientin and I put together this idea. It started off as a joke, but we eventually thought we could give it a shot!

But what exactly is the idea? Well, to explain it better we need to go back a bit, history-wise. (Source: Wikipedia) A "Deerstalker" was a hat that was typically used for hunting deer in the Victorian times and the two visors provided protection from the sun on both front and back of the head. It became famous, however, when Sidney Paget (1860-1908), the illustrator of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, drew him wearing that same hat. Since then it has been one of the most famous icons in pop culture, and it can still be seen in tons of Media. The following pictures (Source: Google Images) show what the in-real-life hat looks like, as reference:

Now that we're done with the introduction, we wanted introduce the suggestion itself:

"Could a Deerstalker hat be put on the PotterworldMC store in the future?"

We would like to answer to that question by presenting our PRO's on why we think this hat would make a good addition to the store and our CON's on why this might not happen:

+ Good cosmetic roleplay-wise.
+ Good cosmetic for investigation related quests (NPC wearing it).
+ Fun!
+ Goes well with the UK setting o PotterworldMC.
+ A reference to an important piece of English Literature.
+ Have a gray, beige, tartan variant, to fit more tastes!

- Might take a bit of time.
- Not everyone enjoys Sherlock Holmes.
- Not everyone enjoys that hat in particular.
- Might not be the most useful hat.

That said, We hope that you'll take in consideration our suggestion and give your opinions in the comments! We'd really appreciate that! Thank you and have a wonderful day! :LOL:

-MattDoesArt & Scientin


Minecraft IGN: trashdotcom
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
There was a suggestion of it in the past here that was declined, but I hope this gets enough attention because i think it's a great idea and should totally be a hat!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hiya @MattDoesArt!

Thanks so much for this great suggestion! Unfortunately, this idea had been brought up in the past and declined. You can find the similar suggestion here. As this thread states, we feel as though this would only appeal to a small group of people on the server. I'm going to mark this thread as a duplicate, but do not be discouraged from voicing your opinions!

We look forward to seeing more suggestions from you in the future. Have a fantastic day!