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Timely Leaderboards


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Inspiratieloos_
Auralock Raven Linked
Hello Potterworld gamers,

As we all know, there are leaderboards of all Potterworld games. This forum is for the dedicated leaderboard players. As I speak of myself, I mostly play Quabbleball and hear a lot of opinions from the dedicated/motivated community. We were talking about this problem: It was possible to avoid loss. Which ensured that players on the leaderboard did not get any losses. Nice for them, but not for the players who started after the update.

This problem causes different opinions:
- Keep the leaderboard: Before-update/high-ranked players opinion. Keeping it would demotivate new players.
- Restart the leaderboard: New players opinion. Restarting it would demotivate before-update/high ranked players a lot.

Both of the ways would disappoint a certain group. But there can be a balance between them:
"Yearly/Monthly/Daily leaderboards for all the games"
This would motivate all players to get better and play more Potterworld games. The timely leaderboards could be shown in the lobby of a game and/or on the website.

If you (dis)agree or have some suggestions to add, please put them under this message so we could make everything fair for both sides!


Minecraft IGN: egg_AV
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Vampire
I LOVE THIS IDEA!! i am against restarting the lb bc it devalues all the work and time put into getting that high up but i understand some of the points ppl make when they ask for it. this would be good to help motivate players who like a minigame but have not played enough to compete with some of the players higher up in the lb. slay


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: SamuelTM
Griffin Phoenix Linked
While I do fully agree with the suggestion itself, the effect of past loss-evading on the leaderboard is diminishable as only a very small amount of players with a high ranking participated in loss-evading on a regular basis and loss-evading had already been removed for a reasonable amount of time before the update
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Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hi theree @Inspiratieloos_ !

I'm very happy to let you know that your suggestion has been accepted! We really like the idea of having monthly leaderboards as a way to represent the current leaderboards of minigames, especially as games have changed over the years. The suggestion has been put on hold, as we unfortunately don't have the current infrastructure set up to easily do recurring monthly leaderboards or leaderboards specifically of the last 30 days. We will, however, try our hardest to investigate how we can do this properly and implement it as soon as we can.

Thank you for creating this suggestion! We will keep you updated on when it is officially completed and implemented, but until that time: I hope you're having a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: TallBlondeDude
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie

even if its not the last 30 days something like a month long tourny like the minigame tournys of old would be an improvement


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Hi theree @Inspiratieloos_ !

I'm very happy to let you know that your suggestion has been accepted! We really like the idea of having monthly leaderboards as a way to represent the current leaderboards of minigames, especially as games have changed over the years. The suggestion has been put on hold, as we unfortunately don't have the current infrastructure set up to easily do recurring monthly leaderboards or leaderboards specifically of the last 30 days. We will, however, try our hardest to investigate how we can do this properly and implement it as soon as we can.

Thank you for creating this suggestion! We will keep you updated on when it is officially completed and implemented, but until that time: I hope you're having a wonderful day!
Wow, this is so much better than resetting leaderboards! Hopefully you guys are able to figure this out!


Minecraft IGN: Frebii
Griffin Phoenix SPEW Linked
glad that u respect players progress by not resetting it but instead adding another monthly leaderboard