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The topics of the classes


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Lukeius
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf

I would like to point out a problem I noticed while attending classes with an assignment. As we all know, classes fill up pretty fast. There is therefore a lot of people who don't get to the class, because it is already full. BUT, as I noticed, during the class, a large number of people leave, because they are not interested in the topic, while there may be people who may be interested in it, but were not able to join.

Therefore, I suggest, if it is even possible, that the name of the topic would be written on the PW page in the calendar section or in the queue itself. In my opinion it would be very helpful to prevent students getting there unnecessarily and also to others which might appreciate learning something about that specific topic.

I do not know how this things works, but if the teachers and helpers decide about the topic before the class, it would be really great and helpfull, if they announce it.

Thank you for all your hard work. I hope, that there is chance to find a way to deal with this :D

With regards,

Luke Varulv <3

Alexa Zoldyck

Minecraft IGN: AlexShock
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Vampire
hey hey hey!

From my understanding, the Professor teaches based on a topic that's based on that lesson. They might not always get a choice in what is taught in the class. Although I could be wrong (most likely am), They have to make the lesson plans for each class, and they always know what they are going to teach ahead of time. Then there also the factor that classes get covered.

So either way, it might no be that class in the end. I don't see a need for there to be what's being taught on the schedule. If people don't like it they are free to leave, but from my point of view, I see this as another struggle for them, because last-minute they might wanna change what they are teaching.

I do understand where you are coming from but I think it is okay as it is. Just my thoughts tho!


Kira Frogg

Minecraft IGN: KiraTheHouseElf
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Serpent Vampire Scribe Publisher
Hiya Luke! I want to point out a few things about this suggestion. I see what you mean about students leaving classes if they aren't completely interested. However, this really only happens in note classes, which in reality don't get full as often as classes like flying or potions. Adding the specific topic to the schedule can restrict the professor to teaching it. This means that they can't change it if needed. I personally feel like it would be a better surprise for students when the topic is brought up in the class.



Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Greetings @Only_Luke_!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion to the threads! As we are always on the lookout for new ways to improve our server, we are super appreciative of your idea!

While us Poltergeists did not discuss this as a whole, we have brought your idea to the Academics team. With that being said, we have sadly came to the decision to decline your idea at the time. Primarily, because there isn't an easy way to go about this. Many professors pick their topics shortly before the class starts; meaning they would have to pre-plan all classes even surprise classes.

This would also cause us to have to constantly edit the calendar each week to change the topics, which could cause a lot of confusion to players who read the calendar regularly.

Regardless, we are super appreciative of you bringing your suggestion, it's also really detailed so thank you for bringing such a detailed suggestion! Take good care of yourself! <3

Kind wishes,