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Valentine's event 2023


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
I'm writing this at like 3am, so please don't judge if my grammar and everything else sucks.
So this is a bit unusual, but I actually want to suggest a concept for Valentines event. My idea was to have a Candy Land themed event. I will post the inspiration screenshots for the build.
I thought a bit on how it could be executed well, and I came up with this idea of custom introductions. So lets say you start of this event by doing a little quiz which would effect the introduction quest you will get. The questions could be something along the lines 'Do you have a crush', 'What gender are you attracted to', 'What is your favorite sweet'.. Those are just some random examples, but the idea is to have this quiz which will determine how the event will be presented to you. If you chose the answer that you do not have a crush, the introduction could be based on someone using amortentia on you, and you ending up in this crazy world - The Candy Land. If you chose the answer that you do have a crush, alongside some other details, introduction to the event could start with you thinking about your crush and falling asleep, ending up in the dreamy world - The Candy Land.
So after the introduction and finally getting to the event, you would be presented with the usual event gameplay - the quests, rewards, minigames.
There could be a main storyline as to why you're there and what is your purpose, which could connect back with the first quiz I mentioned. Or the Candy Land citizens could have their own tasks, or there could be some bad guy (cookie monster?) who threatens the Candy Land. Either way, make the quests have some purpose behind them.
As to something different that I would like to see, I would love if there was a minecart ride or something similar to 2016 Love Tunel ride which could happen on the chocolate river. Either of those could go around the beautiful map, and make exploration far more enjoyable. I would definitely like to see candy themed elytras and parkours. We could have a melting chocolate parkour where the blocks behind u melt as you progress. Maybe make it so you can choose the difficulty (speed of melting) which will impact the reward at the end.
As for something innovative - maybe we could have some sort of wipeout minigame happening live on the world. Let's say the Candy Land had an area where players can join the queue and do a set of challenges while others can watch, to make the event area feel a bit more alive. The challenges could be fall guys - ninja warrior inspired, for example.
Another small detail that could really put events to the next level is music. If there was a theme playing around the event map, it would make everything feel so much more alive.
And yeah, definitely make some lovers area where we can take screenshots and stuff.
Anyway this is my concept, I know it's all over the place but I hope y'all read thru it, and that you like the ideas.


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Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
I like the ideas here, but I didn't expect to see Katy Perry inspo on the screenshots haha. Though when I was saw Candy Land I immediately thought of that Sugar Rush area in that Wreck It Ralph movie. Maybe they could add a racing game with a themed sugar rush map and different cars? Could be a simple oval track if they can't put a lot of detail into it.


Minecraft IGN: MelancholiaUFO
Honeybadger Auralock
I like the ideas here, but I didn't expect to see Katy Perry inspo on the screenshots haha. Though when I was saw Candy Land I immediately thought of that Sugar Rush area in that Wreck It Ralph movie. Maybe they could add a racing game with a themed sugar rush map and different cars? Could be a simple oval track if they can't put a lot of detail into it.
Had the same idea of picturing Sugar Rush! I do like the theme and candy-themed event items would be a fun concept as well.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
I like the ideas here, but I didn't expect to see Katy Perry inspo on the screenshots haha. Though when I was saw Candy Land I immediately thought of that Sugar Rush area in that Wreck It Ralph movie. Maybe they could add a racing game with a themed sugar rush map and different cars? Could be a simple oval track if they can't put a lot of detail into it.
Idk that movie but Arena could definitely have a matched release with candy themed flying maps and that. There is one for sledding i believe.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @Ivan_ !

Thank you for this suggestion. I'm happy to inform you that it has been accepted and completed, as seen by the most recent teaser for the upcoming Valentine's event, we will be doing a Candyland themed event this year. However, we may not have followed the specifics of this post, but we have lots of exciting things in store for the event!

We hope you enjoy the event and have a wonderful day!