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The Daily Diviner - Special Edition: Magical Decade

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Welcome to the hub! Did Kevin show you the way? You didn’t get lost on the way here, did you? Excellent. The hub can be a little overwhelming at first, so I’m glad to give you a tour. There is a lot to see, so let me take you around the hub and show you where to get started. Follow me!

Right now, we are in the center of the dome. Here, you can find event information, mail, and Kevin! By now, you have probably noticed that purple is the predominant color all around. From Kevin and Droobledore’s robes to the carpet on the floor, you will be seeing a lot of Potterworld’s staple anniversary color around the event!

Take a moment and admire the massive hub we find ourselves in; it’s beautiful, isn’t it? Look out to the steps directly opposite Droobledore and Kevin. This is where we will start our tour of the dome. First are all of the booths you will want to visit. Starting from the left and continuing on are the collectables, then the lovely Daily Diviner booth, followed by the banners, exclusives, and decorative heads stalls. Farther down, you will find the store stand with the latest news of the store, and then the Choco Hop Cards Collector! Last is the exchange booth, where you can exchange Event Tokens for Gold, or vice versa.

As we have taken a stroll around the booths, I am sure you have noticed many students standing around by the entrances of their schools. That’s right— every wizarding school Potterworld has visited over the years has made a return to this hub! From Castelomagia to Beauxbois, the magical schools have all reappeared for students to visit.

This may seem a bit overwhelming, but do not worry; I can point you in the right direction. There is a schools-wide competition happening right now, and you can choose which school you want to represent! There is a student in front of each entrance to their respective schools, and I encourage you to see each of them and explore as much as possible.

Now, your eyes may be drawn to the distance, where a massive celebratory cake towers overhead. Standing by this purple cake are all of the students with the warps to the minigames. Every minigame from every school ever visited is here, including parkours, mazes, and droppers. Besides that, there are the rewards in the booths, which I implore you to explore to the fullest extent. There are banners, decorations, and collectibles for this momentous event. A tenth anniversary is only celebrated once, so make sure to see everything before the event closes.

Oh dear, would you look at the time! I have to help Kevin set up the rest of the banners. I hope you have learned something from the tour, and I can’t wait to see everyone around the event. Happy anniversary, and enjoy the celebrations!


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The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Hello, my dear readers! Potterworld is turning ten years old this year, and with our celebration of the Anniversary event, it is also important to look to the past. Let’s step into the temporal turner and stop at a few of Potterworld’s many stages of life. To help guide us is Droobledore himself, giving a few insights as we go through the developmental years.

To begin with, we will go all the way back to one of the very first defining features of Potterworld: events. Events on Potterworld have been the backbone of the server since they were introduced. Droobledore recalls that the first event was for Valentine’s Day, and that small celebration snowballed into the events we know and love today. That was many years ago, and since then, events have grown far beyond simply a fun activity. Now, events are the pride and joy of many Staff members, take months of work and effort to complete, and are enjoyed by players each day the event is active. To think that it all started with one idea way back when!

Along with events, roleplay has always been at the core of the Potterworld experience. Back in the earlier years of the server, when players could choose bloodlines and get special wand cores, a lot of the Potterworld experience was made magical by roleplay. Large roleplay events took place in prior years but recently have remained in the hands of the players to facilitate themselves and let their creativity run wild! Their creativity in the use of Allegiances and game mechanics is something that makes this server special.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the Staff team, currently made up of over a hundred incredibly talented developers, game designers, writers, and artists, all uniquely contributing to the server in different departments.

Droobledore provided some insight into the start of the Staff team and departments, saying:
Droobledore: Everything started as "heads of house" with their subsequent house members. Initially, that worked when the team was small - but as we grew and the demands of the server grew we needed to change the structure because originally we would have say 3 game designers but they were all in different houses managed by different heads. The amount of communication that had to happen to make that work was unreasonable so we made them departments instead.
Run by the Academics department, classes are a unique part of Potterworld that breathes life into the world. The Academics department does a lot of behind-the-scenes work to run the classes and challenges. Every time a player logs onto the server, there will usually be a class starting soon!

When asked about the thought process behind classes and how they have evolved over time, Droobledore said:
Droobledore: I remember still where me and a few Staff members were in the backend servers (Underworld) when I came up with the idea of the "Academic Credit" from there evolved how to use them in classes, how they were given out, and that evolved into the more robust classes of today!
The player-to-player interaction in classes makes them exciting and magical, and being able to learn about the server from Staff members is a great opportunity! Without a doubt, classes are one of the most integral parts of the server.

Looking at gameplay, since 2014, the server has changed plenty, and the many updates over the years are the reason. One of the biggest updates of recent years was the Revelius Update, released in mid-2020, which completely changed many aspects of the server and launched Potterworld into the current era. The biggest question on players’ minds now that we move into the next decade is: what can we expect from the future? Well, Potterworld 2.0 has been in the works for some time now, with a focus on changing the leveling experience and the progression system. I am excited to see where it will lead us!

A decade is no small number of years, and it has been a wonderful experience for so many. This server is more than just a game; it is a home, a community, and a place to share our interests. Here’s to 10 more years of friendship, magic, and wonder!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Welcome, readers, to the Magical Decade Special Edition of the Daily Diviner! In the past, Hogsworth students have visited several other wizarding schools around the world. All of these schools have unique qualities and provide their students with different opportunities and experiences. In this article, we will be taking a look at each of these schools, including details about their location, reputation, and founding.

Starting in Togo, Africa we have École du Monde Occulte. The school is carved into a cliff face part of the Nok Caves. Some of the original structures of the Moba tribe remain as ruins incorporated in the entrance of the school. Unfortunately, not much is known about the school’s founding, as most of its history has been lost to time and colonisation. As such, the modern-day exclusive school of Monde Occulte focuses its curriculum on history and its importance.

The American wizarding school of Silvermorne Academy also emphasises the importance of respecting the land and its history. Built atop Mount Greylock in Massachusetts stands the large, grey castle of Silvermorne. The school is built in plain colours to let the natural flora and fauna of the forest reclaim the structure. The founders agreed Silvermorne could be built on the condition that the land never be owned by anyone other than the Earth herself. All natural wildlife and plants must be allowed to thrive in their original environment with no threat from the school. Silvermorne teaches students the rich history of the area and how to care for the natural environment. Wandless magic is also taught to all students, as it was important to the original tribes of the area. They believed destroying trees to create wands was not respectful to nature.

Surrounded by rainforest and mountains sits our next school, the Brazilian wizarding school of Castelomagia. The golden pyramid of Castelomagia finds itself wrapped in the vegetation of the rainforest as well as many water features from the nearby waterfalls and ponds. Flying throughout the school are the magical breed of toucan known as Conucko birds, which are adored by the residents of Castelomagia and sometimes kept by the students as pets. The curriculum of Castelomagia focuses heavily on Herbology and Magizoology because of its close connection with wildlife and nature.

Moving on to one of the oldest wizarding schools in the world is Mahounoshiro in Japan. The school consists of pagoda-like structures with blue-tinted roofs that sit atop the summit of South Iwo Jima. The curriculum is one of the most challenging of all wizarding schools, with its demanding classwork and striving for academic excellence. Nevertheless, the students of Mahounoshiro still find time for fun with popular activities, including Quabbleball, ice skating, and poetry workshops.

Next is the southeastern European school of Dormunstrad. Founded by the Bulgarian witch Nadia Voldsund in the Middle Ages, Dormunstrad was built within cold, rocky terrain. Nadia fell in love with this undisclosed location’s height and ability to conceal from threats. One of the rules Nadia set for the school, which is still enforced to this day, is that Unmagicals are forbidden from attending. To add to the school’s infamy is its inclusion of dark and martial magic in the curriculum.

The prestigious school of Beauxbois Academy of Magic sheds a lighter look on the wizarding world. Beauxbois was founded by Yvette Capet, a witch born to an Unmagical family. Although she had a wizard tutor, she wished to create a place of magical learning for students of all kinds to utilise their abilities. The white castle of Beauxbois, hidden within the French Pyrenees, gives off an air of royalty. With fragments of diamond and fairy dust mixed within the stones of the castle, the ethereal nature of the school stands out from any other. The school is known for its focus on the arts and cosmetics. This includes classes such as Theatre, Acting, Art, and Choir.

All of these wizarding schools are fantastic in their own ways and have been nothing but welcoming to Hogsworth students. However, there are still more wizarding schools worldwide for us to visit, with more experiences and friends to make. For now, we wait and see what the future holds for the students of Hogsworth. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you have a magical day!

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Hello, lovely readers! As we prepare to celebrate Potterworld’s anniversary, I find myself pondering the same question over and over. If I were to start my wizarding education all over again and could pick where I went, what school would fit me best? Luckily, I have taken the time to dissect the best parts of each school to make a quiz that should sort you into where you should go! Take this quiz and let us know where you would go!

What is your favorite color?
A. I don’t have one
B. All of them
C. Red
D. Blue
E. Yellow
F. Green

When you are not studying, what do you like to do in your free time?
A. Volunteer at the animal shelter
B. Hang with friends
C. Play sports
D. Make art
E. Reading
F. Go hiking

What is your ideal magical career?
A. Magizoologist
B. Professor
C. Wizencouncil member
D. Wizarding fashion stylist
E. Famous Quabbleball player
F. Mediwizard

What is your favorite magical subject?
A. Magical Creature Studies
B. History of Magic
C. Dark Arts
D. Alchemy
E. Flying
F. Herbology

Once you have your answers, look at their associated letters. The letter that you chose the most corresponds to the school you should go to!

If you answered mostly A’s, you got Castelomagia. Castelomagia is a golden-colored school located in Brazil. It has four houses called Animália, Aurólia, Estória, and Primavera.

If you answered mostly B’s, you got École du Monde Occulte! Monde Occulte is a school located in the mountains of Togo. It has four houses called La Maison de l’Action, La Maison du Changement, La Maison de la Connaissance, and La Maison de la Recherche.

If you answered mostly C’s, you got Dormunstrad! Dormunstrad is located deep in the mountains of South-Eastern Europe. It has three houses: Elg, Fugl, and Ulv.

If you answered mostly D’s, you got Beauxbois! Beauxbois is located in the French Pyrenees mountains. This school does not have houses. Instead, they have “trees” that they sort people into. They call it a tree as those within your tree are considered to be close enough to be family. There are three trees: L’arbre sinueux, L’arbre flèche, and L’arbre réseau.

If you answered mostly E’s, you got Mahounoshiro! Mahounoshiro is located on the small Japanese island of Iwo Jima. The school does not utilize houses whatsoever. Instead, the students are organized by year.

If you answered mostly F’s, you got Silvermorne! Silvermorne is located atop the highest peak of Mount Greylock in Massachusetts. It has four houses: Berrora, Resaye, Tuilaiwen, and Yantatte.

I hope you had fun taking our quiz! It’s up to you to figure out which house you belong in now. In the meantime, have a wonderful day! This has been Creme_de_Creme reporting for the Daily Diviner.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

Welcome, readers of the Daily Diviner, to another decade in-the-making edition. In celebration of Potterworld’s tenth anniversary, we’re pulling out all of the stops for the festivities, including hosting your very own housing party. In this article, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about hosting your own festivities, including possible themes, decorations, and activities to keep your guests entertained. Let’s make your Potterworld-themed housing party an unforgettable experience for all those who attend!

One of the biggest aspects of any party is the theme. While it is not required, it certainly brings everything together and gives life to the festivities. For example, Potterworld’s anniversary could be an excellent theme, if you’re planning to join the celebrations with your own twist. When considering how to decorate an anniversary-themed party, take inspiration on how you would decorate a typical birthday party. Personally, I imagine lots of balloons and a large cake in the center.

If you’re looking for other ideas, you can always opt for something non-anniversary related, such as an animal theme. You could scatter various animals around your housing plot or transform your housing into the “outback” of sorts. Additionally, you can always go with something simpler, such as a magical theme. Everything is magical on Potterworld, offering plenty of possibilities for your own twist and ideas incorporated into the theme. These are only a couple of ideas as there are endless possibilities for what you could do with your own party.
Along with any theme, you’re going to need decorations! All decorations are valuable, and there are plenty of things that can be incorporated regardless of building experience. For example, you can utilize the various housing sceneries that Potterworld offers. This is one of the easiest ways to create a base for any party. These can be found in-game and on the Potterworld store. Personally, I love using the Dark Follower scenery for a masquerade-themed party.

Additionally, simple builds scattered around your housing can enhance the party even more. For instance, you could have a large dance floor for your guests to show off their moves, and it’s always nice to have tables and chairs for your guests to sit. Similar to themes, there are endless possibilities for what you can build, especially with a little bit of research.

Finally, you’ll want to ensure that you keep your guests entertained during any festivities that you’re hosting. Various activities such as hide and seek and skin competitions, are excellent methods of fostering interaction at your party. Using the builds and theme you’ve incorporated, hide and seek is one of the best games to play as it’s well-known and involves everyone. Additionally, creating friendly competitions like a skin competition allows your guests to showcase their creativity and become part of the party itself.

If you’re looking for something smaller, consider a secret gift exchange among your guests. Everyone loves giving and receiving gifts, especially at a party celebrating Potterworld’s birthday. While these activities require a bit of planning, they allow you to set your own rules and ensure all your guests have a great time.

In conclusion, hosting your own housing party can be an excellent way to bring your friends and guests together while celebrating Potterworld’s anniversary. From choosing the perfect theme to building your own decorations and planning engaging activities, there’s no shortage of what you can do. Whether you opt for an anniversary-themed party or something else, the possibilities are endless. Personally, I remember hosting my own party and having everyone play hide and seek around my housing. It was such a blast, and everyone enjoyed themselves while playing on Potterworld. By incorporating your own ideas and bringing together your guests, you can create an unforgettable experience for everyone. Gather your friends, utilize your creative skills, and celebrate Potterworld’s tenth anniversary with us.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The Headmaster’s office gives Steven Blackwood a weird feeling. He hates being here, especially since he’s always been known for getting into trouble and thus has visited quite a few times in his seven years at Hogsworth.

This time, he wonders if they finally found out he was the person that put pink hair dye in the water in the Prefects’ Bathroom, but that was nearly a month ago.

“Mr. Blackwood, good to see you made it. Just on time as well. Looks like you have a thing for timing.” The Headmaster kindly smiles at him, causing the boy’s lips to curl up as he grins.

He had become great at timing, since he needed it to pull off his pranks.

“Sir, I wouldn’t dare to be late,” Steven says as the old man chuckles, walking around his desk to step towards the boy.

“You must wonder why you are here, given that it’s normally when you are in trouble, which, might I add, is of your own doing most of the time.” Steven can’t help but sheepishly smile at the man who now walks to a corner of the office.

Steven’s eyes follow the Headmaster with curiosity, watching as the man waves him over after stopping next to some sort of bowl. Once Steven gets closer, he recognizes it as a Memory Walker.

He remembers his grandfather telling him about one, and that he had once used it when he was a teenager himself, getting to relive a memory with his now-wife.

The Headmaster gives the teen another smile before pulling out his wand, motioning for the boy to come even. Steven does with hesitation, growing more confused by the second.

“Sir, what is happening?”

The old man doesn’t respond to the question. “Stand still and let me show you.” The boy does as told, watching as the Headmaster pulls a memory out of the side of his head, putting it in the Memory Walker.

“Put your head in, Steven.”

Steven lowers his head into the Memory Walker after taking a deep breath. The water with the small, blue floating memory mixes into a change of scenery.

The memory fades deeper, until Steven finds himself in a field with many trees. He sees himself from a few weeks ago, chasing after a girl. He could recognize the girl from anywhere: she’s Taylor Mayfield, his girlfriend.

He has had a crush on her since they were kids, and finally, last school year, they got together. He was totally smitten with her from day one.

Steven watches himself catch up to Taylor, picking her up with a spin before softly kissing her as he puts her down. Taylor giggles at him before holding up a flower, one that perfectly matches the flower crown on her head.

Steven remembers watching her make it before she darted off to pick more flowers. A smile graces his lips, happy that he gets to rewatch this memory, even if it was only mere weeks ago.

He doesn’t even notice the Headmaster standing beside him.

“Do you know why I showed you this memory, Steven?” The Headmaster’s voice fills the air, but Steven doesn’t tear his eyes from the lovely scene.

“No, should I know why, sir?” The boy now looks at the man, who has a small smile tugging at his lips.

“It just looked like you needed it.” The man tells him. Steven softly smiles before his eyes glue back to the memory once more, a bigger smile growing on his face.

It was true; he had been having a rough couple of days, slacking in his normal routine, class work and even his pranks. It didn’t surprise him that it was noticeable.

“Well, thank you sir. I did.” The two get pulled out of the memory and find themselves in the office once more.

“I hope this helped, Mister Blackwood, but I think we can only find that out in one way,” the Headmaster tells the boy as he puts the memory back into his head, pocketing his wand afterwards.“Well, best be on your way to your next class. You wouldn’t want to be late now, would you?”

Steven Blackwood walks out of the office with a smile on his face, heading towards the common room to find his girlfriend.

The Daily Diviner

New Magician

The huge room is full of many students from different magical schools, all present for an inter-school event.

Some are meeting up with their friends. Nicolas Alamilla, a Beauxbois student, is chatting with Angèle Baudelaire, an older student from École du Monde Occulte and his pen pal. Across the room, Hogsworth student Donnacha is meeting with his cousin from Silvermorne, KJ Sheridan, to catch up.

Others, like Sibel Tokmak of Dormunstrad, want to make new friends. She sees a girl around her age whose hair is done up in short braids that stick out from her head. The girl’s entire demeanor is happy and bubbly, in contrast with the more reserved younger boy she’s speaking to. Sibel gathers her courage and goes to introduce herself to the girl. Across the room, the young Castelomagia student Monalisa Teresa de Andrade wanders around in search of a friend.

Some, like Jun’ichi Aratama from Mahounoshiro, are alone, nervous around so many new people.

Monalisa notices the boy and bounds up to him, introducing herself. Because her first language is Portuguese and Jun’ichi’s is Japanese, it is a little difficult, but soon enough they are deep in conversation. The two explore the room together, inseparable already.

Across the room, Sibel has made her way to the girl who may become her friend.

“Hello,” Sibel says. “I am Sibel Tokmak.”

The girl smiles brightly. “I am Angèle Baudelaire, and this is Nicolas Alamilla.” She gestures at the boy next to her, who nods.

“It’s nice to meet you.” The boy–Nicolas–then exchanges a look with Angèle, who smiles again. He announces, “I’m going to go meet some of the children my age,” and wanders off.

“So, are you enjoying the event?” Angèle says as she turns back to Sibel, expression as bright as her yellow and teal dress. Sibel feels some of her nervousness melt away in the face of this happy older girl and smiles back.


As Nicolas wanders the room, trying to choose a group of students to greet that isn’t large enough to be daunting, he startles as someone bumps into him–a distraught girl who looks his age, tugging along a slightly younger boy.

“Sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was walking. I lost a hair bow while playing, and we’re trying to find it.”

The boy with her nods, and Nicolas sees that the girl only has one bow–bright green–in her hair, leaving her left braid to come unraveled.

“I’m Nicolas. I can help you search, but can’t you summon it?”

“Thank you. I am Jun’ichi, she is Monalisa.” The boy, Jun’ichi, introduces them.

Monalisa says miserably, “My bows are spelled against that, because my brothers try to tease me by taking them.”

“I’m friends with one of the older students here. We could ask her for help if you want.” Nicolas suggests, so the trio heads back to where Angèle and Sibel are talking animatedly.

“Hello again, Nicolas!” Angèle exclaims, and he explains the situation. Angèle quickly agrees to help, and even Sibel comes with them as the group begin to search and ask other students if they have seen the bow.

Two of the students, Donnacha and KJ, offer to help. KJ makes many gestures and shapes with their hands–sign language–to Donnacha, who nods, signs back, and then turns to the group.

“They say we can search by ourselves so we can go faster. Big room.” Donnacha explains, and with that, the two run off.

The group continues to search for a long time, until eventually Monalisa collapses into a chair. The rest of the group gathers around her, and KJ and Donnacha return without the bow as well.

“I’ll never find my bow,” she sighs tearfully. She pulls the other bow from her braid and places it in her pocket. “So I guess I should–oh!”

Monalisa pulls her hand back out of her pocket, stunned to find that she is holding two bows in it. The missing bow had been in her pocket the whole time! Monalisa begins to laugh, and her new friends do, too. With the search complete, Angèle helps her rebraid her hair and tie her bows back on.

Crisis solved, the group sit and talk for hours, and they promise to owl each other once it’s time to leave. Even though they have to return to their schools, they all had fun meeting old friends and making new ones!
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