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[Winter Waltz] Drooble's Order Prefix Change To House Swap


Minecraft IGN: GreatLordOz
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix
So in light of the recent thread here https://potterworldmc.com/threads/let-everyone-use-their-winter-waltz-house-prefix.15798/#post-95020 where every person commenting is upset about Winter Waltz prefixes being locked behind Drooble's Order, I was brainstorming some alternatives.

I think there are two possible changes that could be made that would not upset the playerbase and still provide sufficient value to Drooble's Order. First and foremost, remove the exclusivity of the WW prefixes and let all players use them.

Alright, the first potential solution is to allow Drooble's Order members to resort into any of the WW schools they want. Since there is no team competition this year, the schools are completely cosmetic. There have been many complaints on the server of players not getting the house color they want, so it is not a great incentive for Drooble's Order to buy a subscription for a house color you're unsatisfied with. Allowing DO resorting would be a great addition.

The other potential addition is to allow WW prefix colors for Drooble's Order members AFTER the event is over. After Silvermorne's WW ended in 2022, the event prefixes were taken away. Why not give them some additional life by allowing DO members to continue using them?

Hopefully these additions can be made so normal players can use the event prefixes free of charge and Drooble's Order members still have additional utility that feels justified.

Liz Frogg

Minecraft IGN: cxrzyyy
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Class Design Poltergeist Engineer Intern
Hey there, @GreatLordOz!

I know the event has since passed, but I have come with an answer that reflects the decision made during the event. As you mentioned in your reply, changes were made shortly after the event was released. They made other alternatives for Drooble's Order in place of the event house prefix, so we will be declining this suggestion. You can read more about the specific changes in the Discord announcement here.

Regardless, thank you so much for making your suggestion, have a wonderful rest of your day!