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Welcome Back Quabbleball

It brings us great excitement to announce the return of a beloved game: Quabbleball!

This return includes a couple of changes:
  • We have completely reworked how the Defender position works. A Defender no longer needs to aim at the goal to protect it - they have different options now to select which goal they want to protect (based on left click, right click, off hand swap and drop key)
  • There is now a 3 second countdown after scoring a goal before the quabble respawns in the middle
  • We have made the scoreboard more compact to be easier to look at.
  • Players can no longer walk into goals
  • Bruisers can no longer hit their teammates
  • Bruiser right click spell (knockout) cooldown was increased from 3 to 4 seconds
  • Passer ball steal’s range was increased from 3 to 5 blocks
  • Fixed a bug where two people could get the quabble (after being hit with it)
  • Removed the lobby completely
  • Players can now fly behind the goals
  • Quabble spawns at different heights along the centre line
  • Defenders can no longer pick up the quabble whilst not flying
  • Defenders can no longer hold the quabble for more than 7 seconds at one time
  • Fixed a bug where the game would not end with zero players on a team
  • Other QOL changes & bug fixes that you’ll have to find out for yourself :D

We also have new maps! We have completely reworked the original map and created three new maps! Quabbleball has now come to Brazil, Bulgaria and France!

Why did this take so long?
We want to take this moment to apologise for the delay with Quabbleball - it was never our intention for it to be re-enabled this late. Originally, it was disabled due to the C&D, and then it was decided to re-enable it when the update was ready - but then the update kept getting delayed (week by week), so we were unable to enable it.

With this update, we took the time to rewrite the entire code base. It was like creating it from the beginning, but this time, being more efficient, faster, and a lot easier to work with. It was almost impossible to update Quabbleball before, and now it’s really easy. In the past, adding new maps was also not the easiest.

We also took the time to try a couple of things and see how they felt. An example we recently tried was preventing passers from being able to throw their quabble when they were too close to the goals. After some feedback, we decided against this.

We understand an apology may not be enough, so we’ve decided to double all Quabbleball rewards, even the ones from the taskboard! This will last for at least a week, maybe more!

Again, we’re very sorry, but we hope you enjoy this update and enjoy the game overall. We’re actively listening to feedback in the first 1-2 weeks for Quabbleball specifically, so if you have any ideas or feedback to any of the changes, please let us know!

Thanks everyone, and thank you for your patience!



Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: TeknoPsycho
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Lead Game Designer Arena Grandmaster SPEW Lead Engineer Intern


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Wildsam
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Class Helper Arena Grandmaster SPEW Drooble's Order
Quabbleballlll :love: