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Spell cast success probability/chance


Notable Magician

Adding probabilities to spells might be a fun and interesting way to improve your spell casting skills. By this, I mean that when you first achieve a spell, the success that it will cast properly is 50%, but every time you cast it, the chance gets higher with a maximum of 99%. Then players will have to "train their spell casting" (just like you would in real life) to cast spells successfully by casting them over and over again. I think this would be an interesting feature because it adds a realistic feeling of spell casting, now you wouldn't just be able to be a professional at spell casting, but you would have to become good at it instead.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
They used to do this type of spell casting years ago. It was somewhat fun though kinda frustrating when it failed at times, but it did provide a bit of dynamics to the game. Players would eventually spam cast their spells to increase their success rate - broom casting also had this. I think players got hurt when their spell was unsuccessful? I wouldn't mind if this was brought back again.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Could you give a reason why?
The spells took a hit after gear was introduced which threw the balance off, adding RNG to the spell casting success would be frustrating and would significantly increase the already tedious grind if every second casted spell wouldn't work.

Can you imagine falling down and casting Leviomora only for it not to work and dying ? Or perhaps having half a heart in a fight and the last hit to kill a mob wouldn't work just because RNGesus said so.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: IDestor
Honeybadger Auralock
Having to improve spell cast success or fail rates will also increase the gap between newer players and higher experienced players in terms of dueling which people already complain about due to the gear gap and spell gap. Newer players will have to deal with their spells failing more and doing less damage and having less meta spells. I also feel like some people would also be tempted to just use a auto clicker on a spell to get it to max probabilities and could just afk, which would also ruin the point of this.


Notable Magician
True, that kind of sucks. Although a solution to duelling would be that every spell would work properly. My idea was that the spells wouldn't take ages to fully train, but let's say casting it about 50 or 40 times. There should then also be a gap between how long you can cast a spell to train, for example, 1 minute. So you can't spam click 50 times to fully train it, but it would take you 50 minutes. This would probably make other players not bother about setting up an auto-clicker.

Some crucial spells might also have a lower amount of casting to do for fully training them. Like resistomentum would work around 85% of the times at the start, but it would only take 15-25 casts to max the probability out.

Beginners spells could also have a smaller training rate, for example, Vermillio would take 30 casts to.
And higher level spells would have a higher training rate, like 40 casts.
The amount of casts needed to increase a spell doesn't state the probability automatically. Spells that take 50 casts can have a starting probability of 80% but a spell that takes 25 casts can have that probability too.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @JustinS!

Thank you for taking the time to create this suggestion! However, a similar suggestion has been brought up and was declined, which you can check out here. Within the past, there was a spell levelling system similar to this, but there were a couple of issues that arose from it. With our current progression system, we felt there was no need to have the old one anymore. Because of this, I will be marking this thread as a duplicate.

Regardless of this, we hope that you continue to make and share more suggestions with us, as we always appreciate seeing your ideas on how to improve the server! Have a lovely day!