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Warbeck Theatre Suggestions


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Just in case anyone wanted to host a play at Warbeck Theatre, I think it would be cool to make some changes:
- Make it so local chat covers the entire theatre (ik parties exist but it wud be cool)
- Remove the peak at the very front of the stage for easier visibility - blocks the stage right now (or lower it by half/full block)
- Lower the stage a bit for better visibility (front seats are basically useless as they just view the stage's front side)
- Add some varied on-stage levels (such as basic towers or podiums at the back of the stage and maybe some pits/downstairs at the stage's side where people can rise up from)
- Opening curtains (similar to how the Diagonal wall works where the sides seperate but not with a timed closing)
- Add a lighting system backstage where you can turn on lights to make the place brighter or target specific locations (right now its very dark but its a good opportunity to add customisable lighting)
- Add a side area with an NPC that sells food, drinks, and a popcorn head
- MAYBE try and add abilities to customise the stage with buttons backstage (scenery, weather, fireworks, blocks etc.)
- Make the Theatre's outside more eye-catching
- Maybe stop the two villages inside from making such loud noises (they are very annoying)
- Make the backstage more interesting (right now it is literally just a plain room)
- Music pit?

In my opinion, I would most like to see the lighting system, the peak removal, and the different position levels out of all of these but I will leave it up to the Poltergeists to decide which ones they deem most necessary (if any).
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Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
- Add some varied on-stage levels (such as basic towers or podiums at the back of the stage and maybe some pits/downstairs at the stage's side where people can rise up from)
- Opening curtains (similar to how the Diagonal wall works where the sides seperate but not with a timed closing)
I think the curtains may be too big when using the same technique used to open the diagonal alley brick wall. My guess is that they used command blocks, but maybe it's something different.

Although, I think they can use it to implement your idea of varied levels on the stage. An example is a 3x3 tower that builds up and stays for maybe 5 minutes then goes back down. It could probably be enabled by a button that's at the back of the stage. There could be multiple towers with their own button to enable them - maybe have a long cooldown to avoid spamming and lag? By isolating each tower with a button, it can keep the stage heights dynamic if players don't want to use a certain height. Then again, that's probably complicating this idea and strategically placed stationary platforms on the stage would probably be better.

- Add a lighting system backstage where you can turn on lights to make the place brighter or target specific locations (right now its very dark but its a good opportunity to add customisable lighting)
They would probably have to add lighting on the floor area and maybe figure out a way to block the light if you're asking for specific locations to be brighter.

- MAYBE try and add abilities to customise the stage with buttons backstage (scenery, weather, fireworks, blocks etc.)
Wow, imagine if they were able to add a scaled down version of something similar to housing sceneries onto the stage? It would be really cool if the stage itself were able to change based on smaller scenery selections that players can choose through an NPC - could be called the Set Designer - then have a cooldown so changes don't cause lag. Honestly, I think this idea would be pretty neat to see the stage change to different themes!

- Make the Theatre's outside more eye-catching
This would be nice to see because right now the theatre's exterior seems modest compared to what's inside. Though I think they would want to keep the build exterior that way since it's similar to the Universal Studios build.


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hi there @MattyPoltergeist !

I am happy to announce that your suggestion has been accepted! However, not everything that has been suggested will be implemented.
We love the idea of adding a snack vendor and we are going to work on implementing that. We will also look into the issue of the villagers making noises and we will possibly turn them into NPCs. We will also look into revamping the build and including some of the suggested features, such as a more interesting backstage. However, due to tech limitations, we will not be changing the area that local chat covers. We will also not be adding a backstage lighting system, opening curtains or the ability to customize the stage with buttons. Unfortunately, as these changes are not a top priority at the moment, the revamp may take a while before it is implemented.

Thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful day!! :serpent: