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Trade Lanterns for Snowflakes

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf
I know this is a bit late in the event (as it is most likely that this suggestion will not be reviewed until the event is over), but I still think this needs to be added. Now that the Masquerade ball is unlocked, and it's late enough in the event that a majority of players have tier 4 unlocked, I recommend that we make it possible to trade our lanterns for snowflakes.
A few benefits of this include:

  • A player who doesn't already own some of the exclusives from past Winter Waltz's would have to play an inhuman amount of /games and mini games to get them all by the end of the event. With the addition of this, they would most likely be able to get at least a few more of them.
  • It makes the pretty much useless lanterns (For players with tier 4) have a use.
I believe that adding an NPC to trade them in for Snowflakes would be the best way to go. Some older players that already have the exclusives from previous Winter Waltz's like to sell lanterns for gold, and therefor would hate on this suggestion if we just had the lanterns automatically convert to Snowflakes when you earn them from quests/games.

Thank you for taking the time to review this suggestion! Other players please let me know your opinion on this! :D


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: chail3y
Dark Follower Staff Raven Vampire Lead Game Designer Sr. Architect Lead

We have discussed this and will not be implementing a way to trade lanterns for snowflakes. If we were to implement this, it would severely mess with the balance of the event.

Thank you for your suggestion and have a great day.