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Adding more SPECIAL collectibles


Notable Magician

I had an idea about adding more special and useful collectibles which can be received from events (and more). These collectibles could also have a small (but good!) effect on their gameplay. Some examples might be:
- The invisibility cloak: There would for example only be 5 cloaks in the entire game.
- Special fast brooms: New (or existing) brooms that have the ability to go much faster than other brooms
- Joke shop items: Such as the Deluminator, or beaded handbag.
- Special gear which is very strong, and does not have a level restriction: the gears might have side effects though!

These collectibles could have different ways of being given away, for example:

- The top 3 players from the event would get one of these rewards ranking on their achievement/skill.
(I believe event winners also get Potterpoints? So I'm not sure if that's a very good idea to give another thing)

- Random players will receive one of the items listed above.
I agree with this one more. As you don't need to be a player of level 80 to be lucky and receive a "present" that could help you on your Potterworld journey. All players that sign up for a "giveaway" of some sort would receive one of the items.

- Buying them.
Players might receive one of these items and already have them, so decide to sell them (which I think should definitely be possible!)

Unique gifts:
I think that some collectibles should be given - at the end of a quarter when the house cup winner is also named - to students who were quite well known for doing special things or helping out a lot. This would be decided by the staff members, who would select a unique gift to the top 4 students of the year (one student of every house maybe?). For example, students that showed a remarkable performance with Quabbleball (not particularly during an event) would get something related to Quabbleball, like a broom.

I think this would make the experience for every player on the server unique. In the books and movies, you also see some students (Harry Potter mainly) receiving presents, like the Cloak of Invisibility, and a very fast broom. Dumbledore's will also gave Ron a Deluminator.

(The collectibles I gave for an example are just examples, and there might be more, this also includes the ways in which you can receive the collectibles)


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: bluecherub
Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix DD Editor DD Producer Linked
- Special fast brooms: New (or existing) brooms that have the ability to go much faster than other brooms
- Joke shop items: Such as the Deluminator, or beaded handbag.
We actually already have these items in game! Faster brooms are available by crafting together the pieces you find around the world/by killing mobs, or by buying them on the marketplace. The joke shop items you mentioned are also in the game, and can be bought in London :D


Notable Magician
We actually already have these items in game! Faster brooms are available by crafting together the pieces you find around the world/by killing mobs, or by buying them on the marketplace. The joke shop items you mentioned are also in the game, and can be bought in London :D
I know that these are in game, although my point was to make special ones, as a sort of gifts or rewards. And the invisibilty cloak isn't a working collectible I believe


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: bluecherub
Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix DD Editor DD Producer Linked
So to be clear, you want a special Deluminator, etc? We already have special beaded handbags in terms of design, such as those given out during the Halloween and Winter Waltz events, unless you mean something else. How would you say they need to be improved even further?


Notable Magician
So to be clear, you want a special Deluminator, etc? We already have special beaded handbags in terms of design, such as those given out during the Halloween and Winter Waltz events, unless you mean something else. How would you say they need to be improved even further?
No, I don't mean make new special items, but give them away more often as gifts, or on special occasions, like I mentioned in the first post. I think I used "new" wrongly in this post. I meant adding more (instead of new) ways to get collectibles ( the deluminator for example; brooms; gear). In the ways I also mentioned above. I'm not asking for an improvement of the items, but to make new ways of getting these items as gifts for certain acts.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: bluecherub
Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix DD Editor DD Producer Linked
No, I don't mean make new special items, but give them away more often as gifts, or on special occasions, like I mentioned in the first post. I think I used "new" wrongly in this post. I meant adding more (instead of new) ways to get collectibles ( the deluminator for example; brooms; gear). In the ways I also mentioned above. I'm not asking for an improvement of the items, but to make new ways of getting these items as gifts for certain acts.
The issue with that is that "gifting" them wouldn't really be possible. It could easily veer towards favoritism, and creating entire randomized giveaways for those items seems like way too much work to do just to implement a few new items. Not to mention, the brooms and collectibles are already incredibly easy to access- especially since they can both be bought with gold.

While I don't support the idea of randomly giving the other items (invisibility cloak and special gear) out, the ideas for the items themselves aren't off-base, necessarily! I think trying to find a way to implement Invisibility Cloaks would be super cool, albeit I think the cloak and special gear deserve to be thought out more purposefully and given their own suggestion posts.

Overall, the idea of creating those items only to make 5, 10, 20 of them and randomize who they're given to just isn't really viable since the creation of the items would take a lot of time on the developers' part, and the items may very well be lost to time after those who receive them become inactive, or if someone decides to hoard them. Instead, creating those items and making the possibility for them to be dropped, found, or crafted a low percentage in terms of probability might be a more viable option. After all, you wouldn't want your suggestions to be lost in Potterworld history, a mere myth among new magicians.


Notable Magician
The issue with that is that "gifting" them wouldn't really be possible. It could easily veer towards favoritism, and creating entire randomized giveaways for those items seems like way too much work to do just to implement a few new items. Not to mention, the brooms and collectibles are already incredibly easy to access- especially since they can both be bought with gold.

While I don't support the idea of randomly giving the other items (invisibility cloak and special gear) out, the ideas for the items themselves aren't off-base, necessarily! I think trying to find a way to implement Invisibility Cloaks would be super cool, albeit I think the cloak and special gear deserve to be thought out more purposefully and given their own suggestion posts.

Overall, the idea of creating those items only to make 5, 10, 20 of them and randomize who they're given to just isn't really viable since the creation of the items would take a lot of time on the developers' part, and the items may very well be lost to time after those who receive them become inactive, or if someone decides to hoard them. Instead, creating those items and making the possibility for them to be dropped, found, or crafted a low percentage in terms of probability might be a more viable option. After all, you wouldn't want your suggestions to be lost in Potterworld history, a mere myth among new magicians.
I completely agree with the last section of your reply. A new thought has come to mind that it might be a nice idea for the players to be able to get one of the cloaks, in a very special quest, (not level restricted, and not many high-level spells will be needed), which is very, and I mean VERY hard to complete.

Making the quest available to all players, I think will be nice because then you don't have to be a graduate or level 70 to finally be able to get that cool item. The quest wouldn't be for example: "Oh I accidentally dropped my wand in a well, go get it for me by using a level 78 spell and I will give you this most epic item." No no no no no.......
A better quest for an item like this would be a quest that doesn't require spells above the level of 20 and doesn't require any special items or collectables, like a broom for example. A quest like this could look like: (Warning, very long quest idea ahead with way too many parentheses lol): (There's a hidden area somewhere in Hogsend where players would hear weird sounds (like whispers), see odd things (like creepy particles, experience a strange effect, or see slightly moving things which aren't too obvious). The player would then have to look around if interest in this strange place and look for a clue (maybe a key of some sort?) which would be hidden in a deep and dark place, and the closer you get the louder the sound gets and the more obvious and severe the effects get. This key would then be used for something COMPLETELY different, like not even in the same house, town, or area.
The key would open another hidden door maybe somewhere in the dungeons of hogsworth where the player will find a broom closet with a bookshelf that contains a confusing poem, which would lead the player to somewhere else. Etc. etc. etc.... This would go on for a long time as I said, a difficult quest which you won't complete in an hour or 2. I could go on to describe or write a full quest (upon request) but I think you get the point. (Yes I would be happy to help in writing the quest or giving brilliant ideas....)) At the end of the quest, the player will be left with literally no reward or anything. The end-quest would for example have the player destroy an object. The player will then receive a mail from a character (not a real player) which gives a message of something like: well done, you did it, I have sent a reward via my owl which might take a day or two. And when the player logs off thinking well that was useless, and the next time he logs on he will receive another mail with the Cloak of invisibility, a nice amount of gold, like 600g, and a nice amount of Experience.

The bad thing about this is that players might share a quest like this though. To prevent this, in the mail it might discourage the players to give the answers away. This might stop some players from giving away too much. And as the quest is so strange and there's not actually an NPC quest going on or something in /q, it would even be more confusing to the players to state if it's actually a quest or something.
Lastly, I think that after a quest this long, players won't be able to remember everything that they did.

Via quests like these - which I know would take a long time to make - almost all players above a small level (so that they don't immediately think the server sucks and everything is too hard because of this one quest) would be able to complete it and get a cool item. The given items that players receive from a quest may vary. For example, I might receive an Invisibility wand, whilst someone else gets uhh I dunno, a cool broom, hat, or spell or something?! (which would still be useful!)

Another quick idea that just popped in mind was that the players who achieve the level which you need to do the quest would receive a sketchy mail about something going on like a rumour in Hogsend, which they might want to check out. This makes it just a bit easier to find out that there's a special thing in Hogsend.

I know I went a bit in-depth here but I hope this explains my whole idea, if you have questions or comments about it just reply please :).


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: bluecherub
Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix DD Editor DD Producer Linked
It appears your suggestion has gone much further past the original post :oops: It wouldn't be a terrible idea to start from the beginning and fully write out your idea post-mind-changing


Notable Magician
And now my mind is basically on an idea marathon, great. Another thing that would be kinda cool, is when a player completes this quest (if the quest only gives an invisibility cloak for example), they would receive another quest maybe 10 levels further via a mail again, saying that they need to figure something out, or that there's a rumour and you might be interested in finding it out... again. This time the player would need the invisibility cloak received from the previous quest.
This idea makes it easier to add another side-story-line for a different character.


Notable Magician
It appears your suggestion has gone much further past the original post :oops: It wouldn't be a terrible idea to start from the beginning and fully write out your idea post-mind-changing
Wow you are a fast reader lol, but yes that might be a good thing. It's half past 11 now so Ill go sleep first lol, Ill try to do that tomorrow!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heya @JustinS!

Thank you for taking the time and consideration on creating this suggestion, as we’re always looking for ways to improve the server and make it fun for all players! Regarding the specific suggestion of adding the invisibility cloak to the game, this will be declined unfortunately. Similar to the suggestion made here, we believe that it would make things unbalanced due to its power and abilities, as well as many other concerns of its use. Therefore, this is something we will not be looking to do in the future.

Regarding the other suggestions (players being rewarded special items at events or earning them from quests), I will bring them up to the rest of the Poltergeist team for further discussion. After the Leadership team comes to a final decision, I will return to you with an update as soon as possible, so keep an eye out on this thread! And again, thank you for making these suggestions!

Have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: Mireiia
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
Hey @JustinS !

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. As there are a lot of parts to this suggestion, some of them were accepted and some were declined. But, overall we will not be moving forward with implementing the special collectables mentioned. However, we do understand that a lot of current collectables have small use and are stand-alone collectables. Because of this, we will instead be implementing more "collections" of collectables where players are encouraged to obtain and show off their sets of collectables gathered in the future.

We don't currently have winners of events and this isn't something we're looking to do, as we prefer teams to work together to unlock a shared goal instead of a single player working on their own.

For the House Cup, we prefer to have items that every player can obtain, to remember the House Cup and congratulate those who were in the house who won.

For Arena competitions we do also have plans to introduce more collectables into the Arena Shop as many players now have a large majority of the shop.

As for quests, our current quests occasionally do reward collectables (such as the Brew Your Brew quest) or gear. We will look into this in the future when suitable and also look into the possibility of awarding certain spells from quests too.

Thank you once again for creating this suggestion, as we do always appreciate them! I hope you have an amazing day regardless, though!