
First things first, step off the train and take in the environment! Our town is settled in the middle of a dense forest and surrounded by towering mountains. In front of you is the train station. Do not be fooled by its run-down appearance—Haunted Hollow is far from abandoned. There is plenty to do if you dare to venture farther!
Take a right and follow the path through the forest. I would not recommend straying too far into the woods, as you never know what lurks off the path! On the left, you will soon see a sprawling graveyard, home to all sorts of creatures, dead and living alike. Though cemeteries are often seen as scary places, I find much comfort here, especially with the giant pumpkins lurking in the background!
Past the cemetery is the pumpkin patch. We work extra hard to ensure our pumpkins are ready in time for Halloween, and this year is no different. You will notice our town is decorated with pumpkins, all taken from our garden here!
If you go right and then left, you will be at the center of Haunted Hollow, most noticeable by the large, looming tree sat in the middle. This is where most of our residents live. There are a lot of different activities to do around here, so I would recommend taking the time to explore this area and introduce yourself to all the townsfolk!
Head east and you will soon spot Ciarian’s Manor, an intimidating large mansion on the outskirts of town. Enter if you dare, but be careful, as it is easy to get lost in its winding halls…
Last, but certainly not least, on the south side of town is the Marketplace, where you can obtain a number of collectibles we have prepared to make sure your trip is a memorable one! Pick up a few items to bring back to home so that you will always remember us, just as we will always remember you.
Now, I see you look a little overwhelmed, and I do not blame you—Haunted Hollow has much to do! If you are looking for a place to start, I would recommend speaking to Jerome, our mayor, who you can find at the train station.
Make sure to speak to the other residents as well. The Halloween season can often be a stressful time, and I am sure some of them could use some help. I also encourage you to try your hand at our various Halloween activities. Bob for apples, go trick-or-treating, and most importantly, have fun!
This is where my tour ends. Though our time together is up, this is only the start of the festivities! Keep an eye out as you explore, and always stay on your toes. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a spine-chilling time in Haunted Hollow!