On May 18th, nine years ago, PotterworldMC was officially released to the public. With nearly 6,000 active players, we can proudly say that we are one of the biggest magic-based servers. From launch to now, a lot has changed over the years. To celebrate Potterworld’s 9th Anniversary, I interviewed three players about their unique experiences!
No matter when the players joined, they all enjoyed their first experiences on the server. “I joined in mid 2015, I was blown away with the magic and lively community in Hogsworth,” Ivan (_Navyy) remarked. “Old Great Hall had music playing and you constantly heard owls and fireworks. Still [do].” “I joined around September 2020, I believe. It was a good early experience, and I fell in love very fast,” Angel (Angel_G08) said.
Whether it be the people, the gameplay, or something else, there is at least one part of the server that anyone can enjoy. “I really like the classes. They are not led by a technological system, but by real human beings that put their heart and soul into making classes fun and entertaining for everyone,” Leyak (LividK) explained in the interview. Angel said, “Well, I’m still a huge fan of magic. Also the community but I feel like that’s a common answer. Magical friends, haha.”
Even with how much players enjoy the server as it is, everyone is excited for what is ahead in the future. When asking what players were looking forward to, they had plenty to provide. “New gauntlet, system 2.0, Valentines 2024,” Ivan said. “Currently, I am most excited for system 2.0, when Minecraft expands to 1.16,” Leyak answered. “That would lead to more possibilities for Potterworld to improve and test more stuff e.g. the swimming system introduced in 1.13.”
Despite the many exciting experiences players have on the server each day, many have one that stands out the most. For the final question of this article, we asked players about their favourite memories on Potterworld. “Hmm, that's hard, but I’ll say the Christmas events and the overall warmth of the server,” Angel explained. Ivan responded, “Probably Griffin House Cup 2021.”
Thank you to Ivan, Angel, and Leyak for participating in the interview! All throughout Potterworld’s history, what made it truly great were the players and the Staff members that pulled the server along. Without them, none of this would’ve been possible. With all of that said and done, thank you to everyone that helped the Potterworld grow throughout the years. Happy 9th anniversary!