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Tilly Statue in New Arena Halls


Minecraft IGN: Vegas4K
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
In some format Tilly deserves a unique form of recognition for the years of dedication she's put towards almost every single competitive medium that exists on the network.

Yes she has the current record of tournament wins although I think there's far more attributions that are being overlooked here. She has absolutely pushed the skill bar beyond any duelist/flyer that has ever existed. Tilly has ultimately defined what "the best" is for the past 5 generations of Potterworld competitions. I can say that former newbie duelists such as myself and Eden - wouldn't have had any real goal to reach or any real competition, and therefore never really hitting our potential. Yes there have been great duelists throughout time although the sky really was the limit when it came to Tilly.

I know this has only become super relevant now just because she's leaving but that just seems to make it more deserving considering one of Potterworld's greatest players is departing. The current players and statistics will reflect her memory however any new or non-competitive player might not even know of her impact and why some of Potterworld's most talented players/staff members are even as talented as they are, Tilly brought out the best in a lot of us and that's why a lot of us want a noticeable tribute of her.

I'm aware of how easy it is just to brush this post down the gutter. I know it makes things difficult for you guys to listen to us just because a lot of us are friends with Tilly therefore there's bias involved that a lot of you might not be able to relate to. I am also understanding that this isn't as simple as typing the command to create a Tilly NPC and leaving things at that, I know that there's lot of approval phases and most likely a small build required to meet standards although I implore you all to give these things a shot. Give a proper look into her history, speak with the people that do/don't associate with her, take the time to finish the required tasks. It won't please absolutely every individual but it will make a lot of us happy including myself :)

I hope despite some impressions, the staff team can view this as a request rather than an uprising. This has been denied already but due to the noticeable support this post has received, I encourage the poltergeist team, the arena team, head staff and Droobledore to at least try and provide a consensus that will appeal to the bulk of the community.

Thank you for your time!


Minecraft IGN: Sametric
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Even if it isn't a statue a simple NPC inside the dueling halls or just recognition is all that is asked by the player base. I won't repeat a lot of what people have said as that's redundant and will just take up unnecessary time but it is clearly shown that the player base or at least a good chunk of the competitive player base wants this. Potterworld has failed to recognize the achievements of those who dedicate hours to the server, for someone who is clearly as revered as Tilly is in all aspects of the competitive scene for as long as she was. So something as simple as an NPC that could take the place as displaying who has the most tournament wins or an arena selector or anything of the sort is quite a bare minimum for the impact Tilly had for this server,