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Use Allegiance-Club Bases To Acquire Store Bought Packages


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
Right now, a player buys an allegiance-club package and they automatically get the stuff wherever they are on the server.
Yeah, it's convenient and easy, but what if players had to venture into the allegiance-club bases to acquire the package?

Here's an example for Werewolves:
- A player buys the Werewolf Package in the Store.
- An item, maybe a bone, gets added to their inventory.
- This bone item tells the player to go to the werewolf base when it's clicked or hovered on.
- They could either walk to the werewolf base or the bone can teleport them to the base.
- Once the player finds the Alpha Werewolf NPC located in the base, the NPC can tell them a short story with server related lore.
- Maybe there could be a short test to prove that they could be a werewolf - but this type of test, a quiz or parkour, could be fun, but doesn't deny them the package that they bought.
- This could also give the player a warp to the base.

Why should you do this instead of keeping it how it has always been?
- It would be a sort of immersive introduction into the Werewolf allegiance because they're actually getting werewolf'd in the werewolf base that should be made because werewolves need a base.
- This could also be done for other allegiance-club packages just to keep the entire theme going.
- It just seems fun and interesting instead of doing it the way it has always been done with the message in chat.


Minecraft IGN: viewful
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire
Hello, and thank you for making a suggestion for Potterworld!

I will bring this to light to the Poltergeist team immediately and gain feedback in order to give you a response as soon as possible. Thank you again, and take care!


Minecraft IGN: viewful
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire

I brought your idea up to the team and unfortunately, we will be declining this suggestion at this time. After much consideration, the team came to the conclusion that due to it going against EULA with providing players with in-game advantages for real money, such as paying for certain content and a warp for those who buy an allegiance. If we add quests that have to be completed in order to unlock a package, then it would be complicated, especially for new players. In addition, we would rather players get what they paid for as soon as possible rather than have them wait for it.

However, you should keep an eye out in the future for the possibility of world allegiance quests for all players, most likely for those who are of higher levels as the bases are found in areas that are designed for players who are more experienced.

Once again, thank you so much for making a suggestion though! We greatly appreciate it