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The Daily Diviner - Issue 53

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Student Spotlight


Original Works

Department Goals
Written by ohKeira
Edited by bluecherub

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 53rd edition of the Daily Diviner!. After a long and difficult year, we finally made it into 2022. Every year is a new chance to try and reach new heights in every aspect of life. I had the pleasure of talking with the Head Staff of each department to see how they will be starting off the new year. For those who do not know, Head Staff are people who lead each of the 6 departments on Potterworld: Game Design, Academics, Tech and Dev, Build, Community Management, and Media/PR. They manage their departments and make sure that everyone stays on task. They also answer any questions that the team has, and overall make sure everyone has a great time. With that out of the way, let’s dive right in!

Game Design
Head of Game Design: Droobledore

As Potterworld continues to release new content throughout the year, we are actively focused on taking note of all the most popular designs and gameplay strategies that the community enjoys the most. We want to learn from what works and generate more content based on what our players love the most! Since GD has several sub-teams, we want to find a good balance of sharing the "lime-light" of content and giving all sub-teams ample time to shine. This year we will have some awesome Roleplay and overall game additions to the server that should be fun and exciting! We will continue to expand our Arena team challenges to include new types. We are happy with the events that the Magiventologist team have been releasing and plan to continue our trend of unique events that our players enjoy. The Systems Team is currently working on some big designs that we will share in the future. We are currently interested in building up our Unspeakable team, so if people are interested, apply!​
Technology & Development
Heads of Technology & Development: Alexstrasza14 & DenizTM

As a department, Tech & Dev's goal is to continue improving on producing high quality content, from spells and in-game features to testing and ensuring maximum quality for our players. Grounds Keepers will continue to test out Academics' interactive classes, focus on taking Community Engagement Events with the Inquisitors to the next level, and polishing our soon-to-be-released gauntlets to perfection. Their work has been essential in the past year to keep all facets of the game running smoothly, and it will continue to be in the coming year! Engineers, on the other hand, will be brainstorming new spells and mobs to add to the diversity in gameplay like quests, events, and most especially gauntlets. Without them, we would not be able to have such a dynamic server, so we are forever thankful for the work they have done and will continue to do! Lastly, our Developers are on course to create other useful quality-of-life features that will be enormously helpful for future gameplay and the server as a whole! Overall, we are very thankful for the hard work that our teams have put in in the last year, and we plan to continue to push ourselves to the next level this year, even as we appreciate what we already have.​
Head of Academics: Heylookbunnies & zachmath15

We want to continue working on interactive lesson plans and using the Potterworld tech in our classes. We also intend to keep the Academics team engaged with the community and hope to continue to provide fun and exciting classes! The team is currently working on several exciting interactive lessons and has already produced a few! We hope you all have gotten a chance to see some of these, and that you have enjoyed them. The team is working on a lot of behind the scenes stuff related to classes, and there are some exciting things coming in the future. We can't reveal the details just yet, but we think you'll all enjoy the new additions! We're always looking to take any feedback on our classes, so please don't hesitate to reach out to any Academics member if you ever have any suggestions!​
Head of Build: PotatoEmma

Our main goal with the Build Team is to create an environment where the builders enjoy being at and feel appreciated! We want to keep growing as a team, making amazing builds and having fun while doing it. While building is awesome, it’s most important to me that the builders enjoy the process and feel comfortable with one another. In the future, we hope to keep producing fun and diverse content for players to enjoy and explore! We also hope to release many more high-quality and diverse builds for players to enjoy playing and for builders to enjoy building. We constantly work on new content for the world map, mini-game maps, and fun event builds. The team hopes to release more world map content this year. Maybe a world village or smaller builds to bring the map more to life! An exciting project we’ve worked on recently was the revamp of the Magical Hospital, which is now much more accurate and large. Keep an eye out for its release!​

Community Management
Head of Community Management: EricaEH

The CM department’s #1 goal is always to provide a fun, safe, and welcoming environment for all of our players and to make sure our players are having a positive experience across all of our platforms. We also strive to provide quality customer service for all players and ensure that everyone is being treated fairly. We try our best to listen to every player’s ideas, suggestions, and feedback to make the server the best it can be. The Store Manager Team is continuing to work on exciting store releases through the year, and our Poltergeist team is actively testing many new gameplay updates to make sure they’re suitable and enjoyable for players. Our Scribe Team has been working hard on creating and releasing a quality wiki for players to have a stronger understanding of all key aspects of the server and our unique lore. Keep a look out for this in the near future!​

Media & Public Relations
Head of Media & Public Relations: Sunnya

In Media, our goal for 2022 is to create more content to put out to the community and create content complimenting new and seasonal gameplay. Previously, we would just create the requests that came in from other teams. While we still will do that, we want to do more as we are definitely way more than just a request department. Some specifics that I can mention are overall, each Media team will create content that has to do with the upcoming Valentine's Event. The community can also expect to see unique work from the Daily Diviner Team through special editions and more Potterwatch videos. The WizNetworker team has exciting ideas for a variety of competitions and giveaways as well.​

And on that note, that sums up today’s article! I want to thank every Head Staff for what they do on the server and for helping me with this today. As always, please take care and stay safe; this is Keira signing off!


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The 2021 Winter Waltz: A Review
Written by joyellen
Edited by LittleI

Hello lovely readers! Welcome back to the Editorial column of the Daily Diviner. Today, we will be revisiting the 2021 Winter Waltz to highlight what players thought about the event! To do this, I will first briefly be discussing the event itself, then I will be interviewing the students of Hogsworth to gather their thoughts on the Winter Waltz! Without further ado, let’s get straight into the article!

The 2021 Winter Waltz in Castelomagia

The recent Winter Waltz was hosted by the Brazilian magic school Castelomagia. This Winter Waltz was like no other held before it, being that it takes place in a stunning tropical rainforest. The event featured nine main quests and also had repeatable side quests and other playable content such as minigames and activities. To find out more about players’ opinions of the Winter Waltz in Castelomagia, I had the great pleasure of interviewing three players about it.

What were your favourite aspects of this year’s Winter Waltz? Did you like the new setting that came with the magical school of Castelomagia? And why?
20zuzka04: I think one of my favourite aspects of this year's Winter Waltz was the journey to the Castelomagia school itself. Kevin's whole speech about rainforests was actually very interesting. When I first entered the Castelomagia world, I was amazed by the builds, all the colours and details were just awesome.
jonvr: My favourite aspect of the Winter Waltz event was the possibility to experience the Wizarding World in a different country. It is always so fun and refreshing to be outside of the United Kingdom, to be a part of different wizarding traditions, and to get involved in amazing quests. The new setting was brilliant and matched the school and overall vibe so well. Great job builders!
WitheredApollo: I quite enjoyed the Aviary quests! Many expected them to go one route when in fact, they went the complete opposite, shocking us all. It was super fun, and I hope to see more of it in the future! The new setting was super cute, very different from Hogsworth, and I loved all the plants.

What were your thoughts about the house sorting quiz questline? Would this be something you would like to see in future events?
20zuzka04: I enjoyed the house sorting quiz questline. Students were able to learn a bit about Castelomagia's houses, and it was a fun experience for those who haven't changed their house since coming to the server. I would for sure add something similar to future events, as it seems to be enjoyed by students and it can be a nice event world introduction.
jonvr: I really enjoyed that part because it really adds to the immersion of the new Wizarding World experience. This type of quest would be great to see in future events.
WitheredApollo: Oh for sure! Honestly, if I could've resorted again, I would've just because of how fun it was: it made you truly think.

If you could add or take anything away from this event what would it be, and why?
20zuzka04: Honestly, I don’t know if I’d like to add or take away anything specific: the event was amazing. But if I had to, I'd probably add one more side quest. The 12 days of Christmas side quest after players finished it, we had to use snowflakes to buy choco hops boxes for the dailies. So I’d add a side quest, maybe something about making fireworks! It’d be related to the Christmas/New Years theme, and it would actually be pretty fun.
jonvr: The only thing I could think of right now is to add the Conucko bird from the Aviary questline as a collectable, so I can keep the bird on my shoulder because it's just so cute.
WitheredApollo: Maybe add a bit more lore to the quests or even more quests for that matter. Once you've finished them all, you mostly just collect snowflakes, and that's it, but even then, you can get the correct amount of snowflakes to have bought everything. So you're just kind of stuck there with nothing to do.

What would you like to see from our future events? Would the events be similar to the recent Winter Waltz?
20zuzka04: I enjoyed the way this event was introduced as well as the later experience. As I said in previous questions, I really liked Kevin's introduction to the location, and I think we could use something like this in future events. As well as the mini-games, we had a huge variety of them, and it was hard to get bored of them.
jonvr: For future events, I would love to see similar things to this event. For example, another questline over multiple parts like we saw in this year's Aviary questline. Another thing future events should have would be the wide selection of rewards like at this Winter Waltz with something everyone enjoys and where you have to choose which ones you want to get because you would need a ton of event currency, and at least I did not manage to get that many.
WitheredApollo: Perhaps more lore that is connected to Potterworld? Quests that align with actual level quests; it would be rather fun to run around and try and remember past quests like that.

Give your thoughts on the Aviary Adventure questline. Did you like the combined player effort to unlock the final rewards? What about collecting Conucko eggs to unlock quests?
20zuzka04: I think that the Aviary questline was very enjoyable! I liked the idea of the combined player effort to gather all the needed eggs for the reward! The quests were very nice, and I was looking forward to doing them! The collecting eggs part was rather difficult at the beginning, but once I remembered all the eggs locations, I started enjoying it.
jonvr: The Aviary questline was just beautiful, and I enjoyed the story in all the multiple quest parts. The combined player effort for the final rewards is a cool idea that we sadly don't see in a lot of quests. About collecting the required Conucko eggs for unlocking the Aviary quests, to be honest, I bought most of the eggs from other players instead of collecting them myself, but it is a nice feature because that way you are maybe not directly done in one day but have more fun playing over multiple days.
WitheredApollo: The Aviary Adventure questline was super fun: 10/10 in my eyes! Collecting eggs was rather easy, and finding all 20 eggs was easy! You could easily memorize where they were. And the combining efforts with players should for sure be added to future events! I love watching all the players work together and combine efforts.

Any other comments on the Winter Waltz?
20zuzka04: It was my first Christmas on the server, and I must say that it was the best Christmas I’ve ever had! The atmosphere and the resource pack that changed the chests to presents really did a great job! I can’t wait for next Christmas on the server.
jonvr: The Winter Waltz is always my favourite event of the entire year because of the given reasons, mainly because of the new Wizarding World experiences in other countries. Last year, I unfortunately only played a couple of days because that was the time I first joined, but even those few days were great. Huge thanks to all staff for creating the best possible events for the best Minecraft server and community! Love you all!

I would love to give a big thanks to 20zuzka04, jonvr, and WitheredApollo for volunteering to be interviewed! Unfortunately, this brings us to the end of this article. From exploring the 2021 Winter Waltz and players’ opinions, it is clear to see that this event was exciting, unique, and innovative. I am positive events will only become better from this point onward! I would also like to thank our lovely readers for tuning in to this edition of the Daily Diviner: this has been Joy, have a spectacular day.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Winter Store Spree
Written by SnowyKitty
Edited by snotflower

Hello everyone, and welcome to the second Editorial article of this issue! The Daily Diviner team missed you guys over the past month! Over break we celebrated the Winter Waltz, hung out every day, and got new store items. In this article, we’ll be going over the new Rainforest and Time Traveller’s Store Releases. The Artworker and Build teams have been hard at work and brought us new items from pets to housing sceneries. Let’s take a look!

The Rainforest items were released just over a month ago now in mid-December. They were inspired by our event at that time: the Brazilian Winter Waltz! Hogsworth visited Castelomagia in Brazil this year. The students danced their hearts out and found out the mysteries of the school. You can learn more about this terrific trip in the previous article written by Joy, but for now, let’s learn about those store releases.

Anyone who went to Castelomagia is, without a doubt, yearning to be back in the rainforest. With all of this gloomy weather in Britain, how will we be sure the sun ever shines again? Do not worry! You can remember the beauty of Brazil with the new rainforest housing scenery. From beautiful waterfalls to glistening gold statues, you will feel the wildness of the jungle once again.

But who could forget our feathery friends, the Conuckos? We raised so many eggs and had our very own Conucko friend while we stayed at Castelomagia, but unfortunately, they did not come home with us. Yet, now they can! You can pick up any of the three types — fire, ice, or lightning — at the Potterworld store! They are powerful companions that are sure to be up to the test for all of the dangers that await the two of you in Britain.

Travel back in time with the new Time Traveller’s Store Releases! Embrace the steampunk era with these exciting new cosmetics. The magic from the past seems to be different from the modern day. Show your friends what you’ve brought back from your adventures with these releases!

Show off the wands of the past with the new Clockwork Staff! You’ll find that this wand is like no other in Britain. The hidden and small details of its design hint at fine-tuning methods we could hardly remember now. This slick and stylish design proves to be efficient for spell casting and works just as powerfully as any current wand. You’ll find its prophetic abilities are showcased in the clock at the head of its staff. Time seems to tick down until you defeat your opponent. How fast will your clock tick?

When it comes to the brooms of the Victorian era, the Clockwork Broom is suspiciously the fastest. Found in a mysterious backroom of a broom shop, it seems to have a mind of its own. With new magic the wizarding world hasn’t even dreamed of, it’s sure to take you for a spin. Mysteriously, the ticking clocks that surround it seem to keep this broom alive.

A funny little friend seems to have followed you back from your travels. The Clockwork Robot is the cutest pet in history. Its spinning gears and creaky limbs cause quite the racket, but who would have it any other way? It loves to keep time for you for whatever occasion you need it for. Though, somewhat annoyingly, it always makes sure you’re never late for class.

Our final item is sure to show your pioneering skills. The Clockwork Aviator Hat is becoming the new hot style at Hogsworth this winter. Travel in fashion with the glossy goggles and whizzing wings. We guarantee that with this hat on, no one will doubt your flying skills.

Don’t forget to blast to the past with the Rainforest and Time Traveller’s items this winter! We don’t know when they’ll fade back in time, so you better be quick to pick them up at the store! Thank you so much to the Artworker and Build teams for creating these magnificent items. And finally, thank you so much for reading this article! We hope to see your new style whenever we might find you!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Ori's Gaming Company
Student Spotlight
Written by Creme_de_Creme
Edited by bluecherub

Hello lovely readers! It's the beginning of a new year and the Daily Diviner is back to bring you the first Student Spotlight of the year! This week, I had the privilege to interview Ori (IGN: Marinette) about his Eco Gaming Company. For those of you that may not know Ori, he is a Phoenix and a Griffin graduate student. As a Phoenix, he is known for his dueling skills, having passed his dueling trial and thus becoming a Phoenix Talon.

In order to learn a little bit more about Ori, I dived in to ask about his favorite aspects of Potterworld:

What is your favorite quest or event and why?
Probably the summer event because of the cool rewards and fun quests. My favorite reward from the summer event was the Beach ball, 100%. It's just fun to play with when there's nothing to do. It's cool as well.

For those of you who don’t know, Ori along with a couple other graduate students started a gaming company on Potterworld. They called it the ‘Eco Gaming Company’.

What is the Eco Gaming Company and what does it do?
Eco is a game company formed by Me (ori), ColaCinema and Eden_Alzarin. We make mini games such as the dropper and more. Our first mini game was the dropper we spent 2 hours building with the help of friends.

Ori, ColaCinema, and Eden_Alzarin are all graduate students. Frequently, graduate students have completed most, if not all, of the quest content on the server. Thus, when an Arena Challenge or Academics class is not happening, graduate students tend to find ways to make their own fun. In this case, they started a company and made droppers!

What prompted you to want to start it?
Well we were in vc, me, cola, and eden, and we were talking about how much we were bored, and we had nothing to do since we are all grads. Then we thought about making a lil’ dropper mini game for fun and to earn extra gold. We made a dropper minigame and whoever made the jump got 10k gold, with an entry fee of 50g. I think what motivated us the most was that we were bored, and we made something fun out of nothing.

What is your favorite memory that came out of starting and/or running this company?
Probably when we had more than 50 customers. A lot of people came to try and win, and it was fun seeing people enjoying it.

What advice would you give to those who are looking to start a similar company?
Do something for fun, not for the gold. We did it ‘cause we got bored, and we got extra gold from it, but in general we did it for the fun. Don't start a company for the gold cause it will fail. Do it for the fun!

I would like to thank Ori for his time and sharing with us his experience in starting a gaming service for Potterworld! For those of you looking to get some dropper practice in, I would recommend doing /map in-game! All purple target icons represent various mini-games that you can try, such as parkour, droppers, and mazes! All mini-games give you gold. Who knows, maybe by practicing the mini-games, you may gain the skills to become the winner of 10k gold from their company! Have a wonderful day. This has been Creme_de_Creme reporting for the Daily Diviner.

Do you know anyone on the server that stands out (cool housing, a museum, active in RP, do something cool outside of PW, etc.)? Nominate them here for a chance to be our next Student Spotlight!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Horoscopes of the New Year!
Written by Silquer
Edited by bluecherub

Hello readers, and welcome to this issue’s Lifestyle section! The new year has begun, and ahead of us is the promise of a long, fulfilling year full of opportunity and excitement. What awaits us in this new year? It can be overwhelming to think about! Thankfully, we have yearly horoscopes to help answer that question and clear up our doubts about the future.

In basic terms, horoscopes are predictions of a person’s future based on their zodiac sign, which in turn is based on one’s birthday. They can be used to predict anything from a daily mood forecast to the entirety of your year! Although the validity of these predictions is often questioned, whether you believe in them or not, it’s always worth taking the time to read through them and seeing if they resonate with your own life in some way. Horoscopes are a perfect way to reflect on yourself, your future, and what you wish to accomplish. On that note, let’s get started with the 2022 predictions!

The first three zodiac signs of the year are Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries, followed by Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer, then Leo, Virgo, and Libra, and finally Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. What lies in store for all of these lovely zodiacs?

For the independent Aquarius (those with birthdays from January 20th to February 18th), 2022 will be a year of new challenges. Be sure to stay steadfast and strong this year and have confidence in yourself! Similar to the Aquarius, Pisces (birthdays from February 19th to March 20th) will find themselves at the start of a new journey, or, if they so choose, may find themselves continuing an old one. As for the ambitious Aries (March 21st to April 19th), this year will mark a new start. Just as the other two zodiac signs before you, believe in yourself and your capabilities, and this year will pass by with ease!

The next three horoscope predictions have to do with self-care. Hard-working Taurus (from April 20th to May 20th) will find this year ideal for self-discovery. Make time to get to know and care for yourself! The Gemini prediction for this year (Mary 21st to June 21st) also offers a chance to slow down, focus on the self, and find a place of stability. To finalize the theme of self-care, the Cancer zodiacs (June 22nd to July 22nd) will find this year the perfect time to take care of their mental and physical health. The middle of the year is the best time to hone in on our self-care, when many of us are on vacations and the whole world is wide open to us again. We should all be following their example this year!

The third group of zodiac horoscopes are Leo, Virgo, and Libra. These next months are quite varied, but certainly unique! Compassionate Leos (July 23rd to August 22nd) have this year to celebrate their many accomplishments and appreciate what they have. Virgos (August 23rd to September 22nd) will find themselves with the opportunity for change all around them! Change can come in many forms, so be sure to stay open to every possibility this year! Finally, Libra (September 23rd to October 23rd) will spend this year in self-reflection, similar to Taurus and Gemini. Take care of yourself and reflect on who you are, but always be kind to yourself!

The final three horoscope predictions of the year are focused on slowing down and appreciating the final months of the year. It’s a long way off now, but remember to keep these in mind! Scorpio (October 24th to November 21st) are going to have a great year in terms of confidence! Trust yourself especially, and everything will work out in the end. Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 21st) will have the chance to relax and think over their lives. Take plenty of time to yourself this year! Finally, the last horoscope of the year are Capricorns (December 22nd to January 19th). It is important for us Capricorns to focus on balance this year. It can be hard with our normally hectic lives, but this year is the perfect chance to change that.

I hope these proved accurate for your year so far! In the end, your year is what you make of it. Whether or not any of these predictions resonated with you, don’t forget to set your own goals and aspirations and make this new year truly yours. I wish you all the best of luck this coming year, and I hope you have a great month!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Potterworld’s Assortment of Magical Musical Instruments
Written by bea_5OOOO
Edited by Calliequeen

Hello lovely readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner! Did you know there are over one thousand five hundred different types of instruments across the world? Here on Potterworld, we have a few different instruments for players to use, too. So today, I’ll be going through some of the Potterworld instruments and presenting them to you.

The first instrument Potterworld has to offer is a harp. As many of you are already aware, a Harp is a string instrument that typically consists of either a triangle or ‘U’ shaped frame, with strings running down the center. On Potterworld, a small self-playing harp can be found at Dr. Filibuster’s Fireworks at Diagonal Lane, for only twenty gold. Although the harp will play itself with a simple right click; there are still fun activities you and your friends can try to do with the instrument. For example, one thing you can try is using the harp to play a music-based game with your friends, like musical chairs.

Harps aren’t the only instrument available on Potterworld. The server also includes ukuleles available to be purchased for a thousand gold at Concordia & Plunkett Music Instruments, which is located on the right wall of Carket Market. For those of you who are unaware, the ukulele is a string instrument built similarly to an acoustic guitar, however; it contains four strings, and is much smaller in size. Through right-clicking the Potterworld ukulele, you can select from multiple notes to play simply by pressing the hotbar key. (This works similarly to spells.) These notes can be used to either create your own tunes or recreate some of your favorite songs on the server. One easier song I recommend starting with is “Riptide” by Vance Joy as it only uses Am, G, C, and F.

The final instrument that I’ll be introducing to you today is the ocarina. An ocarina is a wind instrument that involves blowing into, and using the holes set around the sides to play different notes. On Potterworld, the ocarina is available for purchase at Concordia & Plunkett Music Instruments, for a total of one thousand gold. Similar to the ukulele, the ocarina also has different notes you can choose from to play. One song that is fun to start with on the ocarina is “Zelda’s Lullaby” since it’s a much easier song to play on the ocarina, and only contains the notes E, G, D, F, and A.

Instrument Related Activities
Learning songs isn't the only thing you can do with instruments on Potterworld, there are a bunch of other fun activities that you can do with these instruments throughout the server. One activity that I briefly touched on earlier is using instruments to make your own fun games to play with your friends. For example, one fun game you can try is playing different songs on your instrument and having other players guess what song it is. Another exciting activity you can try is working together with your friends to play a song using multiple instruments. This is a great way to get better at using the Potterworld instruments and have a blast with your friends. Finally, I have a challenge for you to attempt, dear reader. The challenge is to try to use your instrument(s) to perform your own concert in the Great Hall. This concert could be with just yourself playing a single song, or playing a bunch of songs with all your friends, or even anywhere in between! All you need to do to complete the challenge is to try to have fun.

In summary, the harp, ukulele, and ocarina are some of the entertaining and fantastic musical instruments that Potterworld has to offer. These are all great instruments and I urge you to go ahead and try them out. For now, thank you for stopping by the Daily Diviner Lifestyle Column, and have a wonderful start to your week!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Occamers and Nifflies Ahead
Written by Creme_de_Creme
Edited by snotflower

Hello readers, and welcome back to the Lifestyle column of the Daily Diviner! Magical creatures are wondrous and (sometimes) terrifying beings, varying in levels of danger. Luckily, Magizoologists have dedicated their lives to studying these creatures so that we can understand them better. I would like to share some of their findings about different magical creatures from around the world. In this article, we will look at Occamers and Nifflies.

Occamers are commonly found in Eastern Asia. They have a serpent’s body with royal-blue wings and can grow to be up to 15 ft long. Occamers grow and shrink to fit the space around them. However, be wary when approaching them: they can be aggressive and are especially protective of their eggs. The Ministry has given them an XXXX danger rating, so be careful when approaching them! A unique feature about their eggs is that the egg-shell itself is made of silver. They love to eat various insects. In-game you can find these creatures high-up in the mountains between Squalus Cove and Eldham Ridge.

The other creature I would like to talk about is the Niffly. Nifflies are commonly found in the British Islands. They look similar to a platypus in shape, with black fur and duck-bills. Nifflies live in burrows that can be up to 20 ft underground. They produce 6-8 offspring in a litter. These creatures are not as dangerous as Occamers and are very gentle. However, they have a habit of stealing shiny objects. As soon as they find shiny objects, they put them in their pouch to take back to their burrows. Indeed, they are well-known for causing chaos in places with lots of shiny objects. For example, Grimlots has many Nifflies living in its bank; however, the goblins somehow keep them at bay. As for their danger rating, they are rated by the Ministry as XXX. This rating means that they are not so dangerous. If you want to find the Nifflies in-game, you can find these creatures in a cave nearby the Dwelling.

Be sure you know what to do if you ever encounter a magical creature in-game! Knowing what to do can come in handy so that you can stay safe. Some magical creatures are more dangerous than others and may require extra caution and care when you are around them, like the Occamers. Some creatures are just mischievous, and you might need to watch them so that they don’t steal anything from you, like the Nifflies. I hope you enjoyed learning more about Occamers and Nifflies! Happy studying! This has been Creme_de_Creme reporting for the Daily Diviner.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

A Mysterious Player
Original Works
Written by ohKeira
Edited by kvmw

“Pawn to E5!”

The ivory chess piece moved at Talia’s whispered command. Her curly dark hair fell over her shoulders as she read her textbook. She had a chess game coming up soon with her friend, so she thought some practice wouldn’t hurt. She quickly ran across the table to the other seat.

“Rook to B3,” she said in her high-pitched, squeaky voice. The cold winter breeze bitterly blew against her face, causing her to wipe the fog off and adjust her gold rim glasses before moving back to the other seat. A pair of female Honeybadgers walked by her in the courtyard, and she gave them an awkward smile. A few seconds later, she heard whispering from behind her.

‘Hm, maybe it was just those girls again…’ Talia thought to herself, though when she turned to look, nobody was there.

Talia sighed deeply and opened her mouth to utter another command, but she was interrupted when one of the black knights moved.

“Hey! I didn’t tell you to do that!” she mumbled in awe, staring at the inanimate chess piece. “Pawn to C4!” she shouted at the board, and her pawn moved to take out the knight. Another gust of wind blew off her snug blue beanie, and another whisper could be heard. She stood up in a panic and began to run.

. . .​

The young girl bounded around the Hogsworth courtyard, looking behind every tree and bench for any clues. At first, it had seemed like a funny prank, but she was starting to grow worried about the chessboard seeming to move by itself and the whispering coming from nowhere. She held on tight to her blue striped scarf as she bent down to look at a few footprints in the snow. They looked to be small and around her size, but uneven and scattered.

“Huh.. can’t be an animal or something, at least we are narrowing it down,” she said quietly, continuing throughout the courtyard. Her brown boots left larger footprints in the light powdered snow that covered the ground as she knelt. A few silvery droplets rested right below her feet. She stuck out her pinky finger and gently dipped it in one of the drops. The liquid rested on her finger and she inspected it carefully.

“It looks like.. an invisibility potion! That makes a lot of sense,” she remarked happily, bouncing up to her feet. “Hey! Mystery person, come out from hiding, I just want to know who you are!” Talia screamed, placing her hand up to her ear and waiting for a response. Nothing; the only sound she heard was the howling of the bitter winter wind against the castle walls.

Talia sighed heavily and trudged through the snow to sit back on the log next to the tree. She placed her head in her lap in defeat and sat without speaking.

“Boo!” a voice shrieked from behind her. Talia fell off her chair, wincing as she hit the packed snow”. Talia looked up to see a pale girl standing in front of her.

“Ghost!” Talia screamed with fright and scrambled to her feet.

“I am no ghost! My name is Belle; I am a third-year student like you!” the girl replied, sticking out her hand. “I saw you were playing alone, but I was too shy to say anything, so I used an invisibility potion to play with you.” she paused for a brief moment to take a breath. “I am sorry for not responding earlier! I needed my potion to wear off.”

“It’s ok! It was fun solving the mystery. I do have one question—how did you get those pieces to move?” Talia asked.

Belle chuckled softly. “Easy, I just whispered the commands. Even if it is a whisper, the pieces will listen to any command given.”

“That was the whispering I heard…it all makes so much sense!” Talia took a confident step forward, grinning. “Well then, I challenge you to a game of wizarding chess!”

“Oh, you are so on!”

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The Snowman is Alive?
Original Works
Written by Ivy_Bell
Edited by Calliequeen

The sun was shining through the windows of the Hogsworth castle when Meredith woke up and ran out of bed to the window. Looking outside and seeing all of the snow on the ground, she smiled brightly and ran off to get ready.

In the Great Hall Courtyard, Amelia was standing outside, enjoying the snow. She looked over at the big wooden doors and saw Meredith run out.

“Amelia, it’s a snow day! Let’s make a snowman!” Meredith said with excitement in her voice.

Amelia just smiled and nodded her head, getting to work on the base of the snowman, rolling up all of the snow until it formed a gigantic ball. Meredith began to work on the body of the snowman. Once she was finished, she placed the ball on the base of the snowman.

Enjoying her walk in the snow, Abby came across Meredith and Amelia. She walked over to the two girls to see what they were doing.

“Hey guys, what are you doing today? Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked, standing in front of the two girls.

Amelia looked up to see Abby standing a few feet away. “We’re making a snowman! We just have to finish the rest.”

“Well, have you thought about bringing the snowman to life? Like a magical snowman?” Abby asked the girls.

Meredith and Amelia looked at each other with open mouths, then shouted out a resounding “Yes!”.

Abby told Amelia and Meredith to go back to their common rooms and bring back some accessories for the snowman. Once they returned, they put the accessories on the snowman. Abby held up her wand, casting a spell on the snowman and bringing it to life.

The three girls took a step back and watched as the snowman came to life before their very eyes. Abby smiled. “That was the first time I’ve ever cast this spell.”

Meredith looked at Abby with a shocked expression and yelled, “THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME!?”

“Yes, this was the first time, and it looks like it worked,” Abby said to Meredith.

The two girls were going back and forth while Amelia watched the snowman in amazement. While she watched over the snowman, she noticed something unusual. Whenever the snowman moved, more snowmen began to pop out, slowly growing to equal stature. Amelia called to the other girls, “Uh, girls? There isn’t just one snowman anymore. Is that a problem?”

Abby looked at the horde of snowmen, “No, it should not be doing that. We need to find the Headmistress. Maybe she has something that will help us.”

The girls ran into Headmistress McGannon’s office. When the door crashed open, she was taken by surprise. “Meredith, Amelia, Abby. To what do I owe this impromptu visit to my office?”

Amelia spoke up, “Abby used a spell that brought a snowman to life, and now it’s creating a snowman army. We need to stop it!”

Headmistress McGannon thought for a moment. “Girls, why don’t you show me to these snowmen?”

The girls and Headmistress McGannon stepped into the Great Hall Courtyard to see the ever-growing crowd of snowmen. McGannon held up her wand. “This isn’t anything I can’t handle. Paratolum.” The snowmen froze. McGannon held her wand up again, “Ignis!” Roaring flames expelled themselves from the tip of her wand, heading straight towards the original snowman, melting it on the spot as the other snowmen followed suit.

With the snowmen gone, McGannon pointed her wand at the sky, making it snow once more. Her face lit up as she yelled out, “Snow day for everyone!”

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The Reflection That Looks Back
Original Works
Written by joyellen
Edited by bluecherub

I have had thousands of names, yet I remain nameless. I have seen myself grow, watched my once smooth and youthful skin fade into a translucent and wrinkled layer of age, yet I remain ageless. I have lived many lives, but have I ever truly lived?

The life of a reflection is a void of an existence. The only form of entertainment I have is the daily monotonies of mundane life and when the owner of my existence gazes through the threshold between my world and theirs- directly at me.

Well, they don’t know they’re gazing at me per se. Instead, they believe that the reflective surface they call a ‘mirror’ is simply an inanimate object, made solely for the purpose of staring at oneself. Whether it be in distaste or in approval, these miniscule moments of their day are my only source of entertainment and have been for over a millennia.

The lives I have watched progress are unvarying to say the least. I have watched all of my owners from their first encounter with a mirror until they reach the end of their lifetime. Their lifetimes always seemed to end with them getting their happy ending.

But that was not the case for Ariadne Astor.

Ariadne Astor’s was my favourite life to live, despite my immense distaste towards the girl at first.

When I first met Ariadne, she, like many of my other lives, was an infant, gazing inquisitively at her mirror. What I did not expect was for the girl to tumble towards the mirror, heavily banging her head- and mine- against the pane of glass. We both winced before the toddler burst into tears.

I let out a displeased sigh, not keen to experience another lifetime of a clumsy person.

My general dislike for Ariadne only grew as I watched the fragile girl grow up and experience the many tribulations that came with her childhood gawkiness.

One of the most notable times was when she tried to ride a bike for the first time. Her parents thought it would be a good idea for her to learn on the pathway right outside their flat, which was conveniently situated right next to a busy intersection.

Unsurprisingly, Ariadne managed to stray off the pathway and into the heavy traffic. I watched through the reflection off the car’s windows as she sped through vehicles, barely missing them by an inch. Confusion struck me-- it was a miracle that she hadn’t been hit by a single one.

However, as I peered closer, I noticed something. Somehow, Ariadne was pushing the cars away from her. I gasped. It couldn’t be; she couldn’t be.

But, for once in Ariadne’s lifetime, she had managed to do something that completely surprised me. Ariadne Astor was a witch, and she had just shown her first sign of magic.

✧ ✧ ✧​

The years went by until Ariadne finally received her letter to Hogsworth. She was so overcome with excitement that she knocked over a potted plant.

Her years at Hogsworth were mostly uneventful. Ariadne was sorted into Ravens, as despite her uncoordinated disposition, she contained within her a foundational longing for knowledge. She was also quite creative, filling countless journals with her prose.

But this desire for wisdom was what led to Ariadne’s downfall.

When Ariadne reached her final year at Hogsworth, there were rumours spreading through the castle about a magical object that was said to bring the holder the greatest amounts of wisdom. However, the object was supposedly located in the depths of the Dark Forest, guarded by a horrific creature.

This did nothing to stop Ariadne, though, so she took off into the forest. She easily found the cave that housed the object, using a spell that she had invented herself to track it’s immense magical power.

Upon entering the cave, the girl discovered a large body of water, and, at its centre on a raised podium was an ornate golden box. Within lay the object she so deeply desired to behold.

With a flick of her wand, the girl easily traipsed across the vast expanse of water and landed on the podium to retrieve the object, but the girl was too enraptured by the box in her hands to notice the dark tendrils forming behind her.

The darkness snatched and flung the girl to the opposite side of the cave. She hit the wall with a scream that barely escaped the back of her throat before the creature launched itself towards her.

Ariadne grabbed her wand to start firing combat spells. She fought valiantly against the creature, but it was in vain.

The horrifying darkness threw the girl into the murky water, and I watched in grief as Ariadne’s terror-filled eyes gazed into mine for the last time.

✧ ✧ ✧​

The grief I experienced after that lifetime has come to an end, but it never got easier, even despite the thousands of others I’ve lived. Ariadne Astor’s life had been the most interesting, and I was lucky to be able to experience it alongside her.

After Ariadne, I went on to live a thousand more lives, but I will forever treasure my experience with that girl.
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