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worm pets


Minecraft IGN: slutever
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire SPEW
ok more specifically i would like to request a worm pet on the store!

not a wiggleworm (they are ugly and annoying) and not those fuzzy worm on strings (out of style)
a WORM! like an earthworm!! like one of those pink wriggly things in the dirt

i personally think these would be simple to model cos they're just worms but they would be so much fun!

I love worms i would LOVE a worm as a pet or even to eat worms they're delicious

my rat pet (whom i named matt) is getting quite lonely in my pet inventory, being the only ugly filthy and disgusting animal amongst pegasi and deer and fairies. i'd like for him to have a friend!!!

thank you for reading my suggestion!


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
ok more specifically i would like to request a worm pet on the store!

not a wiggleworm (they are ugly and annoying) and not those fuzzy worm on strings (out of style)
a WORM! like an earthworm!! like one of those pink wriggly things in the dirt

i personally think these would be simple to model cos they're just worms but they would be so much fun!

I love worms i would LOVE a worm as a pet or even to eat worms they're delicious

my rat pet (whom i named matt) is getting quite lonely in my pet inventory, being the only ugly filthy and disgusting animal amongst pegasi and deer and fairies. i'd like for him to have a friend!!!

thank you for reading my suggestion!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Greetings, @gina !

Thank you so much for creating this suggestion! Unfortunately, we have decided to decline the suggestion, as we already have a worm model, which can sit on the shoulder of the player. Since the item already exists, we do not believe that releasing a pet alongside it would be the right choice at this time. We would prefer to focus on other animals which we believe will have more demand. We hope you understand our decision.

Regardless, thank you for this suggestion and we hope to see more ideas from you in the future! Have a wonderful day!