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Make Dueling Gear-Free

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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Are you reading my replies properly or just wanting to try and get my back up by sending stuff like -
Yes I am however I can't tell if you agree that gear should be removed from dueling/all together or you're just trolling by saying:

Sounds like all your opinions are set and I'm not here to change them - I'm here to give another, different opinion. So that all my money and hard work isn't for nought
And are you aware of a proper use of a forum ? Ideas should be discussed. And people's opinions have changed from "let's remove gear from dueling" to "let's remove gear" while you openly stated that you don't want to discuss things, you just want to repeat your opinion over and over.

If it seems that people's opionos are set maybe the arguments used to oppose this idea aren't really that strong.


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
And are you aware of a proper use of a forum ? Ideas should be discussed. And people's opinions have changed from "let's remove gear from dueling" to "let's remove gear" while you openly stated that you don't want to discuss things, you just want to repeat your opinion over and over.

If it seems that people's opionos are set maybe the arguments used to oppose this idea aren't really that strong.
I don't think many people want gear removed from every part of the game - only duelling and if you speak to people who I have had proper conversations with about this please - they say I make very good points but the overall majority don't like it in Duelling - watching the 1v1's yesterday - I can say I had expected to have to remove gear - cause it did look unfair) but there are concepts of gear that make it also good for duelling - which I have stated multiple times, you are right. Should gear be removed all together - no I don't think so. I'm sorry for having a different opinion to you.

All I've done is give my opinion - you've been rude to me multiples times so far thoughout the thread - so I don't really want to stay and give my opinion anymore - thanks.
I don't know how you have ended up with this conclusion :') lol
Goodnight Pankakes - enough internet for one day xD
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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Whatever floats your boat. I have not used any profanities nor do I feel like I've been disrespectful or rude to you. Every time you ignored my question - an attempt to properly discuss, expand and understand your view - I let it be.

And those instances where you assumed I was rude were only my comments stating I found the situation funny, even if I edited the comment right after posting it saying "let's not make this personal" you "called me out on it" as if this wasn't a forum but a "professional" enviroment where people's opinions can't change.

And yes, it was ironic when you tell someone else they can't speak for people yet you do the same and try to dismiss it afterwards. Please notice I used the words "funny and ironic" and not "a hypocrite" because I assume that there is no malicious intent on your part nor do you seem like a hypocrite to me and I didn't want to be rude to you.

I attacked (idk if it's the right word) your statements, not you. If you think that's me being rude or disrespectful then sorry. but that's your problem.

Edit: Grammar


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
but that's your problem.

And are you aware of a proper use of a forum ?
you just want to repeat your opinion over and over.
Contradiction of the above comment about knowing what a forum is.
Lmao, it gonna go down.
Please someone record it
Almost bully-like behaviour

All of the above are not about opinions or in discussion about them, but about myself.

And yes, it was ironic when you tell someone else they can't speak for people yet you do the same and try to dismiss it afterwards.
Never dismissed speaking for people - I didn't speak for people - my point was not all people want something. As a person and not wanting it - I can confirm I am right then. If I was doing the same thing (you know, to be funny and ironic) I would say something like "You dont speak for all people. All people want gear - especially in duelling" Instead my point was - well I'm a person and I like gear - so you can't really speak for all people. All people don't want gear removed - last time I checked - I am one.

You can't say for certain everyone wants something - But if you don't want it - you can be certain not everyone does - a forum is a place for peoples opinions to be heard - whether other players agree with them or not. I'm here to be heard.

As for repeating my opinion over and over - It's not possible - my opinion changed since I joined the thread and had some proper conversations with duellers about the plans in place to change it to benefit all and since the 1v1 challenge.

as I stated here -
I understand the majority don't like it, but I'm a big fan of it - maybe not in 1v1 or 2v2 - but I still would like it in 3v3v or higher - Tilly and I were speaking about there being plans to make healer more of a possibilty without gear and assuming that can be done - I'm happy with no gear in PvP.
I'm happy to not wear gear in PvP - I just want content so my (what has been very, very expensive to make) gear isn't a dustcatcher.
as I stated here -
I think until there is more content such as Dungeons and replayable world bosses - removing gear in pvp makes gear almost pointless for lvl 80s
I will say, thankyou to everyone who has listened to my opinions on this and accepted that they are my opinions, and given their own opinions in return. To people who have spoken to me and reassured me that there is work being done to keep the good features gear has brought whilst purging the bad (and I do agree gear isn't perfect, but the idea gear brings is good). Some have even changed my opinions by discussing it with me and as some of you have said gear has become a somewhat touchy subject in the duelling community - so I can see why my opinion has stirred a bit of angst. Sorry about that, it wasn't intended - On my perspective as I said to Tilly, I had been working hard over the last month to get up from lvl 60 to Graduate and had procured my gear ready for it and put extra effort into grinding, to see that I would be barely able to use it properly if this was put into effect, it was upsetting to me. I understand this is peoples problem with gear - the fact you have to grind and put in a lot of effort to level up and then pay to get it - but I did, as many others have done. Opinion wise now - If anyone is confused, is - I'm happy for PvP to be gear-free assuming we are given some other use for our gear or some insight into when we will be given another use for it. considering its been selling at 50k for some pieces of lvl 80 gear - it needs a use. For the stated reasons, gear should not be removed from the game entirely.
So again, thanks - Tilly, Nyn, Sicktrees, Aviforma (y)
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Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW Linked
Thanks for the opinions and comments everyone - this thread has more than enough off-topic comments and passive-aggressive comments, which is why I'll be closing this thread for now.

Before I do so, there are a few things I wanna comment on and mention.

@Deniz You don't hear us loud and clear.

I mean just look at the stats below, the numbers speak for themselves. Before AND after revelius was released people were unhappy with the new features but you still choose to ignore us. Many people don't want gear to be fixed, they don't want gear at all.
How are we not hearing you loud and clear? I just said that we're making huge changes to gear and reworking the system, as well as other systems? I'm not sure what your point is.

In terms of your statistics, I hope you realize that basing your argument that "players hate the update" based on YouTube views is probably not the most accurate dataset to prove your point. YouTube videos' popularity is dependent on a multitude of things, and while we don't deny that Revelius is not that much of a liked subject, using YouTube statistics to prove a point that we don't listen and the update is bad is probably not the best idea.

I hope you know that we have access to graphs that shows active players, joins per day, and so much more to display how the server is doing in terms of retention, activity, and much more. Try to leave the statistics to us - we have professionals who work with these kinds of things daily in the real world (our head of data, for example) who we can ask to explain certain trends and much more. :)

Something I didn't want to address when I made my first comment, but want to quickly address now:
@AviformaSorry buddy, apparently the decision to decline this was made back in October, the staff is just looking for an answer to this so they can politely decline it.
I hope my previous comments clarifies everything for this here because this is not true at all. Coming up with a good idea takes time, and it's not something that happens immediately - and we want to let things run as well so we can see how it goes. October is 3 months after the Revelius update, an update that was in the works for more than a year. I hope you can understand why we were a bit hesitant with wanting to rework one of the biggest parts about it.

Does this mean the staff doesn't want to get rid of gear, because they themselves have high level gear ?

Suggestion declined behind the scenes in October.

And the only reason it's been Under review for so long is because they don't want to do it and neither want to make players mad.
This couldn't really be less true. When we balance the game, we don't care about our own progress. We think about the player's progress. Whether we have the best or worst gear doesn't matter to us. We want to create a fun game for everyone, not a game where we're the best and all the other players hate it. Making assumptions like this is really not ideal. I, myself, have a pretty bad gear set, and I'm head of CM, a developer and I work closely with Droobledore with these things. My DMs are always open for questions and clarifications, so instead of attempting to start a rumor, perhaps the more ideal approach would be to make the effort to find out the truth.

Also, Droobledore has been the one who's been making the decisions on gear, as he's the owner (obviously with compromises based on what we've been saying, etc.)... I don't really think the owner cares if he has the best gear or not ; - )

You see, now I'm thinking if every decision is made based on staff's opinion only (wouldn't be the first time players think it's like this) and if those Under review threads, that have been under review for months, are already declined, waiting for someone to find the right words and excuses.
I mean... yes... we're the ones who decide how the game should be... so we use our own opinions - but this doesn't come out of the blue. I, personally, base a lot of my opinions based on how I see people respond to specific things on e.g. the forums, discord, and in-game channels. I also look at graphs a lot and inform the Game Design team about it, so we can figure out where things are going wrong. I've been one of the big speakers on why gear should be removed because of my opinion regarding gear (my experience, how much I enjoy it, etc) & how the community is reacting.

At the end of the day, the staff team is here for the players' benefit and making the game enjoyable as much as we can - we aren't in it for ourselves.

I am not stating my words as a fact, I'm just thinking aloud and voicing my opinion on this.
While this is true, it's still creating unnecessary rumors/theories that an easy clarification message would have addressed in private.

[new line]

Try to avoid creating more threads regarding gear until we make an update post about it - we will not be removing gear as of now, but we will work on making it enjoyable for duellers and non-duellers. Read my original comment for more information. This doesn't mean that gear will never be removed - we'll try some things and if it still doesn't work by then, then removing it is probably the ideal choice. Gear still provides a lot of things that make it one of the best options as of right now - it opens the door to more end-game content, like dungeons & expansions. I understand it's hard to see right now, so we hope you'll stick with us to find out ;)

There are, clearly, two sides to this. Just because more people agree with one side more than the other, doesn't mean we want to ignore the other half. We want to try to please both sides as much as we can. Gear items will be receiving changes, so an item like Gauntlet of Deadly Kiss won't be worth as much as it is now, but it'll most likely remain the strongest hand item, just not the strongest gear item. This sucks for people who have it, but it's apart of the game life - changes can happen and items we spent time and money on can be changed. It's like this with any game :)

We live and we learn, and as I said, Revelius has been a huge lesson for us all - we understand it's frustrating as players to have bad gameplay, but we've always prided ourselves on having the best and most understandable community. We had to try this, and while it did not go the way we wanted, we don't think it's too late to turn things around and improve it.

Thanks, everyone! I hope the new year has been nice to you, and that you're staying safe.
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