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Winter Waltz 2020 Flying Tournament


Minecraft IGN: Redmire
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire

We had our first 5v5 flying tournament today. There were a lot of experienced flyers today, but we'd like to congratulate team nlkFcEy.png for winning first place!

nlkFcEy.png - Tillsel, Sticktrees, LilFrost, Magma_Alzarin, Max_Alzarin
Epically Rusty (ER) - TallBlondeDude, Kellula, Invisibilia, Joelowo, Frebii
Team 3 - Matzun, shqnsuke, PancakeFollowers, MistletoeMalla, IsabelleMalfoy
Team Matt - Mayulogies, Skymandingo, Sophia_ZJZ, SLGMatt, Caroliin
Furious Flyers - Tara_Griffiths, Doritomandingo, Ikexlo, Mairnousst, Riviertje
Dingleberry DOGGOS - Miss_Strudel, MattyPoltergeist, Honey_Dwarf1, iSpitLikeALlama, Andyreu

Race 1:
1st: nlkFcEy.png
2nd: Epically Rusty
3rd: Dingleberry DOGGOS
4th: Team Matt
5th: Team 3
6th: Furious Flyers

Race 2:
1st: nlkFcEy.png
2nd: Epically Rusty
3rd: Team Matt
4th: Dingleberry DOGGOS
5th: Team 3
6th: Furious Flyers

Race 3:
1st: nlkFcEy.png
2nd: Epically Rusty
3rd: Team Matt
4th: Dingleberry DOGGOS
5th: Team 3
6th: Furious Flyers

Race 4:
1st: nlkFcEy.png
2nd: Team Matt
3rd: Dingleberry DOGGOS
4th: Team 3
5th: Furious Flyers
6th: Epically Rusty

Thank you to everyone who attended, we hope to see you again next time!