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Valentine's 2023 Giveaway


The season of love is upon us! Therefore, the WizNetworker team is excited to announce our Valentine's 2023 Giveaway! When you enter you'll have the chance to win either the Valentine's Housing Scenery, the Red Wizard Hat, or the Heart Staff wand appearance as well as 200 House Points and 100 Potter Points. There will be one winner at the moment, but that can change with the number of submissions!

This time, the giveaway will work a little differently... you have to write something nice about someone else in order to enter! This message can be to a friend, someone you wish to get to know more, or even your significant other if applicable! Negative and inappropriate messages will be deleted, so please be careful and considerate of what you write. We hope you enjoy this little spin on a normal giveaway, and that this Valentine's is sweet to you!

Giveaway Guidelines:
- All submissions must follow all the Potterworld rules (keep it appropriate).​
- Submissions must be submitted as a reply to this forum post.​
- By entering, you allow us to share your submission on the PW website if picked as the winner.​
- All submissions should follow all Potterworld rules (keep it appropriate).​
- You may only enter one submission.​
- Any submissions that do not follow the above rules and guidelines will not be counted.​

Giveaway Timeline:
- Date Announced: February 12​
- Submissions Closed: February 28​
- Winner(s) Announced: March 1​
For any questions, please message Alexa (alexa#6745), Emily (Ralie#5837), or Danielle (MamaDuckie#4821).

Again, the submission period will close on February 28th, at 11:59 pm PST. Best of luck to everyone, we can't wait to see what you create!



New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AshLaufeyson
Dark Follower Serpent Vampire
government_h is just amazing. He is awesome at challenges and classes and he's so kind. He took the time out of his day to take me around and collect chests for my dailies. He was super sweet and patient and did all the spells for me so I could just get the chests. He's such an amazing addition to PW and I love playing with him. <3

Lord Lunara

New Magician
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: JustMerePanda
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Drooble's Order
Julian006 or Julian_Crestello is one of the kindest people i have met. He helped me do quests and he helped me build my house. He has a job and is not able to play often but he is very kind.

Atreus | iffysou1

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: iffysou1
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Linked
I first met Lyra over two years ago, and we hit it off right away. The way we met was actually rather humorous. She was afraid of me, but the moment I used a particular word, she began messaging me right away, and we simply clicked. Despite the fact that we haven't spoken much lately, I still consider her to be my sister. She is one of the kindest, most compassionate people I've ever known, and I'm so happy we connected all those years ago. Every time she is online, she really demonstrates her compassion by helping others.

She is really a blessing to have and be around, and I appreciate everything she has done for me. I am so grateful to have met her. She really is amazing, and I hope she knows that, no matter what, everyone will always care about her. She has an amazing personality, that always brings a smile to others face. So thank you Lyra, for being the way that you are. You are an amazing person, and I hope you have an awesome valentine's day! <3

Ign: GhostlyKade


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Elknutt
Serpent Linked
Eterushi, you're the best kind of person and truly my closest friend in the whole world. We met each other on here about a year ago in a Dance class and that day you danced your way into my heart. No matter how much time passes between talking with you, it's always the same. We're always able to have heart to hearts and rambling rants, but most of all we're able to still have as much fun as we did on that very first day. I don't think it's possible for our type of friendship to fade, you're like my second sister.

Love, your favorite.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Valoriys
Griffin Linked
Elknut_, I met you one day when I needed a friend, someone to support me, and be a sister. I met you the day I decided to play this server for endless hours of the night hours because I had nothing else to do. I met you at my lowest, when I had no one, and when I first felt truly alone. It was a stupid dance class that brought us together. It was the stupid crouching we did to imitate dance moves. And the spinning and coordination we had to come up with within 5 minutes. After that day you and I just clicked. I remember wanting to play with you more. I remember wanting to be your friend and not messing up a second time. And I remember how happy you made me feel, and you still do it now. We've hurdled the idiotic boys that have hurt us. The birthdays of when we cried together while playing Minecraft. The endless talks we've shared with one another, knowing that if we told them to anyone else, we would get made fun of. (L) And we've learned that no matter how far apart we are. No matter what time zone we live in, or the stages in life we're in, you and I are somehow in this together. We've even gone through time apart from each other. Those months now feel like a dream because, without you, I had nothing to remember. I had nothing to keep track of, and no one to talk to about my stupid fanfiction about Harry Potter characters. But I remember thinking of you often. I knew that we needed this apart to learn and grow for the time being. I knew that we would come back when you and I were both ready, and nothing would change between us.

I was right. Nothing did change. We still cry together. We still laugh together. And we still play this server together. We talk about the past like it was a bad dream. We talk about the future and how much we want to stay in each other's lives. And we talk every Friday after school when we're ready to play Minecraft and talk about the stories we've been working on. We've grown together. We've loved together. We've lost people together. No matter what I seem to go through, you're always there with me and I'm with you

I love you always.
You're my sister, my family, my valentine.
And I can't wait to see you in person and have our roommates arc.

-Love Eterushi

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Raven Linked
I've known Ivan on Potterworld for a while, but didn't become real friends with him until a few months ago. Right away we became amazing friends. We talked about so many things, both in real life, and on Potterworld. He really showed me another perspective of things that I had never thought of before. He taught me ways to improve things like dueling, gauntlet, earning gold, and developing a shop. He also taught me a few life skills haha. We've had ups and downs in our friendship, but no one's perfect. (Especially not me :LOL:) Thank you so much for being such an amazing friend to me, and to others! :heart:

To Demi:
You're so cool! I've loved getting to know you more, and having fun together. Thank you!! :heart:

The Nox family:
Thank you for always being there for me when I'm feeling sad, mad, overjoyed, and everything in-between. We're more than just friends, we're almost a real family :heart: You are all so amazing!

The Cresswells:
Thank you for taking me in as a member of this wonderful family, I want you all to know how much I truly appreciate it. You are awesome! :heart:

To all the duelists who have helped me along my quest to become a semi-average duelist:
Thank you so much for helping me try to become better. I know it may feel impossible, but just know that I am trying, and I always have been. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today :heart:

To Droobledore:
I want to let you know how thankful I am that you created this server, if you hadn't so many of these friendships wouldn't ever have existed, and I wouldn't be writing this message right now haha. I know you put a lot of time and work into it. Good job! :heart:

The wonderful staff team:
Thank you so much for giving your time to this server. Without you the server wouldn't be able to run smoothly! Keep up the amazing work :heart:

To the reader:
You are amazing! You are loved! And no matter what, your friends will be here for you :heart:


New Magician
QueenDragonBerry is the mythical gamer this server needs, not only is she really good at a lot of the potterworld activities but she's also super fun to play with. Super glad she introduced me to this cool server!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: lowkeyme
Raven Linked
To my mom, who took care of me ever since I was a wee baby!!

I won't say you raised me, because you were usually out for work most of the time and I won't say you've been the best mother around. I remember bad memories but also the good ones when I think of you. I know you weren't raised the best either by grandma, but you've grown from it and changed ever since I came to your world. Sometimes you say things I'd prefer not to hear, but sometimes you say things I never thought I would need. I know you want the best for me even if your best doesn't align with what I think, but you try and that's what matters to me. We don't celebrate valentines here, but just wanted to let it out that I love you, even if we've never heard each other say it to one another and even if we have some unsolved issues. I love you and thank you for being in my life. I'm very lucky to have you and I will always appreciate the out-going, extroverted, and caring woman that you are. Happy Valentines Day !! :heart::heart:


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Nannaban
Raven Linked
My partner really desevers some appreciation after having to deal with my requirments while looking for an apartment <3


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Renkato
Serpent Linked
Dear MistyTM,

Although I don't know you that much, from what I observed you are very helpful in the game to many people. Thank you for being kind.

From Ign: Philip_Pirrip


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: RoninXx04
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
To Nyn,

You are my best friend on this server and I really want to stay best friends with you and our party we had I kind of miss that but at least I got really good friends in the end and you are the best one!
Nyn, I think you are really sweet and a kind hearted person. Of course, we know each other for a long time now and we had up and downs but I just wanted to say that you're still in my heart everyday and that I still think about the fun times we had, thinking about them all makes me smile and I simply feel happy :D

I hope this makes you happy because you're my best friend and I miss you soooo much <3

From your good friend Anne :) (TommyXxHardy)


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Strale_VaruLV
Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Dear finner4,
You've been an amazing friend during all this time of our fantastic and definitely unique friendship! You're someone I can joke with, like, anytime and who easily makes me smile... An AWESOME Minecraft Command Block Programmer, very smart Raven (but we all know you're a sNeK), loyal and extremely dedicated (what a bAdGer omgg)! You literally put hours and hours for one project of mine just because it seemed exciting and you don't regret it not turning out well. That is what I think true friend is and I really hope I will somehow prove myself same (if I am even capable of that haha). May you enjoy this Valentine Event (and pls save me from Carmella iii) and all of our future adventures! :D
P.S. Join GD like nOw. smh


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Davologies
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Linked
enzologies is my favorite ologies because they're so good at herbologies. Also they're so sweet and so creative and so kind

arne ☾

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: tqrpiar
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Lead Lore Master Lead Linked Faerie
imma do a massive shout out to my all time favourite team (if any of them read this no you don't) @ lore team!! you guys are the reason I do what I do and I don't think I could've gotten any more lucky to lead such an amazing team even though you give me a headache from time to time, y'all are just a one-of-a-kind team and i adore you all so much <3 (this is about the only nice thing you'll get from me for this year)

AND SHOUT OUT TO MY STAFF TWIN @Creme_de_Creme u are so cool


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Lizzy983
To my sister @Haley983, I'm so grateful that you're a part of my family. It's funny to see how we're probably best friends as well as family. Even though I forced you to play Potterworld with me, I'm so happy we're able to enjoy this experience together. Thanks for always being there for me and making my life easier each day. Love you <3

dani !

Minecraft IGN: jisunize
Honeybadger Phoenix Vampire SPEW Linked
my lomls (belle + sam) and rowan / robert <3 all 4 of you are some of the best ppl i've met and talking to each of you daily is always a serotonin boost for me!! you are all the coolest ever and ilyasm (even robert dont tell him tho) mwah mwah mwah <33333