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The Dark Lord Deposed - Recap 14

Nathan Nakamori

Notable Magician
On December 3rd, the Daily Diviner released a new Breaking News article about the situation regarding Mr. Crestello’s disappearance. It was announced that the Dark Lord had returned, however with his return came shocking developments.

With his return on the 30th of November, Joel H. Crestello was found threatening people who approached him in Diagonal Lane, for which the Auralocks arrested him. Auralocks soon came to the conclusion that in his absence, Mr. Crestello had been tortured, affecting his mental state. The next day he was interrogated for information.

During the interrogation, Mr. Crestello attacked his interrogator Gemma Kent and was arrested and admissioned to the Psych Ward in St. Merlin’s hospital. Before leaving the Ministry of Magicians Joel Crestello said something very mysterious: “Locked away... HE WILL. HE WILL. Just you wait, HE WILL. You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re all so terribly blind! Release me. HE WILL. Shakti was just the beginning. HE WILL. She told me, she told me. HE WILL. You shall see. You won’t expect it. HE WILL. Count your days. Count. Count them. Don’t be blind… release me… the beginning…”

The next day however, a mass break-out took place at the Psych Ward in St. Merlin’s hospital. Many criminals took advantage of this and fled, Joel Crestello being one of them as he returned to the Dark Followers. The day after the mass break-out, December 3rd, an Auralock spy gained information that Joel H. Crestello had been overthrown by a coup that was formed from his trusted high-ranking Dark Followers and his two lieutenants, Noah Pendragon and Sara Selwyn.

There had been reports about the Dark Lord killing one of his own members when someone made a statement about his health. Most of the Dark Followers were surprised that both Noah and Sara overthrew the Dark Lord, but when doing so they discovered that Joel had already escaped as if he knew this was going to happen. His second disappearance led to the renouncing of his title, and Joel’s inner-circle members had stepped in for him. Joel H. Crestello was on free foot again and should had been looked out for at all times.