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The Daily Diviner - Issue 119

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Server Spotlight


Strange Happenings
Written by Silquer
Edited by bluecherub

Hello my dear readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner. The Butterbrew Festival has just come to a close on September 21, and I still feel stuffed from all of the festival’s food and delicious butterbrew. However, just as I was exploring the Great Hall in the aftermath of the festival, I noticed something- or rather, someone- strange standing near the steps. A black cat seemed to have taken the place of Kevin, and I will admit I was confused seeing them. I approached them, dear readers, to get some answers. This is a complete account of our conversation:

Who Are You?
My name is Princess Blossom Pepperdoodle Von Yum Yum, of the Hamsburg Von Yum Yums. I'm just your normal, regular, anthropomorphic black cat.

How did you get here?
I'm... honestly not sure? My first memories are just standing here in this school.

What happened to Kevin?
I'm sorry, who? Who's Kevin?

Kevin, the Dog that usually runs the Event Gallery?
Nope, doesn't ring a bell, unfortunately.

Do you have interdimensional cosmic powers like Kevin too?
What? Why would a dog have interdimensional cosmic powers? Is this... a normal occurance for you? Dogs with magic powers?

Well, this certainly had not cleared anything up. I interrogated them further… Where do you... come from?
I have no idea? Again, I just sort of spawned here.

Uhh... Is Kevin going to be back soon?
Again, I don't know anything about Kevin except for what you just told me. I'm not even sure how I got here. I guess I'm doing his job now.

You are a black cat, so are YOU taking us to the Halloween Event this year? If so, where will it be?
Wow, just because I'm a black cat it means I have to be related in some way to Halloween? Wow.

Ok... So, no Halloween then?
As I said, I'm not Kevin - no cosmic powers. Maybe I'll ask some folks in Hogsend to do Trick or Treating? But no promises. If you want Halloween, you'll probably have to find Kevin, wherever he's wandered off to.

That was not suspicious at all…

I left Blossom soon after, unable to get any more answers from her. Something does not seem right; where could Kevin be? Will Hogsworth students be celebrating Halloween without Kevin this year?

It is hard to tell for sure, but keep an eye out for any news. Something is afoot, and it would be best to keep an eye out. In the meantime, enjoy the beginning of the autumn season and the lead-up to Halloween!


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Barrel Racing: Rolling To Finish First
Written by Creme_de_Creme
Edited by littledead

Hello, lovely readers, and welcome back to the Editorial column! With the Butterbrew Festival having ended, the Arena team concluded their newest addition to their tournament rotation: Barrel Racing! To find out more about this, I did some investigating.

Historically, Potterworld’s Developer team and Arena team have partnered together to combine the release of seasonal games with tournaments. For the May the 4th Event, there were tournaments for Star Racing and Escort Payload. During the Winter Waltz Event, there were tournaments for Sledding, Snowballing, and Wand Spleef. With this past month’s Butterbrew Festival, a tournament was hosted for the seasonal game Barrel Racing.

Barrel Racing involves rolling on top of a barrel while being mindful of tight turns and projectiles. At different checkpoints on a map, both you and your opponents are given items that can be used to protect yourself from falling off the barrel or to cause another to crash their barrel. Each map requires competitors to loop around three times before crossing the finish line.

There are a total of three different maps: Barrel Boulevard, Appleby Village, and Hogsend. Barrel Boulevard has competitors rolling around a butterbrew-themed air-bourne race track. Appleby Village has racers dodging and weaving through the sharp turns and narrow roads of the small town of Appleby. Lastly, the Hogsend map has competitors racing through the bustling streets of Hogsend while avoiding crashing into the stone walls and buildings.

Each map contains its own unique challenges, yet when you learn the course and know how to navigate it, there are still further struggles players face. For example, there are different projectiles players can cast at each other to knock someone off their barrel. If knocked off, you lose precious moments hopping back onto your barrel, where another competitor can use that time to pass you.

There are a few things that can be done to avoid being knocked off. One strategy is to utilize zig-zagging so that it's harder for your opponent to hit you. Another strategy is to drink a frozen brew. The frozen brew is one of a handful of items that you can be given at checkpoints. The frozen brew creates a temporary shield around you so that you cannot be knocked off your barrel by a projectile. Unfortunately, the frozen brew does not prevent you from crashing into a wall, so keep your eyes on the road ahead of you!

A total of 46 competitors placed at the 2024 Butterbrew Festival Barrel Racing Tournament. Of all that placed, only one was crowned champion of them all. In first place, Buttery_Flapjack scored a total of 178 points – 72 points more than the next closest competitor!

While Barrel Racing has come to a close, there are still more tournaments on the schedule! Click here to see a list of tournaments scheduled for the rest of 2024 (Tournament Schedule | PotterworldMC). I hope you have a wonderful day, and may your barrel never stop rolling! This has been Creme_de_Creme reporting for the Daily Diviner.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Third Year Quests Pt. 2
Server Spotlight
Written by autumnngrace
Edited by LMNJ

Greetings, witches and wizards of Potterworld, and welcome back to the Server Spotlight column. In this article, we are going to be discussing some of the third year quests. This is part two of the third year quests series!

The first quest we are going to be discussing in this article is London Bound. This is the quest in which you travel to London as a Hogsworth student for the first time! In this quest, you ride a train to London, and on this train there are multiple students who need your help with various problems. In order to start this quest, you must talk to the Train Conductor at Hogsend station.

This quest is very enjoyable and gives you an amazing sense of accomplishment, as you help five people in total. It contributes to the other third year quests nicely, as they are all also extremely assistance-oriented, which is a trend you will notice as this series continues.

The next quest is Traveling the Knight Shuttle. In this quest, you help Scott retrieve his lost items. Scott managed to lose his briefcase, scarf, and a personal letter. Scott has you search through multiple places which you must travel to through the Knight Shuttle. These places include Diagonal Lane, Grimmane Lane, and Mundane Lane. In order to start this quest, you must speak to Scott by the Knight Shuttle outside of Kings Cross.

This quest is once again assistance-oriented, and also gets you acquainted with traveling around London with the Knight Shuttle, which is an extremely useful means of transportation.

The last quest we will be discussing is Cauldron Inn’s Keep. In this quest, you help Haley Longcaster, who recently lost her best staff member, clean the rooms in the inn, as well as help her cook the meals for the three customers in the restaurant area and serve them. To start this quest, you must talk to Haley Longcaster behind the counter in the Cauldron Inn.

This quest puts you into the shoes of an innkeeper, as well as a server for a restaurant. This quest definitely contributes to the third year experience, as you are once again helping the community.

That is all that we have time to talk about in this article. Thank you for tuning in, and I hope to see you at the next edition!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The Studious Sorceresses' Studying Strategies
Written by bluecherub and whoohoo
Edited by LMNJ

Greetings, dear readers of the Daily Diviner. As the weather turns, so do students’ stomachs over their first exams of the year. To help assuage their fears, the writers at the Daily Diviner have collaborated to craft a list of tips and tricks for some of the courses at Hogsworth.

The first class, Herbology, is a fun subject for all those who enjoy seeing the fruits of their labour in the most literal sense. Still, it is not in everyone’s nature to have a green thumb.

The subject of Herbology covers all kinds of magical flora, from fungi and fruit to flowers and forests. In Herbology class, professors train students on how to care for and use these magical plants to assist them in their magical activities.

A tried and true method of reviewing for Herbology class is to sit with your friends- the transfiguration courtyard is a pleasant place to plop down- and take turns with flashcards, guessing at the plant species based on its traits or a drawing. Enchanting the cards to dole out punishments and rewards based on the accuracy of your answers could up the stakes as well!

Sometimes, it is more helpful to focus on their potion-making uses, and other times, exams are on their appearance. Be sure to tailor your studying methods to the upcoming classwork and tests.

The next class is Potions, a class that every student knows well, whether for the relaxation of a clear course or the vexation of regular explosions. However, there is a reason for there being beginner and advanced courses alike: each wizard has varying skill in the subject! That is nothing to be ashamed of, but failing for lack of trying is, so let’s look into the best ways to study for the course.

Some of the study skills used in Herbology can be replicated here, but with new topics. Advanced potions students often use flashcards to help them study the steps of a potion, but for longer recipes, that is not always possible.

Nothing is a replacement for reading the textbook! Start with a reading for basic understanding, and then reread to review the sections which were most confusing. Highlighting the hardest parts with an easily removable sparkle of your wand can be effective here. There are some handy spells for reading these aloud for those who struggle with visually gathering information.

Third in our list of courses is Care of Magical Creatures. Some students rave about this class as the best part of their day; no other course offers such a close look at the cutest critters and creepiest crawlies of the magical world. However, some students balk at the pungent smells and cacophony that is often par for the course.

Care of Magical Creatures educates students in breeding, caring for, and occasionally harvesting magical creatures from across the world for magical means. There are very few creatures which it does not cover, and the theory alone can take years to master, let alone put into practice.

As messy as it can occasionally be, getting up close and personal with the magical creatures on campus is a necessity for learning- even if it is sometimes the hard way. Try and make your way to the stables with the professor after class to get practice in so that the information you get tested on is second nature. What better way to memorise magical creatures than to spend time learning about them yourself?

That will be all of the study tips for this edition. Try them out and let the writers know whether they helped or not. This has been whoohoo and bluecherub for the Daily Diviner.
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