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Introductions // Gigi's Super Cool Idea


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: lolclem
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Yea, I dont think it would ever be forced but I see it as the Seer Introduction channel on the RP Hub tbh. Idk if the Seers were forced to post there or not but it's to just let people get to know staff better mostly, just like how the Seers has it set up. So you arent wrong, it would basically be an information channel about staff and whatever they want to share.

On the other hand, one could look at this channel as "character bios" which I absolutely hate reading and would rather learn about characters through seeing them in action. Could be applied to staff to I would rather just see them in action than read what they written about themselves. I am not saying I wouldnt read some of them but there are a lot of staff, like mentioned above. This whole idea could go in two different directions of either like it or dislike it but I do not think there is a direct middle ground,

I do still stand by the idea that this will help certain new players feel more comfortable with staff or even see shared interests with certain staff members though, that will be a promotion of friendship that will keep the player longer term on the server.
I disagree with comparing it to character bios. With character bios, yes it can be more fun to see characters in action. But those are fake characters. For in real life people however, it's generally better to know them better beforehand in my opinion? Even if it's something as simple as their favorite color, or hobby. Each factor plays a part into the staff member being more approachable. Of course, it wouldn't be forced at all. Also, I don't believe that an introductions channel would necessarily be telling you what to expect of a staff member personality-wise, rather hobbies, what they enjoy to do, etcetera.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Thrashaba
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I disagree with comparing it to character bios. With character bios, yes it can be more fun to see characters in action. But those are fake characters. For in real life people however, it's generally better to know them better beforehand in my opinion? Even if it's something as simple as their favorite color, or hobby. Each factor plays a part into the staff member being more approachable. Of course, it wouldn't be forced at all. Also, I don't believe that an introductions channel would necessarily be telling you what to expect of a staff member personality-wise, rather hobbies, what they enjoy to do, etcetera.
Yea, I cannot see someone trying to express their own personality in words,

However, even with comparing the template the Head Staff used for their "introductions" (idk what to call it) on the forums compared to the general template of the character bios, there are similarities already present in the both.

Wandlore being one of them, favorite magical subject, etc. to where a mental image can be made by people that read the head staff intros, just like RPers does for Character Bios.

Favorite classes are a shared topic between the two as well. including at magical career they would choose to where character bios already have that career.

An introduction channel would be an ice breaker for players to know staff better, just like how the Character Bios are ice breakers for RPers to know characters better.

So in the end, my concern is still valid in the sense that the two are comparable and what was seen with Character Bios in the RP Hub can also transfer to this idea, even if this idea is not bad in any which way or form in essence, but I can see why there would be pushback also.
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Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Good day ๐™œ๐™ž๐™œ๐™ž!

Thank you for bringing your idea forth to the threads! And a thank you to everyone who has contributed an opinion, we are super grateful for all of your voices!

While us Poltergeists didn't discuss this on the team, we have although made the unfortunate choice to decline your suggestion at this time. As there are so many people on the discord it is quite likely introductions will be lost.

Good news though! While introductions won't be possible on the discord, there has been a suggestion about adding an introduction page to the forums, and it has been accepted! That thread can be seen here. While it is on hold with no ETA, it will be coming out in the future so do be on the lookout for a forum announcement regarding an "introduction to introductions"!

Regardless, we really appreciate you (and all others who have contributed) bringing your voice to the threads, take good care of yourself! <3

Kind wishes,