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The Daily Diviner - Issue 116

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Server Spotlight


Welcoming in the Heads of Game Design
Written by Silquer
Edited by LMNJ

Hello, my dear readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner! There has been a big change in the Game Design department’s leadership team. There are two new Heads of the department: chail3y and NSgaming!

These two have done outstanding work in the Game Design department, and I was fortunate enough to speak with them about their journey over the years to becoming Heads. Let us take a look at the role these two will be stepping into and where they are headed in the future.

Prior to becoming Heads of Game Design, chail3y and NSgaming were department Leads, with Droobledore as the Head of Game Design. The new Heads will carry on Droobledore’s legacy, leading their department courageously through uncharted waters. I, for one, have the utmost faith in them… However, let’s hear from the Heads themselves about their journey!

Both chail3y and NSgaming have been in the Game Design department for many years now, since 2020 and 2018 respectively. They both held roles that are now from Potterworld’s past; chail3y was a Seer, while NSgaming joined as a Quest Writer and was part of the Quest Design team.

Throughout the years, they have worked hard and helped bring amazing content to Potterworld and eventually became the Leads of the Game Design department.

They have both certainly been on the team for quite a while! When asked about what makes the Game Design department so special to them, they each responded:

chail3y: The general sense of creativity and collaboration we have on the team, and the work we've done to create incredible content that thousands of players have gotten to play. It really is a testament to everyone's skills that we've been able to pull off everything we've done.

NSgaming: The people. Hands down. Every single one of them gives 110% to create incredible experiences, and I love the passion everyone has for this, as well as all of their creative ideas and the different walks of life we all come from.

It is wonderful to hear about the team that works so hard to bring Potterworld to life and the passion they exhibit. They also offered some insight into what their journey in the department taught them:

chail3y: Potterworld has completely changed my life. When I got into Game Design in 2020, it completely changed my trajectory of my real life– I fell in love with creating and designing games and transferred colleges so I could switch my major into a Game Design and Production program.

Potterworld opened my eyes to these possibilities, and I certainly wouldn't be where I am today without discovering just how much of an impact I can make designing video games.

NSgaming: Personally, I discovered my love not just of writing, but of creating unique interactive experiences, which has led me down paths in real life to have really incredible opportunities and jobs, such as working for Disney.

Collectively, I would say the thing I’ve learned the most is how to lead a team to create incredible experiences. Something like The Hunt or the Starcruiser quest, even Woodshire, is something we have to carefully craft and never rest on our laurels of just making the same kind of content over and over. We have to keep pushing the envelope to create new and interesting experiences.

Finally, the Heads gave some insight into where the department is headed and what players can look forward to in the future.

Chail3y and NSgaming: We'll have more details to share soon about what specific projects we'll be working on, but we'll share what we shared with our team when it was announced that Potterworld would be shifting: Our priority is to make a fun game, through any gameplay possible. We're open to exploring new paths to help create the best game possible, with a group of extremely passionate volunteers.

We want to refocus our efforts to build on the idea of "What does a night of Potterworld with friends look like?". In short, we're taking a player-first approach to our content, while ensuring our volunteer Game Designers create content that they themselves are passionate about. Our aim is to have that reflected in the work we've done just in the last few weeks, and well into the future.

It is wonderful to hear that the Game Design department is in extremely capable hands. The future of the department is an exciting one, and one thing is certain: the Game Design department will continue to thrive in the coming years. Make sure to give lots of love to the new Heads of Game Design and thank them for their hard work! A final congratulations to chail3y and NSgaming, and happy playing!


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Summery Store Releases
Written by autumnngrace
Edited by littledead

Greetings, witches and wizards of Potterworld, and welcome to another edition of the Daily Diviner. In this Editorial article, I will be reviewing the Sunlight Store Releases which came out in July, and the Whimsical Store Releases which recently came out at the beginning of August. It is going to be a wild and moderately sunny ride, so hang on tightly to your broomsticks!

Diving right in, we are going to begin with the Sunlight Store Releases. This pack was released at the beginning of July and consists of four store items, all completely unique. One of the first things that caught my eye while browsing the new releases in the in-game store was the precious Pet Corgi. While dog pets are not entirely new to the people of Potterworld, this adorable puppy is a great addition, and I cannot wait to introduce it to my other dog pets!

The next two things that snagged my focus were the Shimmering Broom Appearance and Summer Wand Effects. The two of them together could blind you if you are not careful. The Shimmering Broom Appearance is perfect, however, for nighttime travels, as the little Fireflies will keep you company on whatever adventures you embark on.

The final item in the Sunlight Store Release is the Captain’s Hat. This hat is adorable, and if you love sailing boats, it is perfect for you! Whenever I put it on, it is almost as if I can hear the sails of my ship as I venture out into the great unknown. Sometimes, I even just throw it on to sit in the Great Hall, close my eyes, and pretend I am out on the water without all the hassle of preparing my boat.

Now let us dive into the Whimsical Store Releases, shall we? Within this release, there are six brand-new items, all of which are extraordinarily cute and will surely add to your avatar. The item that I am most excited about personally is the Cherry Blossom Flower Crown. It is by far my favorite flower crown, and you even get two different styles of it for the price of one! For all of you light pink lovers, this one is for you.

Next up, there are two brand-new wand appearances! If you love nature, you will love the Mushroom Wand Appearance. From the mushroom at the top to the mushrooms growing down the sides, looking at this wand never gets boring. The other wand appearance released this August is the Eagle Cane, which is simple but stunning and sure to catch people’s eyes.

With school starting up again soon, the Back To School Emotes will make a great addition to your emote collections. Whether you are comparing your class schedule with friends, or copying someone's homework, there is something in this pack for every student! If your classes do not finish until nighttime, the Blue Lantern Warp Key is perfect for traveling in the dark. I will definitely be using it during the day, though.

The last item in the Whimsical Store Releases is the Pavilion Housing Scenery. This is one of my personal favorite sceneries, with the nature-covered pillars and the pretty flowers all around. The housing scenery has a river running around it, so if you like to swim, you will love this scenery!

The Store team truly outdid themselves with both of these releases, and I cannot wait to see what they have in store for us next time. Thank you for tuning in as always, and I hope to see you next edition!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

What Are Your Hobbies?
Server Spotlight
Written by Creme_de_Creme
Edited by LMNJ

Hello lovely readers and welcome back to the Server Spotlight column. Have you ever been asked, “What are your hobbies?” Usually such a question is reserved for introductions.

Some people are shy and only paint broad strokes of the hobbies they partake in so as to not draw too much attention to themselves. Others give a long-winded speech, giving little care as to how much time it takes to explain their interests, for you will hear of the significant time and effort they have painstakingly invested in such a hobby, and you will be equally as proud as they are.

Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, you can always spend more time participating in the things you love to do.

There are likely several businesses that fall in line with your interests located throughout the towns of Great Britain just waiting to be discovered. To name a few, the WEGO® Store for those who love building blocks, Sam's Sticker Emporium for those who love collecting stickers, and Shutterbutton's for those who love photography.

Let us take a closer look at these stores to see if any pique your interest!

First stop: the WEGO® Store! The WEGO® Store was founded by Zamphilius Zircon who came up with Wegos in a moment of intense frustration.

Zamphilius tripped over his daughter’s toys and blasted them into hundreds of bits and pieces. Wanting to repair the toys before his daughter saw them, he reassembled them into the shape of a unicorn. Watching these pieces fit themselves together into a new shape inspired him to create a new toy based on these magical block pieces.

The WEGO® Store is located in London, where they sell sets inspired by magical objects, people, or pop-culture references. Because they are enchanted, watch as they speak, move, or transform! If you want to watch some of your favorite movie characters come to life before your eyes, I would take a look to see what WEGO® has in stock!

Our next stop is Sam's Sticker Emporium! At a young age, the owner Sam loved to draw. He would create a drawing and ask one of his parents to enchant it. After taking a trip into the Unmagical world, he discovered stickers which deeply fascinated him. He wanted to make a magical version of this ingenious Unmagical invention.

Now, Sam’s Sticker Emporium sells a variety of moving images. This shop also takes custom orders. If you want to look for a shop near you, I heard that the business is looking to open at another two locations soon. Keep an eye out for those magical stickers!

Our last stop will be Shutterbutton’s. Located on the edge of Carket Market in London, they will be celebrating 20 years of business this year.

Justin Tonks and Giovanni De Luca opened Shutterbutton’s together, which not only started their business journey but their romantic journey as well. Justin would invent magical cameras, phones, and more while Giovanni would sneak into the Warbeck Theatre and capture the most stunning scenes. Soon, their popularity grew until they became known as the leading photography business in the country.

If you would like to have a photoshoot, you need to book it months in advance, as these two have a tight schedule. However, if you are just looking for a cool magical camera or two, you are always welcome to visit the shop whenever you would like!

If reading about Wego-building, sticker collecting, or photography interests you, I would certainly give these businesses a try. If you find more magical businesses that interest you, tell your friends about it. You never know what you might find when you go exploring!

In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful day. This has been Creme_de_Creme reporting for the Daily Diviner.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Magical Seaside Creatures
Server Spotlight
Written by whoohoo
Edited by snotflower

Welcome back to the Daily Diviner! Have you ever wondered what type of creatures our magical world has to offer? Today, I will be talking about the ones that live beside the water. Make yourself comfortable, and soak up all the information within this article!

Our first creature of the deep, Grindlings, are small, water-dwelling creatures that live in large, underwater caves. Their skin is green, and their eyes are a dull emerald colour. They have ten tentacles springing from the bottom of their torso which are used to traverse the waterways. Grindlings are also social creatures and live in groups called a bubble.

These creatures might not seem fast on land, but once they are in the water, they are triple the speed, easily able to catch up with their prey. They mostly eat fish, plants, or other sea creatures.

Grindlings latch onto their prey and drag it underwater to drown it. They are very territorial, so it is discouraged to step into any body of water where they could live. Be sure that you avoid them too, lest you meet a watery grave at these miniature monsters’ hands.

People who live near lakes or beaches should always keep their eyes peeled for Kelpies, as they are known for their shape-shifting abilities. Some look like horses while others turn into humans. It is said they can live in any body of water, but they most often live close to the shore.

The next naval creature is the Kelpie. Kelpies are dangerous and solitary creatures. Though there have been some sightings of whole herds, this is very rare since they are largely territorial and will even attack others of their own kind.

It is possible to tame a Kelpie, unlike the other representatives on this list, but it is difficult. Every Kelpie has a bridle, which presents itself as a leather accessory, such as a necklace or saddle. Once you manage to collect that, you hold the power to control the creature, but they cannot be without it long.

You can permanently tame a Kelpie by putting a silver cross on their bridle and returning it to the creature. Always remember though that they are magical creatures first and foremost; not pets!

Now, we have all heard tales of Mermaids, but the truth about them is different from what we were made to believe as children. In reality, Mermaids in our world can be very dangerous and hostile when provoked.

Mermaids have curly puffs of dry, cyan hair that fall down their heads and flow in clumps in the water. Their hands are small, but their fingers are sharp, one of the most menacing features of the Mermaid's torso. However, their most well-documented and recognizable feature is their fish-like scaly tail.

If provoked, Mermaids will not hesitate to terrorise you with the same ease as a Dementare. Even from afar, their spears and tridents allow them to inflict damage easily and efficiently. Tread carefully around their native waters!

Finally, Kearpons are fairly large creatures with translucent blue scales. They stand tall and proud, ready for action at a moment's notice. They mostly eat meat and fish, but they will not turn down other foods if the situation calls for it.

It is important to bow to a Kearpon as soon as you encounter one, since they are proud creatures. However, if you are rude to them, they will not forgive you and will attack instead. Stay watchful when you enter their territory!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you learned something new about these creatures and that you share your knowledge with all your friends and classmates! Stay safe out there, wizards.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

A Witch's Guide to Combat Back to School Stress
Written by Calliequeen
Edited by littledead

Welcome back, dearly beloveds, to the Lifestyle column. We hate to acknowledge it, but school is just around the corner, leaving witches and wizards brimming with tension. In this article, we will go over a few witchy ways a spellcaster can calm their nerves.

Healing crystals are a must for witches and wizards. Crystals are thought to have healing properties that benefit the mind, body, and soul, and they have endless benefits to one's aura. Crystals are natural minerals- rocks- that are believed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Crystals can be used in many different ways; some like to carry them in their pocket or travel bag, similar to a good-luck charm.

Another way to use crystals is to create a space for them. Leave them on your nightstand, your bookshelf, or have a whole table dedicated to them. Perhaps if you are starting college, you can place them somewhere in your dorm room.

Another way to receive the benefits of crystals is to wear them on your person- necklaces, bracelets, rings, and other jewelry are often made with these raw materials.

There are many commonly used crystals to help relieve stress and anxiety, so I selected a few of my
personal favorites. Selenite, a sulfate mineral, is known for its purifying properties. It is thought to banish negative energies and bring tranquility.

Amethyst, another de-stressor, blocks negative energies and is believed to connect to your intuition. It helps to ease headaches and insomnia, as well as clears the mind. Amethyst can range from gorgeous deep purples to softer lilac purples.

Aquamarine, also known as the “stone of courage,” is excellent for emotional healing, as it can help to soothe anger, fear, and sadness. My personal favorite stone is Rose Quartz, sporting a beautiful blushing pink hue, which promotes self-love and self-worth.

Another way to strip your stress away is making a “spell jar”. Spell jars are spells enclosed in a small jar that can be placed in a specific space or be carried as a protective or good luck charm. I commonly wear one on a necklace. There are spell jar recipes for many benefits, and ingredients vary depending on what spell you want to use.

Making a spell jar is quite simple. The following recipe is an easy stress-relieving spell jar one can make with ingredients they likely already have at home.

The first step is to find a jar- any jar will do- but make sure you have the lid to it, as you will have to seal it closed. After you have your jar, you can add these ingredients in any order; sea salt, coffee, sage, peppermint, and lavender. You will need an amethyst, which can be raw or polished, to add to the jar as well.

How much or little you put of each ingredient depends entirely on you. Follow your intuition. Once all ingredients are added to your jar, close it up and seal it with black, gray, or white wax. Place it on your windowsill, carry it with you, or do whatever your heart desires with your completed spell jar!

Sprucing your home up with herbs and plants can also help to reduce stress. Almost any herb has some benefits, but these are a few of my favorites. Chamomile, which has a floral aroma, is thought to be grounding, as well as enhances inner peace. Oregano can increase one’s energy and lift depression, and Lavender eases nerves and anxiety, calming the mind.

Mantras and burning incense are other ways to calm your inner anxiety. Many find the scent of incense calming and relaxing; some say it improves their sleep and focus. Repeating mantras is a type of verbal meditation that can improve one’s mood and promote inner peace. There are ceaseless mantras out there. Find one that sits right with you personally, and repeat it to yourself whenever times get tough.

While there is no scientific proof for any of these methods, some do believe in and rely quite heavily on them. What do you think? Feel free to try any of these methods out, and let us know your thoughts on these practices! Thank you for checking in on this Lifestyle column of the Daily Diviner. We can not wait to see you again soon!
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