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Vault break-in quest


Minecraft IGN: Minyu
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
I would suggest a quest for London, where you can go to someone in the shade alley and get a questline for a break in to the gringot vaults. You would go to nearby shops and collect supplies such as a mask, gloves, and tools for the break-in.
Once you collected the tools you go into the bank and get teleported to a quest region. You have to sneak by next to some guards until you reach the minecart. Where you have to drive to a special vault. Once you arrive you will have to parkour over some rocks to get into the room where a harder mini boss is which is the protector of the vault.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Ooo this reminds me of that one event ages ago, could be Halloween, where players would have to try to avoid being "seen" by a witch (i think it was statues) in the basement of a house by going through a small maze. The player would walk past them, then get caught and teleported out. Another similar mechanic was in the Ariel quest during the last Valentine's Day event where we had to crouch to get the voice item in that witch's cave, too.

The break-in part for this bank quest could utilize similar mechanics as mentioned above. Not in a huge maze, maybe a small 50x50 area? Along with m i n i m a l parkour. Maybe the parkour could for when the player needs to find items around Diagon, Shade, or Vertick shops in order to get into the bank? I like the idea of a mob boss, could be a dragon or a mean niffler?

This could be a one time side quest, since there are only two - Chamber and Library. Unsure about what the item reward could be. Maybe have three rewards options where a player can only choose one? What if each of those reward items expand to other quests? Where a different reward leads to a different quest line? In the end, the reward will still be the same, but the journey would be different for the player depending on what item they chose at the bank.


Minecraft IGN: oldromantics
Auralock Dark Follower Raven SPEW
Maybe have three rewards options where a player can only choose one? What if each of those reward items expand to other quests? Where a different reward leads to a different quest line? In the end, the reward will still be the same, but the journey would be different for the player depending on what item they chose at the bank.
I actually really love this idea! The “choose your own adventure” type quest would be so fun on PW. The only issue for me would be wanting to know what happens in the other quests and not having all the quests in that section completed, so possibly there could be a way to automatically mark the others as complete when you finish the last one in the sequence. I would really love to see this on PW and be able to choose the path you follow for the quest and I absolutely love the original idea for the quest!


Minecraft IGN: Minyu
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
I actually really love this idea! The “choose your own adventure” type quest would be so fun on PW. The only issue for me would be wanting to know what happens in the other quests and not having all the quests in that section completed, so possibly there could be a way to automatically mark the others as complete when you finish the last one in the sequence. I would really love to see this on PW and be able to choose the path you follow for the quest and I absolutely love the original idea for the quest!
Yep I love this idea too, I would love if you would be possible to actually chose your path based on your skills. For example that you have 3 paths, 1. You have to fight a little boss to continue the path 2. You need to parkour to continue your path or 3th you have to fly a course in some minutes to continue your path. That would be actually pretty cool


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: za1ty
Staff Serpent Werewolf Arithmancer
I would suggest a quest for London, where you can go to someone in the shade alley and get a questline for a break in to the gringot vaults. You would go to nearby shops and collect supplies such as a mask, gloves, and tools for the break-in.
Once you collected the tools you go into the bank and get teleported to a quest region. You have to sneak by next to some guards until you reach the minecart. Where you have to drive to a special vault. Once you arrive you will have to parkour over some rocks to get into the room where a harder mini boss is which is the protector of the vault.
i support gg


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: morrgannn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Prefect SPEW Drooble's Order Jr. Game Designer Linked Faerie
Hello @Min,

I am here to let you know that your suggestion has been accepted! Overall, we really liked the idea and the general concept of it. However, we do not know yet how exactly we would want to implement this, what the specifics of the storyline would be or when it will be implemented. So please be patient as it may take awhile to implement and it may be altered slightly. Because of these reasons this suggestion has been accepted and put on hold. We thank you again for taking the time to create this suggestion!

Have a great day/night!