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The Daily Diviner - Issue 124

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Server Spotlight


A Student’s Winter Waltz Reminiscence
Written by Silquer
Edited by littledead

Winter is here at last! It is my favorite time of year, especially at Hogsworth. The winter decorations and the promise of snow always bring me joy. However, we are also nearing the season that reminds me of the best event for us Hogsworth students: the Winter Waltz! As a seventh-year student going out to the magical workforce soon, I want to reflect on the past several years of the Winter Waltz. If you also share these memories, feel free to reminisce alongside me as we go down memory lane.

Being a transfer student, the first Winter Waltz I attended as a Hogsworth student was the trip to the Mahounoshiro School of Magic. As a young third-year student, I was awed by this beautiful school in Japan. Although the last time I saw this school was a few years ago, the ancient castle with the stunning view of the mountains has stuck with me ever since. My favorite memory from this year was ice skating on the river and gliding under the uncommon cherry blossoms that still bloom in winter. Despite this visit being the longest ago in my memories, it remains my favorite.

I remember my second year of Hogsworth Winter Waltz visits fondly. Castelomagia was a fantastic host for the Winter Waltz, and the students were so kind and friendly. Getting sorted into one of their houses was a highlight! Of course, I explored plenty. The library was a perfect place to map out and explore. Most of all, I loved being able to stargaze on clear nights; however, my favorite memory is easily hatching my own Conucko. Overall, it was such a fun and beautiful trip.

I was a fifth-year student during Hogsworth’s visit to Silvermorne, which was so warm and welcoming; it was a perfect haven in the midst of winter. The school contains a rich history that was a pleasure to discover. My favorite memories come from wandering the long halls and snow-covered courtyards, all while enjoying the scenery on the highest point in Massachusetts. My time spent here was cozy and reminded me of winter-time at Hogsworth in many ways.

Last year is the freshest in my mind; École du Monde Occulte was the destination of the year. The size and location of the school stunned me the most; it was so warm for a winter event! I fell in love with the outdoor school and all of the history built into the foundations. Exploring the school’s past was an incredible experience and one I will not forget soon! However, like Castelomagia, this school was a little warm for my taste.

Now, approaching the winter of my final year at Hogsworth, I look forward to finding out what winter adventure awaits us students. I will miss attending these events as a student, but I hope you all do not listen to me being a downer and enjoy this winter’s activities! I hope you have a wonderful winter. Stay cozy!


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Vibrant Additions to the Store
Written by SIlquer
Edited by snotflower

Hello, my dear readers, and welcome back to the Editorial column of the Daily Diviner. November came and went, but not without the month’s store releases! A creative twist was brought to November’s Vivid Store Releases. Each item is themed around vibrant colors, perfect for bringing light to a sometimes-dreary season in the Northern Hemisphere. Let us go through these new items together so that you can decide which are best for the season!

To start are the wands, which have a prominent place in this release. There are four separate wands, each with a unique color scheme. These colors are something special; they are both vibrant and eye-catching, making them perfect accessories to partner with suitable outfits. The Agate Wand is a beautiful blue gem color built for balance. This color will bring you a sense of stability in tumultuous times; it is especially good for duelists who need to focus in the heat of battle.

The Carnelian Wand is such a radiant red! This gem is for passionate magic users. The deep crimson color will bring that passion to the surface, allowing for success in any magical endeavor. The Aventurine Wand is a gorgeous green, and, like the gem it is named after, the color will calm you. Finally, The Citrine Wand is a wonderful and bright yellow; this gem exudes happiness, just like its owners!

Paired with the wands are some various new wand effects! These effects are based on bright neons and match perfectly with each of the wands mentioned above. Not only do these effects come in four different colors, but each one has a helix pattern that swirls around and lights up near the ground! The four colors are cyan, green, pink, and yellow.

There are also some miscellaneous items to look out for. These items are best fit for adventurers looking to spruce up their traveling fit. The Navy Bucket Hat is a personal favorite. This hat is adorable and works with absolutely any outfit; I can confirm!

Any traveler also needs a map; the Explorer’s Map Warp Key is just the thing for those with a case of wanderlust. Finally, the Fortune Broom is a beautiful new broom to be added to the broom collection. Coupled with a map and trusty bucket hat, this broom will bring luck to any future endeavors!

There was also a fun update to the Rainbow Wand Effects. Now, a purchase of these effects will give you two versions, with the new one being more vibrant! Prior owners, fear not: previously bought versions will also receive this update.

Additionally, there are two items I have not yet mentioned… what could they be? Well, it would be best to check them out on the store to see for oneself! There may be a gorgeous pet and new death effects for you to check out.

November was certainly a great month for Potterworld’s store! I hope you enjoyed hearing about such a colorful collection. If any of these items struck your fancy, the store is only a click away! Regardless, I hope this gave you a better appreciation of the hard work the Store team has put into these monthly releases. Keep an eye out for future releases, and have a colorful winter!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

A Thrilling End to Year 3
Server Spotlight
Written by snotflower
Edited by Silquer

Welcome back to the Server Spotlight column! Though every year at Hogsworth is full of excitement, Year 3 is certainly nothing to scoff at. After all, this is when students first travel to London, meet many important characters, and even receive an incredibly useful reward! In this article, we will be concluding the Year 3 trilogy of articles by going over the final three quests.

In Brew Your Brew, players are recruited by Pumpkin Punch seller Wilbert Finnigan, who has unfortunately run out of the famous drink. As he’s stuck manning his stand, he enlists your help in checking in at the Enchanted Pumpkin Punch Headquarters. Simple enough, right?

Unfortunately, it seems that the supply chain of Pumpkin Punch has become quite backed-up. It’s up to you to brew the drink and help out the company! To start this quest, you can find Wilbert in Carket Market.

This quest provides an intriguing glimpse into the bustling business world of London. Brew Your Brew takes you around Carket Market, Shade Alley, and Vertick Alley, which comes in handy in the future as it can be a maze for newer players. Plus, who wouldn’t want to get on the good side of such an iconic company?

Next, Relics of the Past - Part I is the introduction to a questline that spans multiple years in many places across the UK. Players can start it by speaking to the mysterious masked figure Zin, who hides out in Vertick alley looking for someone who can assist him in finding a dark relic.

The search for this relic is not an easy one. Hunting for it leads players to different places and characters in an attempt to gain information. There is even parkour along the way!

The Relics of the Past questline is one of the biggest on the server, and for good reason. Any aspiring wizard will not want to miss out on this exciting adventure, fraught with battles, puzzles, and mystery.

The final quest of Year 3 is Broomsmith Break-In, which you can begin by speaking to Officer Jenny in Diagonal Lane. Unfortunately, the Broomsmiths shop has been robbed, and you must figure out who did it! It is your job to deduce the culprit and recover the missing broom recipes by investigating the shop and finding clues.

While solving the case is satisfying on its own, an exciting reward comes in the form of your very own broom! Prior to this, players must traverse the world by foot or the Fire Dust Network, which can be a bit slow. With a broom, there is freedom in flight as you soar above the trees!

With that, the Year 3 quests are over! If you are a newer player who has not had a chance to complete them yet, I hope this has been an enlightening look into what is up ahead. And even if you are a veteran with many quests under your belt, a walk down memory lane is always beneficial. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

A Wizard's Feast
Written by snotflower
Edited by bluecherub
Lore by riryuh, lolclem, julit_, _xNadine, MelonFoxy

Welcome back to the Lifestyle column! This time of year is famous for its holidays, each with their own massive feasts. For those at Hogsworth, these meals are commonplace, but readers at home may be itching to experiment with their own magical cuisine. If this is you, look no further! Read ahead for some delicious magical foods fit for a feast.

All good meals start with an appetizer, which comes before the main course. An easy crowd-favorite is Spicy Dragon Thai Salad, which only takes 10 minutes to prepare!

By combining Thai chilli paste, fish sauce, cilantro, cooked shrimp, lemongrass, lettuce, chopped onion, and, most importantly, a few drops of dragon saliva, you will have a refreshing and crunchy salad with a sharp kick. A fun side effect of this starter is that while you eat it, you will breathe out sparks of fire!

After such a spicy salad, your guests will certainly want a refreshing drink. They may have different preferences, so it is recommended to have a selection they can choose from. For example, butterbrew is popular with children and adults alike!

Another option is Scoski, a brand of soda, though it is quite expensive and hard to find. Scoski is famous for its magical properties that positively (or negatively, if you so desire) affect the mood of the person who drinks it.

Finally, Magical Oliang, or Thai iced coffee, is made with brown sugar and various seeds, such as cardamom and soybeans. It provides a helpful health boost, even reducing the risk of cancer!

Next is the most important part: the entrée! For this main course, look for dishes that are filling and can pair well with sides. One well-liked option is Tricky Toadstool and Cracked Rice Stew.

While the most important ingredients are the toadstool mushroom and rice, the rest is up to you! Typically, other vegetables such as carrots and onions are added with salt and paprika. Simply sauté the ingredients and let the stew simmer on low heat for four hours. You will be left with a filling and hearty dish!

No feast would be complete without sides that complement the main dish. The perfect option is bread, which can be eaten on its own or dipped in the stew for a rich blend of flavors. Aida’s Banana Focaccia is a wonderful choice, though for this meal we recommend leaving out the banana, chocolate, and honey unless you are making it as a dessert.

The most important part of this focaccia is its unique blend of herbs, which bring inner peace and protect from negative energy. For most of the process, make the bread like you would the Unmagical version.

However, before baking it, use a mortar and pestle to grind up valerian roots, betony, rosemary, and garlic, and spread the mixture onto the dough. After baking it for 20 minutes, you will have a delicious flatbread!

Last but certainly not least is dessert! This should round out the meal and leave your guests with something to remember. The Celestial Concha, a sweet bread roll, is a wonderful choice, as the lunar phase you bake it during changes the effect of the dessert. For example, if you make the concha on a new moon, consuming it will lead to heightened emotions. The best part is that even normal conchas are a tasty treat!

If you are not in the mood for baking, Edmund’s Flavourful Cake can be purchased at many shops around the wizarding world. The most intriguing part about it is that no matter who eats it, the cake will taste like that person’s favorite dessert! Though it is not home-made, your guests are sure to love it.

I hope you were inspired by some of these magical cuisines! Do not be afraid to experiment and make the recipe really yours. You can invite your friends or family to help cook, or you can do it solo. Just make sure to have fun and make something delicious! Thank you for reading, and have a magical day!
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