haven't tried it TPBM reads most "m"s as n's.
Pumpkin Archivist Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_ Dark Follower Raven May 29, 2020 #3,401 May 29, 2020 #3,401 haven't tried it TPBM reads most "m"s as n's.
Lilian Dragonologist Minecraft IGN: Liyl Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked May 29, 2020 #3,402 May 29, 2020 #3,402 false TPBM randomly adds ys, ings and s to the end of words on accident bc they're bad at typing
Pumpkin Archivist Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_ Dark Follower Raven May 29, 2020 #3,403 May 29, 2020 #3,403 sometimesy TPBM is a fast typer
Aurora Potterworld Legend Staff Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie May 29, 2020 #3,404 May 29, 2020 #3,404 True, kinda I guess? TPBM wishes they were faster at typing
Pumpkin Archivist Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_ Dark Follower Raven May 29, 2020 #3,405 May 29, 2020 #3,405 yes TPBM is slow at running
Lilian Dragonologist Minecraft IGN: Liyl Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked May 29, 2020 #3,406 May 29, 2020 #3,406 ehhh TPBM has had red bean ice cream before
YeetChris Caretaker Staff Minecraft IGN: YeetChris Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW Linked Faerie May 29, 2020 #3,407 May 29, 2020 #3,407 Never, I have had no clue what red bean ice cream is. TPBM is excited for summer
may2070 Graduate Minecraft IGN: may2070 Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW May 29, 2020 #3,408 May 29, 2020 #3,408 I am TPBM loves the outdoors
siri Magician Minecraft IGN: sirii_ Auralock Griffin May 29, 2020 #3,409 May 29, 2020 #3,409 yea i like being outside, especially in the summer. TPBM prefer the harry potter books over the movies
yea i like being outside, especially in the summer. TPBM prefer the harry potter books over the movies
Kira Frogg Graduate Staff Minecraft IGN: KiraTheHouseElf Auralock Dark Follower Staff Serpent Vampire Scribe Publisher Linked May 29, 2020 #3,410 May 29, 2020 #3,410 True TPBM plays more than one instrument.
Katie Katie Animorphus Minecraft IGN: SalamiBaby123 Serpent SPEW May 29, 2020 #3,411 May 29, 2020 #3,411 yes, but I kept breaking instruments by walking into windows with them. I quit bc of the guilt TPBM is in orchestra
yes, but I kept breaking instruments by walking into windows with them. I quit bc of the guilt TPBM is in orchestra
Pumpkin Archivist Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_ Dark Follower Raven May 29, 2020 #3,412 May 29, 2020 #3,412 nope TPBM plays guitar
Stiitch3s Graduate Minecraft IGN: Stiitch3s Dark Follower Griffin May 29, 2020 #3,413 May 29, 2020 #3,413 Nope (if voice counts that like the only "talent" i have) i can't play one instrument lol TPBM has watched hanna montana
Nope (if voice counts that like the only "talent" i have) i can't play one instrument lol TPBM has watched hanna montana
Pumpkin Archivist Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_ Dark Follower Raven May 29, 2020 #3,414 May 29, 2020 #3,414 nope TPBM watches youtube
Stiitch3s Graduate Minecraft IGN: Stiitch3s Dark Follower Griffin May 29, 2020 #3,415 May 29, 2020 #3,415 I do but not rn TPBM's fav fruit is water melon
Pumpkin Archivist Minecraft IGN: Pummpkin_ Dark Follower Raven May 29, 2020 #3,416 May 29, 2020 #3,416 peuies yES TPBM likes all melon
YeetChris Caretaker Staff Minecraft IGN: YeetChris Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW Linked Faerie May 30, 2020 #3,417 May 30, 2020 #3,417 Nahh, I don't like all melon?? TPBM is not in Serpents!
Carlie Professor Minecraft IGN: CarlieChi Honeybadger Dark Follower Vampire May 30, 2020 #3,418 May 30, 2020 #3,418 True! TPBM has brown hair
Stiitch3s Graduate Minecraft IGN: Stiitch3s Dark Follower Griffin May 30, 2020 #3,419 May 30, 2020 #3,419 Yea i would say a light brown but this counts xD TPBM has watched titanic before and cried
Honey_Dwarf1 Archivist Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1 Phoenix Raven Linked May 30, 2020 #3,420 May 30, 2020 #3,420 Never watched Titanic. TPBM has seen both of the Fantastic Beasts films so far.