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The Chamber of Mysteries - A New Side-Quest!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: fxndomgeek
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hello fellow members of the Potterworld community:

I am writing this post to propose a possible new side-quest pertaining to the Chamber of Mysteries!

I often host tours to the Chamber of Mysteries and often have a minor skit in which I dramatize the opening of the Chamber to reveal the Basilisk (I do clarify that it is indeed a joke and do not attempt to mislead anyone)! During one particular excursion, KipxSateee (Kip) was venturing and I happened to have jokingly suggested "reviving" the Basilisk! Kip was intrigued by the idea and inspired me to further this concept (Thank you Kip!). In my opinion, both the canon and lore knowledge pertaining to the Chamber & Basilisk itself is rather limited and can be built upon through this proposed side-quest!

Players would first unlock the Chamber itself through the initial side-quest. In theory, they would then collect a new parchment besides the Basilisk corpse, hinting to the beginning of this side-quest. This would lead to the discovery of a grimoire in the Restricted Section of the library (Controversial location, I know, but just a thought!), beginning the quest. With the book's knowledge, questers would then gather the droppings of the four serpent mobs throughout the wizarding world: Boomslangs, Emberskins, Horned Snakes, and Runespores (This side-quest would be tailored towards higher-level students). With said items, venturers would then insert them into the mouth of Sevran Serpent's grand statue, following the instructions provided within the tome to perform a dark ritual (I imagine this to be a task feature, similar to when we cook and brew). The action would then resurrect the Basilisk (Teleport the summoner to a specialty battle area solely for the quest), and grant the player with the Sword of Griffin (Similar to that of the Angren Sword in the "Wrath of Irgoll" quest at the end of Year 6) to defeat the beast. After slaying the reanimated beast, participants would be granted a new reward - possibly Tommy Riddle's diary?

I digress! I understand that building upon a current side-quest is already difficult and problematic in itself. In addition, the technical and in-game components are likely way too complex to bring forth this proposition, though I would love to have this new insertion to spice up the Chamber as it is rather plain for someone who encounters it frequently. Plus, it builds upon our current magical world! Thank you for everyone's time for reading this post - please comment any questions, comments, and/or concerns you may have regarding this submission!


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Linked Faerie
This idea sounds phenomenal, I think if this was to become a thing a lot of people would enjoy it, I definitely would.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
questers would then gather the droppings of the four serpent mobs throughout the wizarding world: Boomslangs, Emberskins, Horned Snakes, and Runespores
I think it's a great idea to incorporate side quests into other quests to create somewhat of a story, however, I can't get excited for yet another reskinned fetch quest. "Go to X to fight Y to bring Z" over and over and over again is not fun, at least not for me


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: fxndomgeek
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked
I think it's a great idea to incorporate side quests into other quests to create somewhat of a story, however, I can't get excited for yet another reskinned fetch quest. "Go to X to fight Y to bring Z" over and over and over again is not fun, at least not for me
Pankakes: I completely understand your concern! Though players could stop after finishing the first side-quest. The parchment would only prompt us to continue, as it is not necessary. Plus, most of the other side-quests are structured to lack NPCs and have no real objectives!
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Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
I love this idea! As someone who admires the story of the Basilisk, it would be awesome to have more gameplay version of the creature. Of course we have to take into consideration the technical side and game design of the idea, if it is possible to achieve I believe it’ll be a great addition to side quests (since a lot of players have asked for more in game). :honeybadger:


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: CapricorNick
Raven Linked
Hello fellow members of the Potterworld community:

I am writing this post to propose a possible new side-quest pertaining to the Chamber of Mysteries!

I often host tours to the Chamber of Mysteries and often have a minor skit in which I dramatize the opening of the Chamber to reveal the Basilisk (I do clarify that it is indeed a joke and do not attempt to mislead anyone)! During one particular excursion, KipxSateee (Kip) was venturing and I happened to have jokingly suggested "reviving" the Basilisk! Kip was intrigued by the idea and inspired me to further this concept (Thank you Kip!). In my opinion, both the canon and lore knowledge pertaining to the Chamber & Basilisk itself is rather limited and can be built upon through this proposed side-quest!

Players would first unlock the Chamber itself through the initial side-quest. In theory, they would then collect a new parchment besides the Basilisk corpse, hinting to the beginning of this side-quest. This would lead to the discovery of a grimoire in the Restricted Section of the library (Controversial location, I know, but just a thought!), beginning the quest. With the book's knowledge, questers would then gather the droppings of the four serpent mobs throughout the wizarding world: Boomslangs, Emberskins, Horned Snakes, and Runespores (This side-quest would be tailored towards higher-level students). With said items, venturers would then insert them into the mouth of Sevran Serpent's grand statue, following the instructions provided within the tome to perform a dark ritual (I imagine this to be a task feature, similar to when we cook and brew). The action would then resurrect the Basilisk (Teleport the summoner to a specialty battle area solely for the quest), and grant the player with the Sword of Griffin (Similar to that of the Angren Sword in the "Wrath of Irgoll" quest at the end of Year 6) to defeat the beast. After slaying the reanimated beast, participants would be granted a new reward - possibly Tommy Riddle's diary?

I digress! I understand that building upon a current side-quest is already difficult and problematic in itself. In addition, the technical and in-game components are likely way too complex to bring forth this proposition, though I would love to have this new insertion to spice up the Chamber as it is rather plain for someone who encounters it frequently. Plus, it builds upon our current magical world! Thank you for everyone's time for reading this post - please comment any questions, comments, and/or concerns you may have regarding this submission!

I feel that it would be fun to get the Riddle Diary at the end plus have some fun quests to get all of the other Horcruxes lol.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
The Restricted Section could be a problem for some players who don't have the key, I'm sure there are players who have it and would help open it, but it might end up being a good source of income for other players if someone needs to open the door.

I think it would be nice to see more NPCs around the school that could be related to this quest. They could give the player pointers on where to go and what to do - maybe have them do another side quest? Also, if a player, who isn't doing the Chamber Quest, runs into this NPC, the NPC could just talk about the lore of the chamber and give hints about what they know? They don't have to be all NPCs too, could be items scattered in rooms forcing players to explore the entire school for secrets about the chamber.

I like the idea and would definitely like to see the Chamber stuff expanded on instead of just getting the basilisk fang and wondering what it does or what I need to do with it.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
I feel like this wud be cool, I think it cud also be kinda nice if it was made into a 'dungeon' rather than a side-quest though because we dont have many dungeons rn (so you fight it with friends etc), however I feel like to get a realistic cool looking basalisk model with animations would be incredibly hard, but would be awesome to see


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hi @fxndomgeek and everyone else!

Thank you all so much for your suggestion! We are always looking for great ideas to improve the server. I've decided to bring this up with my fellow Poltergeists to see what they think about this. I'll let you know once we've reached a decision so keep an eye on this thread!

Take care and have a great day!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hello once again @fxndomgeek!

I am pleased to tell you that your suggestion has been accepted because we liked the idea and thing this has the potential to be a great quest. However, this will not be implemented for a long time, as we are currently working on other projects, such as other quests that relate to the original HP series. We will also likely change up the quest a bit, so it won't be exactly as suggested.

Thanks to everyone that voiced their opinion on the idea and have a fantastic day!