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Make Dueling Gear-Free

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Minecraft IGN: Rhines
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Linked
according to all known laws of dueling,
there is no way gear should be bad.
it's an RPG element and a big factor of the revelius update.
the gear, of course, is horrible anyway.
because duelists don't care about what others think is 'bAlAncEd'
foritificus, stupeficius, fortificus, stupeficius
foritificus, stupeficius, fortificus, stupeficius
oh! epifio and protego!
this sure is a thrilling and skill-orientated fight.
barry! your gear is ready!
hang on a second
-can you believe the dueling system got this out of hand?
-i can't. let me come get you.

looking sharp with that new hand!
use that gear set honey, we went broke for it.
sorry, I assumed that this update would actually improve the dueling system.
here's the graduate.
congrats on not getting one shot by 2nd years, son!

Fresh out of magical wizard school so cool, Barry the Bee (Jerry Seinfeld) finds the prospect of having to deal with gear for one more second painful. He flies outside Potterworld for the first time and talks to an ex-duelist (Renée Zellweger), learning about dueling that involved actual skill. Barry learns that alternative ways of handling the dueling system exist, and are better options, and he realizes that his true calling is to obtain justice for old Potterworld dueling by suing literally everyone.

Release Date: Why did we even change from the talent tree, 2020
Directors: Old Potterworld Dueling
Featured Song: Even older Potterworld Dueling
Box Office: Either you never get into dueling or you waste all your currency on the server for a legendary hand

gear's bad, pog


Minecraft IGN: mn614
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Lore Master SPEW Linked
Lizzie, that is rather...erm...enlightening.

I do agree that gear should have at least some changes, especially in regards to dueling. While it's an effective system for player progression (it'd be a mistake for first years to be able slay dragons), I believe dueling should be more skill-based. When I was a seventh year, I used to hold off on graduating, as I knew graduates had insanely powerful gear and I would stand no chance in dueling classes (not that I had much of a chance in the first place, but I digress). When I finally did decide to graduate, I stopped participating in dueling activities and classes, as I would always be destroyed immediately. While I don't think it'd be plausible for the gear system to be completely demolished, I wish dueling did not depend so heavily on gear.


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
according to all known laws of dueling,
there is no way gear should be bad.
it's an RPG element and a big factor of the revelius update.
the gear, of course, is horrible anyway.
because duelists don't care about what others think is 'bAlAncEd'
foritificus, stupeficius, fortificus, stupeficius
foritificus, stupeficius, fortificus, stupeficius
oh! epifio and protego!
this sure is a thrilling and skill-orientated fight.
barry! your gear is ready!
hang on a second
-can you believe the dueling system got this out of hand?
-i can't. let me come get you.

looking sharp with that new hand!
use that gear set honey, we went broke for it.
sorry, I assumed that this update would actually improve the dueling system.
here's the graduate.
congrats on not getting one shot by 2nd years, son!

Fresh out of magical wizard school so cool, Barry the Bee (Jerry Seinfeld) finds the prospect of having to deal with gear for one more second painful. He flies outside Potterworld for the first time and talks to an ex-duelist (Renée Zellweger), learning about dueling that involved actual skill. Barry learns that alternative ways of handling the dueling system exist, and are better options, and he realizes that his true calling is to obtain justice for old Potterworld dueling by suing literally everyone.

Release Date: Why did we even change from the talent tree, 2020
Directors: Old Potterworld Dueling
Featured Song: Even older Potterworld Dueling
Box Office: Either you never get into dueling or you waste all your currency on the server for a legendary hand

gear's bad, pog
This is the most amazing thing I’ve seen all 2021 tyvm


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Lizzie, that is rather...erm...enlightening.

I do agree that gear should have at least some changes, especially in regards to dueling. While it's an effective system for player progression (it'd be a mistake for first years to be able slay dragons), I believe dueling should be more skill-based. When I was a seventh year, I used to hold off on graduating, as I knew graduates had insanely powerful gear and I would stand no chance in dueling classes (not that I had much of a chance in the first place, but I digress). When I finally did decide to graduate, I stopped participating in dueling activities and classes, as I would always be destroyed immediately. While I don't think it'd be plausible for the gear system to be completely demolished, I wish dueling did not depend so heavily on gear.
gear will still be prevalent for PvE, which is a majority of the server's content


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
TLDR: We hear you loud and clear; Gear is not fun; We'll fix Gear for now (soon) and work on a better system for the future, we'll provide more information regarding this
@Deniz You don't hear us loud and clear.
I mean just look at the stats below, the numbers speak for themselves. Before AND after revelius was released people were unhappy with the new features but you still choose to ignore us. Many people don't want gear to be fixed, they don't want gear at all.



Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
@Deniz You don't hear us loud and clear.
I mean just look at the stats below, the numbers speak for themselves. Before AND after revelius was released people were unhappy with the new features but you still choose to ignore us. Many people don't want gear to be fixed, they don't want gear at all.
Can confirm, Revelius YouTube videos also have a much more Dislikes than usually, along with comments saying they don't like the update


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
@Deniz You don't hear us loud and clear.
I mean just look at the stats below, the numbers speak for themselves. Before AND after revelius was released people were unhappy with the new features but you still choose to ignore us. Many people don't want gear to be fixed, they don't want gear at all.
At the end of the day though - the server is more popular than before Revelius. I'm not saying it due to Revelius - It seems to be the TikTok page tbh. But the server is for sure more populated now than before. And I am a person - and I want gear - you don't speak for everyone, I understand the majority don't like it, but I'm a big fan of it - maybe not in 1v1 or 2v2 - but I still would like it in 3v3v or higher - Tilly and I were speaking about there being plans to make healer more of a possibilty without gear and assuming that can be done - I'm happy with no gear in PvP.

I do not want gear being removed from the game - I and many others have spent far too much money and effort on getting it. So no - people don't want gear gone all together - just in PvP.
Also, the whole update revolves around gear - realise what you are asking. You've brought along a list of stats that shows people are happy with the events that are coming, obviously and concerned about the big gameplay updates... obviously.
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Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
Because gear is a precursor to winning. A lot of people are skilled without good gear so I snag wins I shouldn’t be having
Your point was with gear you can win duels with no skill -
Here is it again -
ive been thinking and actually i revoke my complaints about gear as i like being able to winning dueling with no skill
It really depends on the person - if they match your gear - then it's completely about skill and the aim at level 80 in my opinion is to improve your gear to a point where all level 80s are on a fairly level playing ground. You can't say duelling with gear doesn't take skill - when everyone gets rekt by the Alzarins regardless of gear or not. They are clearly Skilled Duellers, no? They would probably beat me way more often than not - in 7th year gear and I'm in the best of the best 8th year gear for Jinx tree. So skill definitely still comes into play.
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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
Exactly. If they don't then it's about gear. Why is it bad to want a feature that makes the game unbalanced gone ?
I understand the majority don't like it, but I'm a big fan of it - maybe not in 1v1 or 2v2 - but I still would like it in 3v3v or higher - Tilly and I were speaking about there being plans to make healer more of a possibilty without gear and assuming that can be done - I'm happy with no gear in PvP.

Are you reading my replies properly or just wanting to try and get my back up by sending stuff like -
People as in everyone - he doesn't speak for people as a collective is my point. So you misunderstood, it's no problem, it wasn't funny or ironic :')
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