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The Daily Diviner - Issue 120

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Server Spotlight


Game Patches and More!
Written by Silquer
Edited by littledead

Hello my dear readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner! In August and September, the Game Design and Technology & Development departments were hard at work releasing game updates and patches to improve the server. From bug fixes to new spells, a lot has changed. Let’s take a look at what they have been up to and what these changes mean for players!

At the end of August, the Game Design department released a gameplay update featuring a new balancing patch courtesy of the Engineer Team! They introduced a brand new spell called Serpensorum! New spells are not added every day, so this is a treat for players. This spell, available to students at level 23, acts similarly to the iconic spell Aviforma. However, instead of spawning chickens to fight by your side, this new spell summons a slithering serpent.

Besides this brand-new spell, there were a plethora of changes to existing spells. There were so many adjustments that it is impossible to mention all of them here; instead, take a look at the forum post for more in-depth information here.

In September, the department released another update of patches and improvements. The focus of these was quality of life changes that heighten the player experience! A ton of new riddles were added to later years (a total of 131 for levels 66 through 80), which is great for the more advanced students looking for a fun challenge!

In addition to this, there are now reminders in chat for unclaimed daily rewards and notifications when players complete a daily activity! This is a super helpful reminder, as I often forget to claim my rewards when I log on to the server.

There were also some updates to the Echoes feature! Plenty of small changes were implemented, but the one that stood out the most was the ability to cast Signum in mazes to reset the timer. This will definitely save a lot of time when restarting mazes! There are many smaller additions that are worth taking a look at, both for the general changes and the Echoes-specific updates. If you are curious about these interesting behind-the-scenes adjustments the Game Design department worked on, take a look at their forum post here.

The Technology & Development team also released a significant bug fixes and improvements patch note in August! Besides some miscellaneous improvements (that are fascinating on their own), the Party Games minigame received a significant quality-of-life update!

A returning game has been added to the Party Games roster: the Grimlotts Break Out! Players are tasked with breaking out of the infamous Grimlotts Bank in this game, but beware of the obstacles in the way! In addition to this, players can now vote for which gamemode they would like to play. It is great that more control has been put into the players’ hands when playing Party Games! For more information on all of the changes, look here!

Based on all of the recent activity, it is clear that the teams have been hard at work keeping Potterworld up to date and running smoothly. A hearty thank you to everyone in the Game Design and Technology & Development departments who worked on these patches and updates! I highly encourage all players to hop online and check out these changes for themselves, and to also give some love to the forum posts.


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Autumnal Accessories for All
Written by Silquer
Edited by bluecherub

Hello my dear readers, and welcome back to the lovely Editorial column!

‘Tis the season for some spectacular store releases for a cool and cozy autumn, and the Store team has not disappointed. Between two new releases in September and October, players have plenty of accessories to choose from to craft the perfect autumnal outfit.

Here are the most recent store releases, some personal favorites, and some inspiration for the season.

We begin with the Void Store Releases, launched from space into the store at the beginning of September. These items were perfect for the start of autumn and are fantastic additions to one’s wardrobe as the days grow shorter and night creeps into the afternoons.

A favorite from this collection is the Void Wand, a gorgeous wand appearance that looks like the void itself. This is perfect for students who want to appear dark and mysterious like the forests of Hogsworth on a cold autumn night. The Anti-Halo hat is perfect in combination with this wand; they’re a dark duo of accessories!

A scenery was also created for this release, and it is unlike anything else in the store. Colors are completely inverted, creating a bright background for housing builds! Alongside this crazy-colored scenery, the Black Hole Broom fits right in. Zip across the sky with a black hole behind you; this is certainly a fashionable way to fly!

Finally, the Cloud Hat Collection is a cumulus mood board to wear around with your daily outfits. These clouds follow you around and can reflect your mood; from sunshine to snowfall, this collection has it all!

Coming in with the turning of the leaves is the Rustling Store Releases, arriving at the start of October when the trees transition to their most brazen colors. This collection of items captures the exact vibe of autumn; flannels, jeans, and comfy sweaters come to mind at first sight.

The Maple Broom captures the imagery of the changing leaves, bright reds and oranges making for a beautiful broom! The team also saw fit to gift players with a brand new Warp Key appearance: the Pocket Watch Warp Key. With this appearance, students will never miss a class again!

Two new pets arrived with the autumn season! The Pet Monarch Butterfly is a majestic companion with wings like golden leaves which will flutter faithfully behind you. Alongside the butterfly is the Pet Guinea Pig, one of the cutest little creatures ever, who will follow you on your journeys.

Finally, the Cream Bow hat goes with any cool-weather fit! Whether paired with long dresses or cozy sweatshirts, this bow will bring extra pizzazz to any outfit.

What a gorgeous collection of items! The Store team truly outdid themselves with these releases. Everyone who worked on them did spectacularly, from creative designs to elegant execution. Make sure to check out these new items on the store page and get to experimenting with outfits and accessories. Have a lovely start to your autumn!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

An Arithmancer's Sketch
Server Spotlight
Written by SnowyKitty and bluecherub
Edited by bluecherub

Have you ever wondered ‘Who creates all the beautiful artwork, renders, and skins across Potterworld’? Look no further than the Arithmancer team! The Arithmancer team is one of the most creatively talented teams on Potterworld.

There are three sub-categories within their sub-department: namely, the 2D Arithmancers, 3D Arithmancers, and Skin Arithmancers. The beautiful graphics which you see published in each release are put together by the 2D Arithmancers, the renders of all in-game elements seen across the board, even in the Daily Diviner, are the work of 3D Arithmancers, and all of the skins on NPCs and within those pieces are original works from the Skin Arithmancers!

Still, their sub-department is not particularly public. Students do not often get to see their work being done since it stays behind-the-scenes. That does not prevent us from finding out more, though! That is why we interviewed the Arithmancer Advisor juhin to find out more.

What made you decide to become an Arithmancer?

Prior to becoming an Arithmancer, I've always had a love for graphic design! I took a graphic design course in school that led me to lead one of the biggest graphic design projects of my life. When I joined the staff team originally, I always wanted to become a 2D Arithmancer, so I could be able to contribute what I love for the server. I ended up applying and joined the team in July 2023, where I'm still around making graphics across our Website, Discord, Wiki, Social Media, and even In-Game!

How does the team handle requests from other departments?

While we do tend to get a variety of different amounts of requests each month, we try our best to make sure each request is done by the deadline given to us by the departments. Time management is crucial when it comes to being an Arithmancer, especially if lots of assignments are sent out to the respective Arithmancer teams! Communication is also important. Sometimes, we might not be able to make a specific deadline because things happen, so it's important to speak with the requester and our lead to let them know that we can't finish it today, but we can finish it as soon as possible, as it can prohibit certain planned things from getting released.

How do the team (or you) work through any creative problems when working on projects?

The Arithmancer team is very big on giving and receiving feedback! If an Arithmancer is stuck on a project they're working on or believe that it could be improved, they can send it in for feedback that the rest of the team can see and leave their feedback on. Personally, I believe that having different sets of eyes can be really beneficial, as I can only stare at my projects for so long not knowing what exactly is missing or what needs to be changed. It's also a great way to collaborate with other Arithmancers, as our projects are more individual than team-based!

The content created by the Arithmancer team is visible across all of Potterworld’s social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! Be sure to check out all of their past work, whether it be to enjoy some art, take a blast to the past, or even to research the kind of work they put out!

The Arithmancers put in loads of work to keep our server beautiful, and every department relies on them to make their work look good. We are so lucky to have a team full of such talented artists!

If you or a friend would be interested in joining the team and doing that kind of work yourself, be sure to check out the applications for 2D Arithmancer, 3D Arithmancer, and Skin Arithmancer on our forums.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! This has been SnowyKitty and bluecherub reporting for the Daily Diviner.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Discover Your Pet's Hogsworth House!
Written by yakko__
Edited by snotflower

Have you ever wondered what Hogsworth House your pets would be in? You are in luck, because this quiz will answer that question. The quiz questions focus on your pet’s personality traits, just like the actual sorting ceremony does yours. Before taking the quiz, try and guess what your pet’s answer will be–do you know your pet well enough to guess correctly? Let’s start!
  1. What is your pet’s favorite kind of toy?
    A. Anything they can run around with!
    B. Toys that have food hidden inside
    C. Feather sticks or anything that lets you play alongside them
    D. Self-sufficient and quiet toys
  2. When does your pet sleep?
    A. The same time as you
    B. Sleeps all day, lurks all night
    C. Naps during the day while cuddling with you
    D. Stays awake and naps in equal measure regardless of time
  3. Where does your pet sleep?
    A. In the nice pet bed you got them
    B. Anywhere they fit, even if it’s inconvenient
    C. Your bed
    D. The comfiest spot it can find
  4. How well does your pet get along with strangers?
    A. Loves to meet and jump around them
    B. Stays back and watches to see what they’re like
    C. Begrudgingly meets them but is protective of you
    D. Ambivalent
  5. How much does your pet like cuddles?
    A. Loves it… but it turns into roughhousing
    B. Only likes it when they sneak up on you at night to fall asleep on you
    C. Always loves cuddles, no matter what
    D. Prefers not to cuddle–they have their own things to do
  6. What is your pet’s favorite food?
    A. Anything with meat
    B. Human food (when they can get away with stealing it)
    C. The treats you give them
    D. Whatever you feed them as long as it’s tolerable
  7. How would you describe your pet’s overall behavior?
    A. Boisterous, energetic, and playful
    B. Quiet, needs time to open up, and sneaky (but cute)
    C. Moderately energetic but gentle and protective
    D. Observing and always watching how things work as they wander around
If your answers were mostly A, then your pet is a Griffin! Griffin students are often known to be upfront, driven, and energetic. Because of this, if your pet is a husky, they are likely to end up as a Griffin.

If your answers were mostly B, then your pet is a Serpent! Serpents have a reputation of being sly and clever, but they are also wonderful friends once they open up around you. Unsurprisingly, cats tend to come out as Serpents.

If your answers were mostly C, then your pet is a Honeybadger! Honeybadgers are often characterized by their loyalty, openness, and hidden fierceness–for anyone with a golden retriever, that might sound a lot like your pet.

If your answers were mostly D, then your pet is a Raven! Ravens, of course, are known to be intelligent and curious, and they may seem withdrawn or very outgoing because of this. Naturally, ravens fit this criteria very well, but a more common magical pet, the owl, fits it too.

I filled out this quiz for my four pets as I wrote it. I was expecting at least one of them to be Serpent, because I have three cats, but that wasn’t the case! My dog ended up in Griffin, my oldest cat is a Honeybadger, the middle cat is a Raven, and the youngest is also a Griffin. It is important to keep in mind that even though categories like Hogsworth Houses can be useful for broad generalizations, each person (and pet!) is more than what you assume them to be.

Did you guess your pet’s House correctly? Did you feel like this quiz was accurate? Hopefully this helped satisfy your curiosity and bring you closer to your pets.
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