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Unjumble The Word/Sentence

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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
It would be so cool if a jumbled up word appeared in chat and somebody had to type the unjumbled word.
Once somebody has typed it they could earn a few coins and maybe even XP?

Of course, jumbled words can have more than 1 unjumble so maybe it could last a little bit so that people can try and guess most of its words.
If you are wondering what I mean by jumbled and unjumbled words here is an example...

Jumbled: troi
Unjumbled: riot

It would also be cool if sometimes sentences were jumbled for example...

Jumbled: uyo lkwdae yruo gdo dtyoa

Unjumbled you walked your dog today

Maybe sometimes grammar is jumbled and you need to put it in the correct position?

If you like my idea like this post so we can make it happen!


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I think it would be interesting to see, but probably as a separate chat channel or maybe in the Games chat?
This could probably work as part of Party Games too - maybe as a separate game or continuously shown in the Party Games chat so players can type the answer anytime.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: neppie__
I think it would be interesting to see, but probably as a separate chat channel or maybe in the Games chat?
This could probably work as part of Party Games too - maybe as a separate game or continuously shown in the Party Games chat so players can type the answer anytime.
I totally agree! It would probably need a wizarding theme too :)


Assistant to Head of CM
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Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
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Hiya @licherlay!

Thanks for sending in your suggestion! Unfortunately, we do not feel this idea will fit in our server, and isn't something we are looking to do at this time. We considered both adding it to a chat or as a minigame in Party Games, but we feel this suggestion would likely be very difficult for players who aren't great at English to do well in, and they would be at a disadvantage compared to native English speakers. Furthermore in Party Games, we are looking to add a variety of engaging and active games to Party Games, and don't see this fitting as it requires you to be more stationary and type in chat.
Nevertheless, thank you so much for sending in a suggestion! We hope to see many more from you in the future.