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Make Dueling Gear-Free

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Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
With the current gear system every graduate can get 2 shotted, no matter their skill level. It only takes two spells when a player's not fortifiused to die , so even if you're dueling "right" you can easily die.
That's why you use Fortificus and Protection spells - although you can die in 2 hits - a Duel could equally last 5 minutes. In my experience - half a heart doesn't mean your out of the Duel - fortificus, fervio, ascendo - appareo - Protellum and Vulna - back in the duel. And if were talking realism - 1 hit in HP could take you out of a duel.

Healers are still viable without gear. Spell trees will still exist, allowing for a strong healing buildpath to be run.
Not even nearly the same - my Dueling tree has 3 points in epifio and fervio - same as my healer tree. So it makes no difference between the two. The difference between peoples cooldowns and defence stats set people apart - I also think maybe stop putting so much attention into how much damage you do and concentrate on trying to sponge hits - my tank set take 500 less jinx damage and 300 less charm damage per hit and has 10k in health - Its debuffs last 1.5x and charms and def cooldowns -30% (This makes is great for supporting a team and annoying an opponent) - maybe you all worry about how much damage you do and not the amount of damage you take.

Sounds like all your opinions are set and I'm not here to change them - I'm here to give another, different opinion. So that all my money and hard work isn't for nought
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Minecraft IGN: SmellyBigBro
Dark Follower Griffin Linked
Honestly disagree here - I love gear - I think it works perfectly - they could give people more health tbh, but if you are getting 1/2 shot then you are duelling wrong. Sorry to say.

I also really don’t think you can say - gear makes duelling unfair if you are not a graaduate - cause obviously your losing - you’re not a graduate! Grad vs Grad fights can last ages if you are both decent duellers.

A bit on this also - if you remove gear from any aspect of the game, I’m off - I haven’t spend 50k on one price of gear to be made practically useless cause it won’t be used in duelling and I’m grad now so won’t use it against mobs 😂 oh I can use it in dungeons - oh wait no. Can’t add something so big like this, let people grind for it, then change it! This is why we’re asking for a roadmap - so this could have been sorted a year ago /:
1st of all no one really gets 1 shot but getting 2/3 shot is possibly even with LVL 80 gear. The number of dmg spells can do with the percentages and other aspects of gear and dmg scaling make some spells do around 5k dmg headshot. No one can be considered dueling wrong when the system makes it so.
Secondly, the number of time fights take can vary on the gear set that ppl are using for example if it's 2 dmg ppl dueling it will maybe take around a minute. Hybrid and Healers have a massive stall and can delay for long amounts of time.
Also, removing it from dueling wouldn't be all that bad, gear would still probably be needed in other aspects of the game such as dungeons, world bosses, and quests. As gear currently stands in dueling it makes certain aspects of it unfair and these balance changes were definitely needed for the people that duel on the server.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
when you are fighting someone the SAME LEVEL AS YOU!!!!!
You wouldn't play on any other mmo and expect to beat a max lvl player when you're a noob.
  1. Put two graduates against each other, one with gear, one without gear and see who lasts longer
  2. This server is still more or less an RPG, only recently it changed it's direction to an MMO. A decision not yet fully accepted by everyone. If you take a look at the new folks, they see it more as an MMO, older ones like the RPG. (this is a strong generalization though)
  3. ???
  4. I believe there's place for other servers to go the MMO route. I joined the server to live my Harry Potter fantasy and attend Hogwars (RPG) not grind dungeons and level gear (MMO).
You are asking for the team to remove something from the game that their update practically revolves around - evidentally "Please just burn all your work!" and also "forget everyone elses time, effort and gold they invested - I DON'T LIKE GEAR"
Just because something took a lot of time, doesn't necesarrily make it good or that it has to be accepted.

Take a look at professions. Lots of dev time spent coding it, lots of player time spent leveling it. Yet it was basically removed in the end. Or potion brewing. Or brooms. Even the whole map was reworked in some way.
Many items were removed or turned into worthless stuff after Revelius.
Remember when MOST of the spells were supposed to be removed and the decision was changed only after the community disagreed ?

Edit: I'm gonna take my comment from a different thread.

If you want to be better at dueling you have to do mob grind, attend classes, etc in order to get better gear. It's stupid. You should get better at dueling by dueling.
You don't get good at cycling by swimming, you get good at cycling by cycling.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: foirie
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Werewolf
That's why you use Fortificus and Protection spells - although you can die in 2 hits - a Duel could equally last 5 minutes

Not even nearly the same - my Dueling tree has 3 points in epifio and fervio - same as my healer tree. So it makes no difference between the two. The difference between peoples cooldowns and defence stats set people apart - I also think maybe stop putting so much attention into how much damage you do and concentrate on trying to sponge hits - my tank set take 500 less jinx damage and 300 less charm damage per hit and has 10k in health - Its debuffs last 1.5x and charms and def cooldowns -30% (This makes is great for supporting a team and annoying an opponent) - maybe you all worry about how much damage you do and not the amount of damage you take.

Sounds like all your opinions are set and I'm not here to change them - I'm here to give another, different opinion. So that all my money and hard work isn't for nought

If your duels are lasting more than 5 minutes you're either dueling aviforma or a handless puppy


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
If your duels are lasting more than 5 minutes you're either dueling aviforma or a handless puppy
Nope, neither - I heal well.

Put two graduates against each other, one with gear, one without gear and see who lasts longer
Why you fighting without gear? Also you know what MMO means? Also my point all the way through is - Levels dont make you stronger - leveling up has no effect other than giving you spells - they need some way to set levels apart! Introduce gear


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
Because you say what matters is skill, not gear. Therefore if you put two people against each other, one with gear, one without, the more skilled person should win.
Lol okay you keep fighting without gear 👌🏻 I’m sure your skill will overcome my gear. However if you match my gear like most grads do - then it becomes about skill again


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
spamming fortify and healing isn't skill at all, it's just boring and annoying for any damage sets. literally anyone can spam heals and fortify and just wait 5 minutes for a duel to end, if you were to duel any decent duelist i highly doubt you'd last long
I killed Celest the other day ANBaseball - Hector too - Joelowo - like I said me and Niko are pretty even now I have the gear- tbh I don’t struggle much - yeh I die too - but your making assumptions and they are wrong :) you’re also making assumptions that I only heal - also not true - I highly recommend we 1v1 😂


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
I killed Celest the other day ANBaseball - Hector too - Joelowo - like I said me and Niko are pretty even now I have the gear- tbh I don’t struggle much - yeh I die too - but your making assumptions and they are wrong :) you’re also making assumptions that I only heal - also not true
as chloe said if you were to duel any decent duelist i highly doubt you'd last long
and again I highly recommend you come fight me then


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
So I need to get better gear instead of getting skilled in order to stand a chance, correct ?
No that’s not what I said - I said if you match my gear - then it’s about skill. Gear doesn’t equal win - gear and skill equals win

and you can disagree - but there would be no such thing as a “high skilled pvper” if skill meant nothing - look at the tournament winners - same names all the time, regardless of gear
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