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Valentine's Event Ingredients Guide


Notable Magician
Hello! While doing the Valentine's event I decided to make a little spreadsheet to keep track of all of the ingredients/mobs etc. that I needed to complete the quests for the 9 NPCs, now that I've pretty much finished them all, I can say (with some degree of certainty) that it is pretty accurate in terms of item quantities and locations! I'm not sure if this will help that much as all of the information is pretty much available in-game, but if you're like me and you like information laid out in a more visual way, then hopefully this is helpful to you!

The sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZEghHJ2S5LrFZnJ7XcyzZr0mx9kAX8Xo9f58fIP2zic/edit?usp=sharing

If there are any errors please let me know and I can edit it. :)

I hope this is helpful to some of you! :D