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Warp Key Cooldowns- Reevaluating the logic behind the decision


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Remove the cooldowns on warp key bag.
I'm very aware that this has been brought up a lot when revelius came out, but let's discuss it for a second. The main reason behind the decision, and probably the only reason, is to encourage exploration (even tho a huge majority of players disagreed with the decision). Ok. Almost three years forward, we are still annoyed by this inconvenience. The exploration thing doesn't make sense anymore. Not just that, let's talk about other warps that were introduced since, that do not have a cooldown and suddenly there's no need to "encourage exploration"
1. Events have warps which have no cooldowns
2. Hogsworth has prefects with warps, again, no cooldown
3. Reputations give out warps, no cooldown
4. And probably the most important, first years have the class schedule with warps, no cooldowns.
Don't get me wrong, all of those things are extremely useful, I'm just pointing them out as it doesn't make any sense.
Apply the same logic to everything. Think of who are you effecting the most and what are you getting in return.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
i agree with this just because it’s a convenience that isn’t massively over-helpful. In your warp bag you have hogsworht plus two other slots. While enough to provide some sort of coverage of the map, it by no means makes everything really easy. it almost provides more reason to use the secret passages since it becomes more viable as a way to get somewhere for free. and because you only have two extra slots, it doesn’t really become a replacement for reputations either.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Athena__Pallas
Griffin Linked
I completely agree with this as well. Like Daisy mentioned, we only have 2 warp spots, apart from hogsworth and reputation, which would still limit the warping capabilities. Additionally, even with warps, players still need to travel and explore the areas since it only sends you to the same place.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Think of who are you effecting the most and what are you getting in return.
They will affect the firedust workers who produce the firedust for the entire wizarding world. If players don't have a warp cooldown in at least one area then firedust would be obsolete and those firedust workers would be out of a job!

Not the point. If it was ever that simple, they can remove cooldowns. If you don't see an issue with it, good for you, but this is about us.
They give you the opportunity to earn warps without a cooldown through completing Reputations.
Plus I see it as a perk for putting in that repetitive reputation work for a few weeks to get fast warps without a cd. So if they did go with your suggestion then it might make that reputation reward less appealing and possibly obsolete.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Athena__Pallas
Griffin Linked
They give you the opportunity to earn warps without a cooldown through completing Reputations.
Plus I see it as a perk for putting in that repetitive reputation work for a few weeks to get fast warps without a cd. So if they did go with your suggestion then it might make that reputation reward less appealing and possibly obsolete.
In response to this, I think the reputation warp slot isn't the same as the regular two slots. While they may work for others, I personally, don't do the reputation tasks. The tasks are simply too much work for the reward. I also noticed that there was another thread, also by Ivan_, that brought up a lot of concerns about the reputations. I think if people want to do them, they will do them. Therefore, I don't think getting rid of the cd will affect those who do/might do the reputation. (p.s. I am not against the reputations they just don't work for me and it still was a good addition to the server)

However! Do I think removing the cooldowns will impact gameplay that much or vice versa? No. Do I think that this inconvenience ruins my/others experiences playing? Also no. In the end, I think the biggest thing for me would be Ivan's argument that why not implement this when so many other features do not have a cool down.

It is also important to note that there are only 2 slots available for locations. Due to this, there is still a need for the use of fire dust and world exploration. For example, Let's say I want to set a slot to Hogsend. I would either have to use the fire dust to get there or use one of the various shortcut methods in order to do so. Plus with quests and riddles being in various spots, players would need to constantly change their warps and have to travel in order to do so.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
In response to this, I think the reputation warp slot isn't the same as the regular two slots. While they may work for others, I personally, don't do the reputation tasks. The tasks are simply too much work for the reward. I also noticed that there was another thread, also by Ivan_, that brought up a lot of concerns about the reputations. I think if people want to do them, they will do them. Therefore, I don't think getting rid of the cd will affect those who do/might do the reputation. (p.s. I am not against the reputations they just don't work for me and it still was a good addition to the server)

However! Do I think removing the cooldowns will impact gameplay that much or vice versa? No. Do I think that this inconvenience ruins my/others experiences playing? Also no. In the end, I think the biggest thing for me would be Ivan's argument that why not implement this when so many other features do not have a cool down.

It is also important to note that there are only 2 slots available for locations. Due to this, there is still a need for the use of fire dust and world exploration. For example, Let's say I want to set a slot to Hogsend. I would either have to use the fire dust to get there or use one of the various shortcut methods in order to do so. Plus with quests and riddles being in various spots, players would need to constantly change their warps and have to travel in order to do so.
Well, the reason why I chose to finish reputations was because most of the rewards offered were pretty cool including the towns warps which I knew were worth getting because I didn't like the original warps that had a cooldown on them too. I know that I ended up using firedust tons when I had cooldowns and had to travel to other towns.

I do think that implementing this idea would affect Firedust use and the value of the reputation town warps because they don't have a cooldown.

Anyway, there's probably no point in debating this, no idea why I even bothered, but looks like tons of people like the idea for some odd reason and they'll likely agree.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
First of @Somnambulist, read my original post. The original decision that they made about warps was already broken, at least four times, which I named.
Do I think that this inconvenience ruins my/others experiences playing?
Honestly, for me, it does. And many people would agree. We had tons of warps for over 5 years before Revelius came around. Even back when PW was mostly about exploration and when we fully enhanced the Harry Potter aspect of it, we still had warps with no cooldown. Then, the *decision* was made and they took it away from us. In the meanwhile, people complained constantly. First they added Scarlett NPC which had the warps, people obviously liked that, they removed it and got backlash (because this was the first time the new players got to use the warps as they were). They returned Scarlet and added the prefects npcs all around Hogwarts. So they didn't follow up with their original decision (which is a good thing imo, and this is why I'm writing this thread). Then suddenly events and FYE gets warp, even tho those are like the peak exploration things you can do on the server. Three years later, i am still bugged about this. I did my exploring. It's already inconvenient that i do not have all the warps, but having cooldowns on the 2 that I have is absurd by now.
I didn't like the original warps that had a cooldown on them too
Funny that you say that, and all of this about reputations because back when I made my "Travel issue" post where I also talked about the inconveniences of Revelius travel and literally suggested what reputations are today, you still somehow voted how that travel system was amazing, ultimately disagreeing with my thread 🤔 So which one is it Psycho?
tons of people like the idea for some odd reason
It's a odd reason that we don't want to have cooldowns? It's odd that we don't want to have unnecessary difficulties? It's odd that we HAD warps, and that the warps are constantly added to the game? Ok.
They will affect the firedust workers who produce the firedust for the entire wizarding world. If players don't have a warp cooldown in at least one area then firedust would be obsolete and those firedust workers would be out of a job!
Honestly it seems like you just write whatever simply to disagree with me. This isn't funny. You also did it with the world commands that also made no sense, you did it with the travel issue which i mentioned earlier. Either way, no matter how you twist it, you are a minority here. Just like you said, tons of people like the idea.
In fact, I DARE POTTERWORLD TO PUT UP A POLL ABOUT TRAVEL. How about that. You said how you want to address community concerns and Revelius gaps for systems 2.0. You said how you will take in consideration ALL the things you learned in the past 8 years. Travel was never the issue, until Revelius. And now it just doesn't make sense. So put up a poll and see what the community thinks. I think we already know the answer.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Funny that you say that, and all of this about reputations because back when I made my "Travel issue" post where I also talked about the inconveniences of Revelius travel and literally suggested what reputations are today, you still somehow voted how that travel system was amazing, ultimately disagreeing with my thread 🤔 So which one is it Psycho?
This thread https://potterworldmc.com/threads/travel-issue.4639/ that was posted nearly 3 years ago?! Yeah, I thought it was amazing at the time - you think people can't change their opinions in a three year span? Maybe quote the entire paragraph instead of picking a line.. Luckily Potterworld gave the players a perk to fast travel to other towns. Maybe finish reputations instead of complaining for a shortcut.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
you think people can't change their opinions in a three year span
exactly why im making this thread
Luckily Potterworld gave the players a perk to fast travel to other towns. Maybe finish reputations instead of complaining for a shortcut.
so reputations isnt a problem, but me asking for no cooldowns is? Its lucky that potterworld gave players a perk for people that did reputations, but its a bad thing if the cooldowns got removed? It literally doesnt effect you at all, its simply an inconvenience that can only benefit people.
Maybe quote the entire paragraph instead of picking a line..
as if you did the same for me, you didnt address how the logic does not add up, which is the whole point of my thread. Either dont have the extra warps at all (in the name of encouraging exploration, as it was decided) including all of the 1. - 4., or say you changed your mind and reflect it on everything, do not pick and choose. Because of right now, theres not a single reason why the warps should still have the cooldown. And reputations as a counter argument doesnt make sense, as its the thing that broke their logic in the first place.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
I really don't think it would take away from Reputations. I agree that if it did, then it wouldn't be a good idea, because let's be honest, there aren't many reasons to do it, and the permanent warp is one of the two main ones. But you only get two slots, and three total warp (one being hogsworth) really don't cover the whole map at all. Believe me, I've tried, but you need the reputations warps for it to be easy, so i don't think it detracts at all from the motivation to get those rewards.


Minecraft IGN: Ismoo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hiya @Ivan_ !

I'm here with good news as this suggestion has been accepted! We currently have plans to make it even easier to travel around the map. This means that we will be making it easier to travel with both the Warp Key and fire dust systems.

Thank you for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Professor Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Linked Faerie
Hello once again, @Ivan_

As an update to your suggestion, it has been completed and implemented a while ago, as it was announced here in the Gameplay Updates dating back to May this year.

Thank you so much for taking the time and effort into creating your suggestions we really appreciate it, as it helps us improve the server and the overall gameplay. We hope to see more from you in the future.

I hope you have a wonderful day/night!