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Winter Waltz Teams Flying Tournament


Minecraft IGN: Redmire
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire

Hello everyone, today we had a very close competition for this month's tournament. We would like to congratulate the team, 74425568_159.jpeg; MeWinning, iQuackLikeADuck, JackkFrost, and LindsYUH for flying their way to victory! Here are the results:

FastPlaceLastPlace: BetsyTheBird, _Black_Magic, YeetChris, and Paiten
The Briffins: TNTCrafterMC, Joelowo, xMarit, and Frebii
74425568_159.jpeg: MeWinning, iQuackLikeADuck, JackkFrost, and LindsYUH
no tears left to cry: TylerUH, iSpitLikeALlama, MattyAvery, and Sylvey

Heat 1
1st: MeWinning
2nd: BetsyTheBird
3rd: TNTCrafterMC
4th: iSpitLikeALlama

Heat 2
1st: iQuackLikeADuck
2nd: Sylvey
3rd: Invisibilia
4th: SmellySorcerer

Heat 3
1st: TylerUH
2nd: xMarit
3rd: iGOT7
4th: JackkFrost

Heat 4
1st: Frebii
2nd: LindsYUH
3rd: Paiten
4th: MattyAvery

Points Total
1st: 74425568_159.jpeg - 11 points
2nd: The Briffins - 10 points
3rd: FastPlaceLastPlace - 9 points + 1 after tie with fourth place.
4th: no tears left to cry - 9 points

Thank you to everyone who participated in this month’s tournament! Hope to see you next month and have a fantastic day!